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Everything posted by vika

  1. Hi Alan, I will contact you to see if it's possible to associate an agent when the application is ongoing. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hi members, I'm in panic mode right now. My parents changed their residence two years ago and didn't realise I had to update the Visa office about it until we got new passports last month and I filled the 929 forms and submitted today. While submitting I noticed on the 929 form that we need to inform the department before moving if we change residence for more than 14 days while the application is being processed. Have I just complicated my parents' application ?? Please let me know how I can set things right if I messed up. If that's something alright - please let me know. Thanks.
  3. Hey folks, for anyone else who might be interested, I contacted Home Affairs, we need to submit for 929 by email to 929@homeaffairs.gov.au
  4. Can someone please tell me how to update details of parents passport / address ? I have listed myself as the person who will be communicating on their behalf and receiving communication - so I will have to do this. Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks @Anksfor your response - appreciate it. I think I will go with Subclass 600. And thanks @LindaH27for your information about the timeline - so helpful and relieving! Very helpful you both
  6. Hello folks, Both my parents are in the queue for 143. I applied for it in September 2018 - Queue letter was received in September 2021. I am aware there is still a wait time for me to be asked for documents etc. In the mean time , I wanted to know about what is the best VISA I can get them here on which can offer a fairly longer visit. They have visited before with Subclass 800 and per stay for 1 year duration. This was before applying for 143. Is that the best I can choose now as well ? Or are there any newer types of subclass I can try. Please let me know. Appreciate the help.
  7. Hi @Alan Collett - I will connect with you directly on this one. Thanks for your inputs and help!!
  8. Hi @Alan Collett - thanks much for your response. I am handling the applications myself for my parents. I have provided all the documents necessary for the application. So, I believe the application is complete. I have nothing else to update the department except for address change - which I am going to do shortly. Hopefully, I'm all good here. Can I hook up a migration agent at this stage to look into the applications even though I have already submitted it ? If not too late ? If yes, happy to go that way. Thanks for your inputs, appreciate it.
  9. Thanks for your details post @LindaH27. Appreciate it. After a night's sleep, I can let this sink in... it is what it is at the end of the day. Hoping humanity wins and the March's report has some good news. Thanks again!
  10. Hi Lady Jane, If I may ask, any idea when you got the Queue Letter from the department and what the processing time was at that time on their website when you received the queue letter? I got a queue letter last month and I applied in Sep 2018. I wanted to know what the remaining wait time could be. Though, it cannot be precise, I thought it would give me a rough idea. Thanks.
  11. I got the acknowledgement within one week of applying in Sep 2018 itself. Last month, I got a queue letter stating that my application has been now placed in a queue because of the cap of maximum number of VISA allowed to be granted in a year. Remaining processing time was said to be something that cannot be estimated. It's just all in the dark. If the above comment by Tulip is the real state of affairs, then my total time would will be about 10 years from the date of application. I find it hard to even type this.
  12. Hi Tulip, Thanks for your response, appreciate it. I understand what you are saying. I'm just going to die instead of breaking this news to my parents. This is unbelievable. Thanks though.
  13. Hi All, I applied for my parents' 143 VISA in September 2018. I got a queue letter email from the department on Dec 2021. When I originally applied, the wait time was approximately 4 years on their website. What is the significance of the queue letter received with respect to wait times ? Any indications that could give us a clue about the wait times before we hear from the department for processing ? :'((((
  14. Thanks, I decided not to risk it. Appreciate your inputs.
  15. Hi All, I'm a PR in Australia and have lived for over 5 years. My 'Must not enter after" date of my PR has expired. And I don't have a Returning Resident VISA. I have spoken to the immigration about going to a 'round-trip' cruise from Sydney to New Caledonia and Vanuatu and back to Sydney and it is considered as a stay in Australia itself and I don't need an RRV to come back. I don't want to was $800 for an RRV (for myself and partner. Daughter is a Aus. Citizen) HOWEVER, in case of any medical emergencies or other unforeseen situations, if I have to go to another country and come back, I need an RRV. Is it a big risk I'm taking travelling with a toddler (Aus. Citizen) ? Or is it Manageable ? In case of any awkward situations, will I have problems in my Citizenship Application ? I have already informed immigration about this. They have added this information to my citizenship file and they said, decision is up to me regarding RRV. Please advise. Any related experiences?
  16. I just applied for my parents 143 PR last year (September 2018) - and I'm almost in tears reading this. Nothing we can do to push the PVC department to make our voices heard ?!?
  17. Hi MillieB, Thanks for your help. Does this mean even if I have provided main applicant's partner's (my mom) passport details, etc. in Form 47PA, she still needs to fill 47A as well ??
  18. Hi Forum members, Thanks for all your information so far - I'm really grateful. I'm having an absolute nightmare understanding one section of the 47PA form: Part H – Members of the family unit aged 18 years or over (Each member of the family unit aged 18 years or over listed below, whether they are migrating or not, must also complete a form 47A Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over.) 1) So, I have a sister living in my parent's country. She is married and her life is generally independent from ours. Should the sentence "child or other dependent family member" be interpreted as " [child] and [other-dependent] " or " [child and other]-dependent". So, basically should we as children need to fill this section up even if we are not dependent on our parents just because we are the members of the same family ? If not, the only section to mention our relationship is in: Part J – Details of other family members. 2) Here, should my father and mother both have our names listed in their respective sections? Sorry for this complicatedly phrased question.
  19. Hi MillieB, Wow! That's great. Could you kindly tell me how long after you mailed the application did you get the news of progress ? Thanks so much!!!!
  20. My most important concern is: Will I get any acknowledgement / letter / email saying the 143 application is accepted by PVC so that I can complete my wait in India and get them back here after that - how would I know that I have applied successfully ? How long to wait offshore? Thanks very much!
  21. Hi forum members, My parents are here on subclass 600 VISA with 'no further stay' condition since Jan 2018. They intended to stay until Jan 2019. But as I plan to apply for their 143 PR, I am travelling back to India with them and lodging the VISA application from there. After lodgement, I intend to have them back here in a month's time with the same subclass 600 VISA they currently have. My questions are: 1) Will the same 600 VISA they have allow them to enter Australia after applying for VISA 143. 2) Will I get any acknowledgement / letter / email saying the 143 application is accepted by PVC so that I can get them back here after that. 3) Once they are here and go back after having stayed a cumulative 12 months in the tourist VISA, how soon can I apply for another subclass 600 when their PRis in progress ? 4) I am their sponsor, so am I required to be in Australia when the PR application is couriered to PVC ?
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