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  1. Hi everyone, Just wanted to share the good news with you all, my PR was granted this morning! Amazing news, after everything I've been through. Details below. All the best to everyone.
  2. Good morning! So, there's a lot of frustration from a lot of people, and it's totally understandable. I'm still waiting for the golden email too, I've been through a lot. I was made redundant just before Christmas (applied to PR on 28 February 2018), so imagine. But I fought for it, and they put me in another business unit. Never give up, never give in. Guys, the way law of attraction works is like this: The more you express a certain emotion, the more of that emotion (or experience) you will get. If you express 'frustration', the "universe" will give you more of this. If you express happiness, the universe will give you more happiness. It's all about on what frequency you're at. You can believe or not, but do the following: 1- Write down in a piece of paper a letter of what you want to get right now. For example, a V for Visa. Draw two circles around it (one circle is a magnetic field, and the other one an electromagnetic field). We create an electromagnetic field when we think and express, and this has been measured by science. Google it. 2- On the left of the paper, write down: Intention. 3- Under intention, write what do you want, how are you going to live this experience once you get this. 4- On the right side, write the title "elevated emotion". 5- Under this title, write down how are you going to feel when you get the V. Write down: in love with life, happy, grateful. 6- Now, close your eyes, and imagine that this experience already happened. It's also scientifically proven that the mind doesn't know the difference between a real experience or one that you create in your mind. If you create an experience in your mind, your brain will change everything as if the experience really happened. And that's when the universe will give it to you. 7- You need to feel those elevated emotions, all day. No frustration allowed, don't rush time, don't get angry. Just, live the present moment. It's better to be here waiting for the PR than in another worse circumstance. Let's be grateful, patient. Nothing to lose by doing this. Start now, live the present! The visa will come! But live like if it already happened. It's a challenge? Yes, but try! All the best. Chris
  3. Sorry, I'm not sure if my details were added in the spreadsheet as requested a while ago. Details are: Occupation: Advertising Specialist State: NSW Country: HR Stream: 457 - 186 TRT Number of applicants: 1 ENS 186 Visa and Nomination applied: 28/02/2018 IMMI Status: Received Nomination: Approved 21/01/2019
  4. Hey guys, I got my company nomination approved yesterday. I applied on 28 February 2019. How long does it usually take to get the Visa granted after getting the nomination approved?
  5. Hello there! Congrats to those who received the golden email! And all the best for those still waiting, like me. Please add my details on the spreadsheet: Occupation: Advertising Specialist State: NSW Country: HR Stream: 457 - 186 TRT Number of applicants: 1 ENS 186 Visa and Nomination applied: 28/02/2018 IMMI Status: Received Thank you
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