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Posts posted by Parkesy

  1. 46 minutes ago, lloydy87 said:

    It looks like what the MA's were saying about the conference was correct.

    I got my MA to call and a case officer called him the next day asking for a lot of details/information because my file is around 11 months old.

    My MA advised that the case officers request would only be over the phone and it wouldn't be put on my online file.

    She also advised that we have 7 days to provide the information.

    They want everything from figures, BAS, training for the last 4 years , proof of work for the year before I applied. I'm not sure if calling has annoyed them and they want to be more thorough than normal.

    Hopefully it will be sorted soon.



    At least its moving mate!! You TRT?

  2. 22 minutes ago, Amy86 said:

    I think that we don't need to worry about Visa rejection...

    Why they should not approve our Visa? 

    The only people who need to worry are those who apply with fake diploma and fake experience or other dodgy staff.


    Completely agree. There will certainly be many borderline cases or businesses which haven't met the threshold however

  3. 33 minutes ago, Fida said:

    She said they are just making things tough and time consuming may be because of the upcoming changes to 457/186.

    So strange. Seems counterproductive as all the people who have already applied are not affected by those changes. The only reason I see is that they will assess after March, reject them for the smallest thing, and then make people re-apply under the new conditions...

  4. 51 minutes ago, Fida said:

    Hello All

    As like some one posted an update from his MA after attending meeting with dept some where yesterday, I got the similar information from my MA as she attended that meeting too and she advised me that due to changes in 457 and 186 since last year and coming march,dept is playing real tough on all 186 Applicants and the only thing best advised is to WAIT.


    Nothing New ayyy? 

    Tough in what sense? Rejecting applications? I thought the other poster said that was in relation to 187's?


    Im not personally worried about that as Im with an approved sponsor who has over 9000 staff in Melbourne and im exceed all criteria! Did she mention processing wait times?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jimmynut24 said:

    My friend who was asked for their AFP police checks by a case officer got a response back from them with a query about her submissions the same day she submitted her police certificates. So the 28 day thing...is that real or a myth as clearly not the case for my friend.

    Its definitely a thing but its totally inconsistent 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Jimmynut24 said:

    I applied June 2017 as marketing specialist (186 ENS Direct)

    My friend applied in November 2017 as a Midwife (186 ENS Direct)

    My Friend had hers allocated to a case officer this week....ahhhhhhhh! Me...I am still waiting

    Going to be a long wait for us marketing folk! Nobody has seen any movement for months!

  7. 26 minutes ago, kate f said:


    I don't know of any marketing specialists approved this year sadly.

    We are still waiting - visa details below, 19 and a half months and no sign of PR. :( 

    Praying someone is going to look after us soon!! 

    Occupation: Marketing Specialist
    Visa type: 186 ENS TRT Onshore
    Country risk: Low
    Employer: Not approved yet
    Occupation list: STOL
    Nomination lodged: 14/7/16
    Visa lodged: 25/7/16

    IMMI Status: Received

    Holy sh1t!! That must be tough!!

  8. 22 minutes ago, dodziu said:

    Got this info yesterday from MA in Darwin. Anyone has more info about 186 refusal rate ?


    "Our Director and Principal Migration Agent, Manuela Seiberth, attended the information session delivered by the Department of Home Affairs in Brisbane today. Departmental staff gave updates about the new Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (TSS, previous 457) as well as 186 and 187 Visas and the changes in March 2018. Some of the facts that have been alarming is the high refusal rate of 187 RSMS Visas. There has been an increase from 13% in 2016 to 50% of visa applications being refused in 2018!! Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming changes!!"


    Nope but that is intense!

    Anything on the 186 in general?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Rai said:

    Cook TRT applied 11 month did not hear anything yesterday i call them and now they said file allocated to team not case officer so still it will take time to get case officer then he will ask for documents is there anyone else also going through same experience 

    Depends if they mean its been allocated to a team like NSW PESE or not. If he/she meant that, then you are in the same boat as everyone else. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Sk8009 said:


    i am also applying on a ms 186 visa. Application lodged March last year and still no decision.

    have been asked three times now for additional documents regarding nomination, which is so annoying because of the 28 day que.

    does anyone know once nomination has been approved how long it takes for the visa component to be approved ?

    i have read quite far back but couldn’t find much information about that.

    this whole process is so frustrating, I’m literally at my wits end.

    Ive seen 3 days and Ive seen over 6 months

  11. 24 minutes ago, Rob81 said:

    I haven't heard any marketing specialist approvals  over the last 6/8 months.

    I know friends who had applied in Dec 2016 and got the visa in Jun 2017 as marketing specialist

    other friends who applied in May and June 2017 as MS are all waiting

    I think a realistic timeline for MS is no less than 12 months.

    But I m just guessing


    There were two mentioned in this forum, friends of another poster, who were fron March 2017 and got approved maybe in Jan. Apart from that agreed - nothing.

    To be honest not many occupations in general are getting approved unless its ICT!

  12. 4 minutes ago, lloydy87 said:

    A lot of these types of jobs could be filled by Australian's though I'm guessing and this is the Liberals big thing right now? (Letting Australian's know that they are protecting Australian jobs)


    Yeah I get that but you would think that strong public policy in this area as opposed to manipulation of processing times would be a better, more visible look to there supporters!

  13. 1 minute ago, Ozdream1 said:

    I think there's a high number of applications for Marketing specialist. That's why, some people are waiting since June 2016...????

    More likely than clamping down I agree mate. Clamping down on a rogue employers is one thing but not on occupations generally.


    Wish I knew how they allocated jobs to their CO's haha. So annoying!

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