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  1. Hey guys, It is my turn this time. nom & visa applied on 21/9/2016 and granted on 11/3/2017. No doc requested. ENS via agent haven't heard from MA yet due to the long weekend, but I can see from IMMIACCOUNT. Early childhood teacher WA pese sep applications are surprisingly fast. Good luck with everyone.
  2. Hello, Im new here I wonder whether anyone has the same problem like me or someone has experiences towards this issue. I am contracted with 38hours but sometimes I was less paid in the past two years (shown in about 20payslips, some of them were made up in the following pay period, some were just left like that). I handed in 4 payslips to MA and I just found out that 2 of them were not tatally 38h, just 0.5h or 0.25h less. Will it be a big issue and quite serious? what's your guys ideas? Thx and have a happy holiday!
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