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Everything posted by kaler

  1. Hi virajhu, My time frame is exactly same as yours, same month and years for everything. still waiting. what is your occupation and which state please?
  2. Congratulations
  3. Hi pretty, congratulations can you please tell me the reason of your nomination refusal as i am in the same boat chef DE From vic waiting to hear from AAT since October 2018. your reply would be helpful. thank you
  4. Thank you, what documents you provided to support your case please?
  5. Hi Asees, congratulations can you please tell what reason you gave in you statement? Did you have a lawyer or migration agent? thank you
  6. Congratulations Prety! can you please tell me what documents and questions they asked for? also what was the reason of your nomination refusal. i am in the same subclass nomination refusal ( chef, Victoria). Reason of my refusal was too many chefs working snd business in loss. your reply would be really helpful. Thank you
  7. Hi, can i please ask what was the reason for your visa refusal and What was the decision on your nomination, which state? Thanks
  8. Hi, has anyone appealed to AAT and waiting for chef or cook nomination refusal? your reply would be appreciated. any update please.
  9. Hi all, is anyone waiting or has got aat decision for chef nomination refusal in victoria or any other state? We filed aat in October 2018, occupation chef , 187 Rsms, Please update me if anyone on the same boat. Thank you
  10. Thank you I cant believe that happened because business turnover was.2.7 million.
  11. i got some bad new’s got nomination refused as a chef turnover 2.7 million victotia applied 6 feb 2017 base package $55,875 reason:: given organisational structure not updated & 4 chefs no need but 2 left two years before so it was only me and my head chef never thought of updating business structure every else including financials were updated even three months worked two and half years genuine had two payrise genuine 11 years in australia feel like killing myself waheguru tuhade sarea te mehar kre god bless you all
  12. anyone else with last updating of 17 nov 2017 chef victoria applied :4 feb 17 20 months now
  13. Anyone got approved feb 2017 chef vic?? i m still waiting??
  14. Congratulations !!what is your occupation and which state please?
  15. Hi congratulations to you.Can u pls tell me what is the validity of medical and overseas police clearance.was your wife overseas or in Australia? how long you guys been married and what sort of relationship proof they asked for?did they ask you for this proof earlier or did u provide them anything while lodging you file? your reply will be appreciated. thanks
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