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Everything posted by Emily-Jane

  1. Thank you very much for your help. Your idea is actually very good and I could consider that, I would be able to complete my A levels but still have the chance to move over when I'm done because my family would already be settled there. We have already validated the visas (only in August), so I am already ahead. Again, thank you very much, you have been very helpful and I will feed this information back to my parents.
  2. Thank you very much for getting back to me! Yes, my parents have looked into the schooling situation very much and understand that its very difficult and a lot to consider. I would definitely like to attend University and my parents have heard about the possible new law of raising uni fees if you have not been a citizen for over 4 years, do you know any more on this situation? I have only just started my A Levels this week and so completing them would be another two years away; a long wait for my whole family.
  3. Emily-Jane


    Hi, my name is Emily-Jane and I'm 16 years old, 17 in December. My family and I are seriously considering moving into Brisbane in January; we have visas sorted. I have a great life here in the UK and would be leaving so much behind but I also understand that living out in Australia will create amazing opportunities for me. I was wondering if there was anyone that I can talk to around my age that is also in the same situation as me, or has already moved over and has any advice they could share with me. I would really appreciate it because talking to someone would definitely help and maybe allow me to see other perspectives or learn more about what it's like to be a teenager living in Australia. Thank you! xx
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