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  1. I have passed my citizenship test on 5th of fab but my immi account still showing received, I didn’t received any approval letter either. Is this a normal or should I contact them to find out?
  2. “Sat sri Akaal everyone” aka “truth is the ultimate God” 12 year struggle ended with win, gone through every aspect of life but never given up! Big congrats for whoever got their visa and best wishes for whoever waiting... keep in mind rough time will make even stronger if you keeps fight. “if you holding full work right, and working part time or not at all in your nominated position, seriously you loosing” Cook,de 187, Vic, nominations and visa August 16, 2016 granted on 10/07/2018
  3. re fSeems like your application in process now, just check your immi account mailbox or email, and check with your migration agent! I’m from August 16, vic, cook no update yet, 187 de
  4. You don’t need to take another one, just upload the one you provided before. At the time of your application pte report was valid, end of story
  5. Hey dear, when did your colleague applied for 187? Timeline of that colleague pls
  6. May be certificate 4 could be the reason, you can not change your contact to sous chef. Your employer should pay equal to you who’s performing cook duties.
  7. Local worker must get paid same or higher for the same position as overseas workers get paid, if you are cook and get 54000k annually, your local co worker should get paid same as yours or above for cook position
  8. That was big mistake not submitting the accountant audit letter, it’s required documents when we submit the nomination application. Accountant letter certify that all the financial documents is correct, it’s not bogus.
  9. I’m so sorry to hear that, nowadays immigration have really strict approach on permanent application. Im currently on 457 as cook, and waiting for my 187 same position with same employer, nomination and visa was applied in August 2016. Business seems to be very strong, but my tension arises whenever I read refusal of the nomination. Could you please discuss more about your employer business like no of staff full time and part time , total labour cost and total annual sale and profit!
  10. I have applied for 187 DE in August 2016 as cook, currently I’m working for the same business on 457 from June 2016. Should I withdraw my 187 visa application and apply for ens in June, or wait for 187 ! Is someone waiting same as me for the visa?
  11. Sorry to hear that, could you please explain more about your business? I’m waiting from August 2016
  12. 10-11 months, my friend got pr in exactly 10 months. Hey Reema, when did you lodge your application?
  13. Hi Reema, I'm on 457 cook for last one year and applied for 187 from same employer. Nomination and visa was lodged on 17 aug 2016. Still application status showing received!
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