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Posts posted by Izzielizzie

  1. Hi @Nasir, did you make the observation based on comments in this forum? If allocation is based on skill level, I don't see why mine would be delayed given my qualifications and experience. My occupation is also under ANZSCO Skill Level 1 and I also know two academics whose grants took 10-12 months so it can't be that.


    Or did you mean that they push back after approving X number of applicants with the same occupation?? Or prioritise occupations that are "in-demand" as per SOL? I hope not - that should only be for skillselect/state sponsored ones and not for 186! If they are making that a standard for allocation priority for ENS, that's unfair.


    I'm so disheartened by this entire process.


    186 DE | Nom: 08/04/16 Visa: 18/04/16

  2. Hi guys,


    Rang immigration to ask since our nomination was lodged early April and there have been grants from mid-April, June and July. The lady I spoke to could only advice RE visa application and said that it hasn't even been allocated to a team yet and that they are still processing late FEB!


    She was kind enough to say that MAYBE, given the current pace - apparently there has been some overtime lately - that it will likely be picked up over the next month. But no promises, of course. :cry: Feel so gutted - have been so anxious yet hopeful - thought that a large (company) employer plus our complete application counted for something but maybe they weigh other things more?


    I don't understand why the processing times are so varied. Is it just due to chance or being HR or DE means it takes longer to even get a CO or a team allocation??

  3. Hi @JessApri8 we have nearly identical timelines (nomination 8th) but we've not heard anything at all and my visa application status still says 'received'..:sad:


    What form did they ask from your employer by the way? Thanks!


    Good Morning, I've received a call from my MA. Immi requested another form from my employer as there was a little error.


    Finally my case allocated a CO now! it's going through NSW office.


    My timeline: Nom 8 April 2016, Visa 11 April.

    HR, 457, Marketing Specialist.


    Finger crossed for all of us!!

  4. @FingerscrossPR, is this for me?? If so, hope you're right, ha!:wacko: Lodged our nomination 8th of April.


    A few early April grants here (and on the spreadsheet) got me excited, but some don't have details - HR/LR, no. of people, nomi dates - so it's harder to gauge whether it matters..or if they're just lucky/unique, etc.


    Others from previous months haven't gotten theirs yet. I wonder why this is the case. Prayers for all of us. The anxiety is increasingly harder to keep at bay.


    Yours shall be soon. It'/ up to 7now.
  5. Hi @khanpurharpreet, CONGRATS - hope you get the PR this week! By the way, I noticed your spreadsheet profile doesn't have details - can you please share?

    - HR/LR?

    - No of people in application?

    - Stream? Transition, Direct entry or Agreement?


    It'll help the rest of us compare and track, THANKS!


    Hi my Nomination apply 06/04/2016 Grant 02/11/2016 thank



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Hi @FingerscrossPR, I'm not sure..but it seems from the spreadsheet alone that more cases are allocated to the NSW PESE office which may mean that they have more resources for 186 at least?? It's really encouraging that (early) April processing seems to have started. Let's hope that we see more PR grants before the week ends!

  7. Hi, I know someone whose MA has another case with a CO already - lodged 5th of April - but that's all I've heard so far..and I don't know if that really means that they'll be allocating our cases in general. There seems to be a number of unresolved cases from prior months..



    Does anyone has information when Immi is going to start April's applications ??



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. Hi, hope we see more approvals ASAP. Last week we had PR grants here every single day! Bet I'm not the only one who started feeling more hopeful (and less anxious), thinking this might mean that the pace is improving - that they would get to our applications sooner rather than later.

    The roller coaster of emotions and anxiety while waiting for our grant is insane.:wacko: I wonder if it would really help if I stop checking..but I can't seem to stop..:dull:


    Not even single grant on yesterday?


    last week i was very happy to see few grants and I thought they are now processing the files bit faster

  9. Hi everyone, also lodged in April - tomorrow signals the onset of month 7 for us - hope we start getting approvals soon!


    It would be brilliant if the quicker pace continues..really keen to see PR grant posts everyday this week, much like last week. It also somehow helps keep anxiety at bay, knowing the line's moving and that the calvary has ended for some of our mates here.

  10. @Wanderergs, WOW, CONGRATS! Ha ha, will you look at that - just yesterday we were over-analysing the spreadsheet and agreeing that the FEB timeline seems like a standard response!


    It's so odd that each time I read about someone's PR being granted, I feel a real sense of happiness and relief...as if I actually know the strangers in this forum, ha ha! Maybe it's because we all share different and yet similar strain and anxiety that most others will never fully comprehend.


    Speaking from someone who's been obsessively analysing the spreadsheet data, it does seem like the pace has started to quicken! I did read that there has been progress in resolving the industrial action - perhaps that has helped. Or maybe I'm being too optimistic. Let's hope this pace continues or improves.


    Best of luck to all of us and congrats to all the new PRs!

  11. Hi @copeland52 adn @Wanderergs, noticed that too, though the approved June ones had their nominations lodged FEB/MAR...for April, all approved have nominations lodged prior. For May, there was someone who got approved really quickly, but via the Agreement stream.

    Hopefully we see more approvals in the next few weeks! This waiting is maddening.:daydreaming:


    Don't be misled by that update, Wanderergs. The current spreadsheet shows that at least 3 applications from June 2016 have been processed with PR visae granted! It will depend upon the CO and office in question. It may be that the bulk of processing is still in FEB16/MAR16 .... but they have already reached beyond that. Cheers.
  12. Thanks @as1166 and congrats on the speedy processing of your visa! @Redtomatoes, luckily someone else did it - just catching up on things here from last week. Forcing myself to minimise the constant checking since it makes me feel more anxious.


    Hope we hear more good news today!


    Here is another spreadsheet, I copied as much as possible from the previous one and made some updates.

    Please feel free to update, add, or change.




  13. I agree! Same sentiments. I saw some new grants here that haven't even been added onto the sheet..and what about new entries?


    It needs to be open and accessible in real-time, else the data is no longer accurate and won't really help us maintain our sanity, guesstimate, nor track anything. Asking us to login and request edit access is no good - I'm sure a lot will hesitate due to privacy.


    The only people using it are the ones that need it - no need to lock it - we all want the same thing. Hope the owner can change it soonest, else it'll lose its value..and it really helps so that would be unfortunate.

  14. Hi @Udin, congrats on your nom approval - shouldn't be long for you now! Hope you can answer my questions - for the AFP check (with different names), was it due to an official name change that you didn't include in your AFP clearance?


    I answered the 'other names known as' question with a yes, although it's only casually. Also included this in my AFP check...so hopefully they won't ask me for another one?


    Just wondering if I should get it to prevent any delays since it looks like everything is dragging too long..hope to hear from you, thanks!


    Hi guys just got nomination approved request for more documents for visa

    birth certificate


    and AFP check with different names

    nomination and visa 14 March 2016

    file assessed in wese

  15. @roxy22 Congrats! Must feel amazing! Were you asked to provide other documents? Did you find out that your papers were being processed at all or did you just get approved? Also, did you get your nomination and visa granted at the same time?


    Thanks and enjoy your PR!


    Hi Guys,


    I am glad to tell you that I got my PR just a few minutes ago.


    Thanks for this forum that help us to go though this time.


    My timeline is:


    456 to 186 transition

    Visa and nomination applied on 08/03/2016

    2 ppl HR country

    Software Developer

    • Like 1
  16. Hi @Dave87, the stress is painful! Late nights thinking, checking and stressing is increasingly the norm as the days go by...


    Given your dates and the fact it's been allocated though, shouldn't you get it any day now? Curious that your online account still says 'Received'? So they don't necessarily update?


    By the way, when did you contact IMMI to ask about your case? Also, does IMMI work Saturdays?

  17. Hi @Payphone, often wonder the same. My guess would be case allocation may be random within a certain fixed timeframe, ie. 3-6 months, but grant timeline would depend on how easy/quickly they can assess based on key factors:

    - Employer - faster for larger/stable companies with transparent/solid finances, training, hiring structure etc. that don't need further review?

    - How complete/decision-ready the nom/application are upon submission

    - Any other extra details - ie. number of applicants over 18, any extended family in application, ie. elderly parents, any health/character declarations?

    - HR/LR?

    - Work experience to be assessed in AU or overseas?

    Just guessing though - if anyone can shed light, that would be great.

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