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Everything posted by JDJones

  1. No. Still waiting for an invite since July. I think my only hope is that when my points go up next July because of work experience, I'll have 70 and "should" get a 189 invite... but then again, I thought I should receive a 190 invite with 65+5, so who knows??? Sigh!!
  2. Anyone a secondary teacher on here and been invited recently?
  3. I've got 65 + 5 with state sponsorship. Putting in for a 189 is just not worth it at the moment as I wouldn't be considered with only 65 points for at least a year. I can't help but keep thinking the lack of invites is more political than because of some back log or lack of demand.
  4. It's crazy! I honestly did not anticipate having to wait this long just to be invited for a 190. If anyone could provide some answers, I'd be grateful!
  5. I took my 189 out because I don't stand a chance with 65 points, or at least not for an entire year. For now, 190 seems my only route in. Why is NSW taking so long to issue invites?
  6. Hi. I submitted my EOI on the 31st July. I'm a secondary teacher with 70 points. I still haven't heard anything yet...
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