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  1. Thank Marisa If we wanted to look at first steps though what would they be, just the same as usual gather evidence etc. Lauren
  2. Hello All Looking for some advise, my partner who is Australian and I are currently living in Bali where we met. He has a business here and at present, we have no plans to live in Australia but there might be a time when we do?? I know when you are in Australia you should register the relationship, we don't feel the need to marry and have no children, we have been together for 3 years living together for 1.5 years, does anyone have experience of applying from out of the country and what step we could take now for the future? I see wait times are very long so don't want to leave it until we make a decision to come back and then have to wait again for processing times!! Any advice appreciated Xx
  3. Everything crossed for you!!! Been following your progress you definitely deserve it!!!! Xx
  4. Such promising news for all us Feb people thanks for sharing and congrats!!!XX
  5. Hello All Just wondering how often the sheet is updated? I haven't seen any updates since i joined? Would love to be added? Xx
  6. Its my understanding from my MA that the CO will request them if you don't already have them in your application, once requested you can book in that week and mine took another week to come through. I hope that helps Xx
  7. I did mine after my application went in as it will be needed, but I know some people wait until asked for them as they can expire if the wait is longer than 12 months, my police checks are about to expire so Ill be re doing them as i'd rather have everything in the application once its opened than delay it further while getting them.
  8. Hello All Please can you add me to the spread sheet Occupation - Restaurant Manager Nomination lodged - 27/2/2018 Visa Application Lodged - 28/2/2018 Received 186 Direct Entry 1 person LR NSW
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