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Posts posted by Parkesy

  1. What are everyones thoughts on having a clean up of the spreadsheet? I see a few people including myself have updated their entry to say that they are still waiting. Think thats a pretty good idea. I imagine there is a good portion of people who have received their visa and then left the forum. Might bring a bit of a hope having a spring clean! 

    Perhaps after a month of being asked if they are still waiting they can be given a different colour or moved to the bottom? Just a thought anyway.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Deh said:

    I won't be able to give much detail but someone I know got their visa approved mid January 2018. She applied as a Marketing Specialist around April 2017, TRT, HR, 3 people, onshore, Melbourne.
    I know them but I'm not close enough to ask details about documentation and so on, sorry.

    Well thats something at least. Thanks for sharing the info.

  3. I've been trying not to whinge or panic too hard (my visa is very time sensitive for reasons I can't go into!) but the process times and the way customers are being handled is actually appalling. Its my third visa run after two 457's and this is by far the most painful. A friend of mine recently had her PR approved after two years for a TRT project manager. Two years! She has been in the country working for 8 years at a large, approved sponsor institution. Astonishing really that a country built on its immigrant workforce is acting so nonchalent towards the very skilled labour that made this country what it is today. I agree with the tightening up of visa categories/occupations/requirements where workers are being exploited or there is an over-supply, but to undermine the skilled visa process by what I believe to be a strategy of under-resourcing that leads to many to become ineligible is pretty low. 

    Rant over!:biglaugh:

  4. 3 hours ago, oscar said:

    TRT Accountant Nov 2016. 

    Nearly 15 months, this is fking piece of XXXX.  They dont understand how many oppotunities we have lost just because this crap. Why cant we simply change company but have to do this fking xxxx ALL OVER AGAIN.

    I am fking out of patience. It was a hugh mistake to lodge in 2016 because they dont give a xxxx.  I am done.

    Anyone here being waiting that long? BTW, what skiil level is accountant??? I saw you guys discuss the skill level a lot lately.


    Thats a vey long time. Nomination approved at least. More than some of us!


  5. 1 hour ago, Vic154 said:

    I’m in same boat as you, work for big company and senior position. Been here 6yrs and worked every day I’ve been here.

    It’s annoying because all my mates who got their PR pre-April 2017 announcement all got theirs in around 4 months regardless of occupation, etc, seemed to be pretty standard timeframes back then. Now, no one has a clue how long it’s going to be.

    My MA told me last week I’m looking at anywhere from 6 to 16 months...at the moment. Bit of a wide timeframe that!!

    Oh really? 4 months is bloody quick! Well let us all know how you get on. 

    That time frame is hilarious ha. Is that from now? Or from when you lodged it?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Vic154 said:

    Thanks for the info! So your job dictates your skill level? You don’t have multiple skill levels per job depending on your own individual experience?

    Not true I will get it soon, I applied 01SEP17 but other people with same job TRT on list been waiting since Feb/March. Who knows....

    Its just luck of the draw IMO. Im skill level 1, high earning bracket, marketing specialist from an approved sponsor (large university), all docs submitted in June. Heard nothing.

    This is my third time going through the Aussie visa process and it never gets easier. Just gets worse! I paid nearly 40k in tax last year - you would think that the would want to make it easier for people like myself and many others in this thread ha!

  7. 1 hour ago, Fida said:

    Congratulations to both, When it comes to doctor, university faculties and some high businesses that  directly or indirectly benefit Government get their processing Quick. Immi cant challenge universities, or Medical boards etc.. I have seen many many applicants from above who got their PRs in less than 4-5 months with no sponsorship docs asked...Happy for you guys


    But its Ridiculous that organizations that cant profit Govt/dept gets long waiting hours .



    Not necessarily. I work for Australia's top university and Ive been waiting 7.5 months so far with application still received, TRT 186

  8. 3 minutes ago, Nemesis said:

    Why is it nuts? Its a small office, not the entire department!  I'm sure the poor guy is working to the best of his ability, and the last thing he needs when he's trying to process your visas is people ringing up, giving him hassle and stopping him from actually working!

    You have completely misinterpreted what I was referring to. If he is on his own then it is 'nuts' - as in I can't believe the guy is having to deal with so much.

    Thanks for your wisdom.

  9. 3 hours ago, Fida said:

    Hello All...

    I contacted Immi Dept of Parramatta following contact details from my acknowledgement receipt. The person said at this stage, ENS 186 would take 12-14 Months as they are short of staff, and after noting down my details he stated that my FILE didnt get allocated yet. 

    I told him that if my medical and other things expire in time and my file remains untouched then i would not go for the tests again as it cost me half of my pay which i cant afford just because of your side staff issues, I also told him that I would walk IN person to your office if it crosses 10 months of time as i 've got many commitments which are simply getting dragged , He replied : IM THE ONLY PERSON SITTING IN THIS IMMIGRATION OFFICE , If you come In you would find me and would get the same ANSWER.


    I'm seriously thinking to lodge complain or see some one f2f, Its just not Right. He didnt had any answer to my information about approving recent applications and leaving behind previous/old ones. He also mentioned that at this stage : dept is processing applications of April-Sept 2016 

    Not good to hear this! How frustrating.

    Are you TRT or Direct? What is your occupation? Cheers


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