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Posts posted by Izzielizzie

  1. Hi Nasir, we discussed this here some pages ago as a few of us were a bit concerned: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/showthread.php?t=158703&page=3164 - note that since then, we have seen approvals for occupations that were flagged. Hoping that's a good sign. Starting to feel really sad and depressed now. This whole experience - and the hopping from visa to visa for nearly a decade now - has been torture. If this doesn't work out, I wonder where we can move..and if we still have the energy and "fight" needed to start all over again.:biglaugh:


    Changes to Skilled Occupations List Flagged

    Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List



  2. Hi @Nasir, yes, still 'received' and as of last week, had not been allocated. My employers are dumbfounded - apparently 4-6 months was the usual for nominations in the past.


    Our stats analysis failed - there's obviously something we're not factoring in or isn't on the spreadsheet. But I'm not alone. There's 18 of us from April and several more from Jan-March and even 2015 ones that have not been processed yet. I keep trying to not check in but can't help it. It wouldn't be so bad if we could have a definitive timeframe at least. :cry:


    PS. I'm now a senior forum member, ha ha!


    Hey Izzie! You are still here waiting for your grant?? This is horrendous :mad: :arghh:
  3. So weird - there are 18 of us in April just waiting..and more from Jan-March and late 2015 still waiting. I wonder why??


    Could case allocated be based on where we live? Just a random thought - is it possible that they have a limit of approvals based on the state where you live? Or maybe allocation is based on this and there are more applicants from our state?


    Humour me, can I ask the ones waiting longer which state you're a resident of? We're onshore NSW.



    we have no choice

  4. @lellor, I'm DE - yes, noticed that for some transition ones too!


    @Zee140416, that theory makes sense - but you would think they'd have a contingency plan for slow teams - how can it be that so many older cases have not been allocated at all, and they're already approving cases in the new financial year? I didn't use an MA for the visa app, but have asked and they said this is very odd.


    @April16 and @APR15, on our spreadsheet alone only 57% of APR cases have been finalised! I know we are basically helpless and will just have to wait, but surely once it has gone well past average processing times, they would at least notice and start prioritising older cases?


    You'd think that they'd try to catch up on backlog at least..or give us an idea as to the timeframe. So painful and worst bit is not knowing when or why. Over 10 months for a number of us now and a few have messaged me - they've been waiting since Jan, Feb and @aussiepr has been waiting over 510 days!


    Right so I just noticed that I am now a 'senior member' in the forum - to think I only joined 4+ months after lodging. Ha ha. Good luck to us all. Hope it comes this month for us. Let's will it.



    I am waiting too. No movement since we lodged in April. Unlucky us..

  5. Hi, oh jeez. My heart bleeds for you! I cannot imagine waiting that long?? 510 days! Is it still 'received'?? Have they never been in touch?? I didn't realise we still had 2015 applicants and a few suggested that they might have just forgotten to update..though I did think that was unlikely because personally, I'd be very excited to update should our app be granted. Have you asked IMMI or your MA (if you used one?)


    There are people who still waiting since september, october november december 2015 with no response from immi at all. Those guys disappeared from the forum. I know few who msg me are still waiting. And guess what? Im waiting more than 510 days
  6. Any FEB, MAR and APR applicants whose cases haven't even been allocated yet? It's over 10 months for us now! Getting so depressing.


    We submitted nom and visa, frontloaded all requirements (and even forms they didn't ask for), etc. - everything to get it done ASAP to no avail. I notice there hasn't been much approvals for the earlier months at all. Does anyone have any news?

  7. Congrats @Richo - great news! Hope we can join you in the forum in about a year's time!


    @jess6 - thanks and yes, agreed. If there were no other extenuating circumstances, probably wouldn't be this stressed but there are other things going on and our status affects everything. But I'm sure the wait is hell for everyone. Keeping away is a good idea. I've been doing that too and even just mentally blocking related thoughts as much as possible.


    Hi @Gary1985, sent you a PM. If your file hasn't even been allocated, you should definitely call IMMI. They are already allocating/processing MAR-JUN files so technically, if you ring, yours should be prioritised. Best of luck!


    Hi everyone! Hope we see a week full of grants. Praying they finish a big chunk of the older cases this month too..and that the standard response of MAR-JUN doesn't drag on.



    Nom and Visa lodged: April-2016 | Status: Received

  8. Hi @jess6, I appreciate your individual viewpoint and that you are trying to be helpful - thank you. But note that we lodged more than two months before you did and have been here jumping from temp visa to another, way longer. Additionally, our circumstances are different.


    Wish I felt the same way but after everything (in our personal situation) and nearly 300 days in, I can no longer justify the poor mismanagement and the misery it has caused many of us. I feel for those waiting even longer. After a certain period of time has elapsed, is it too much to ask that they at least give a definitive timeframe, not a 'it might be allocated in a month' answer when we ring - something I've already heard more than once.


    In relation to the theories - they are all just that - theories. I've based my presumptions on chats with IMMI officials/staff and my own observations. Don't blame staff and can empathize however, I find the department's overall lack of foresight, transparency and communication to applicants atrocious.


    Let's just all support each other and respect the differences in opinions and mindset. This forum is a wonderful support - thank you for trying to help a stranger.

  9. Hi Richo,


    Yes, it's insane. Still a shocker to us that we've been waiting this long. Initially advised 4-6 months all things considered. Initially, thought that the ones who got delayed were more complicated cases or perhaps their employer wasn't very stable, etc. But now that our own complete, straightforward app hasn't even been allocated, I'm not sure what to think. There doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern from the limited data we have.


    I agree RE transparency - or they should manage expectations better. If the volume's extra high, perhaps they could have added more staff to these cases, or at least announced or sent an automated email providing more realistic timelines.


    In one of my calls before (maybe OCT or NOV), I asked why there were cases after my timeline that had already been processed, and she said there are other factors considered. But when I prodded, she noted that she was not in a position to disclose. She even told me to relax because we were already onshore, working, etc. Awful. As if we have no other considerations and this didn't impact on so many facets of our lives.


    Sorry guys, such a debbie downer - seem to have used up all my immigration optimism this week. Hope I can get outta this rut asap.


    Hi Lizzie,


    300 days that's tough... It has been 228 days since my nomination was issued (which is less than you and many others) and I issued what my MA considers is a decision ready visa application 5 days later. There is such little transparency provided in relation to the processing of residency applications which makes the whole process a much more stressful than it needs to be. It would be good to know and to be able to track our positions in the queue.

  10. Hi @pauljoh1, I rang IMMI last December giving them my details and the person I spoke to said something akin to: 'You lodged April - we're still processing March. Oh, wait, you're Direct entry." Then, he asked me to hold as he clarified with colleagues. He came back to the phone to say that they were still processing Feb for DE. That's only one person in IMMI though, but just looking at the timeframes for early 2016 (on the spreadsheet albeit being simply a snapshot), it does seem to ring true.


    Also, I have not been contacted and neither has my employer. As of last week, they noted that our case had not been allocated at all, citing high volume and limited staff over the holidays. We lodged complete nom and visa applications in April.


    I realise though that there might be other qualifiers since looking at the spreadsheet indicates some DE applications getting approved but for our timelines, they seem to be more an exception, at least with our limited snapshot and knowledge. In general, I tend to agree that it doesn't seem to make much sense overall!




    I understand the spreadsheet is an overall snapshot of the thousands of applications but I actually believe that it slightly exaggerates processing times as people are more likely to enter their information if they have been waiting for longer than expected. I know a few people who have got theirs in under 7 months recently. I expect the CO to open the file before 7 months generally but understand that you can be unlucky.


    It seems that if the CO requests more information it delays the approval by over a month and are more likely to request info from the nomination side.

  11. Wow Tim, CONGRATS! Same occupation but we lodged APR and case has not even been allocated yet! Was your application via the Direct Entry or Transition stream?


    It really feels like they just skipped APR cases and decided to finalise May-July first. :( In saying that, if memory serves, the automated email was advising that they were processing FEB applications since maybe September or even August??


    Also, we frontloaded all requirements (and more!) so our application is really just waiting...hitting 300 days by next week! Don't even know how I feel anymore.:mad:


    Occupation: Marketing Specialist.
  12. Hi @jess6, thanks for sharing and yes, I've heard up to 9 months so a bit unnerved as we're 9.7 months in now. But when I rang IMMI late last week, they did say our application had not yet been allocated as they were still processing March (not sure if this was a standard answer or in relation to any undisclosed priority or category list ours specifically falls under!)


    Guess we also have to account for the holidays and less staffing. She mentioned that people were coming back in again so hopefully we start seeing movement. Really hope they have COs allocated to catchup with the backlogs! Or maybe I should push back my expectations to over 10 months again, ha ha. I've been stretching my expectations with each passing month - since August actually, as I was initially advised 4-6 months. Awfully excruciating wait and I'm sure many can relate.


    @badaich89 and @APR15, also April DE here - no contact since lodgement - hope we get PR soon. Let's keep each other posted! @badaich89 - are you on the spreadsheet? What's your timeline?


    @Izzielizzie - my MA just sent me a mail today to re-confirm that the department is currently taking 9 months to process applications. Which means for me: March/April.

    I know that my friend, who got approval last week, had similar feedback from her MA and it was a big surprise for her to see her case approved so soon (6 months).


    So, it does not seen abnormal to be processed in 9 or 10 months.

  13. @jess6, yes, I've thought of that..but what about cases like mine and a few others that have not even been allocated after 9 months or so?


    My employer has sponsored (other occupations) several times and they have always gotten approval. They are stable and precious about sponsorship so I cannot fathom a problem with them. And there's nothing odd or different about our visa-side of things. So maybe we just haven't been allocated, full stop.


    Seems like FEB-APRIL 2016 have had long timelines just based on the spreadsheet. Do realise it's only a snippet, but still, so are the rest. Guess we will never know. Oh well, I'm going to try to let go and leave it to God for now. No use expending more energy by worrying needlessly.

  14. Hi, so sorry to hear that! There might be a forum here regarding appeals? Maybe look at that too. I guess weigh your options with regards to timeline and investment? I hope it works out in the end.


    Hi guys i was a silent follower of this forum, my time line is 03 march 2016 for nomination and on 20th January 2017 received a refusal notification.

    in between they asked for supporting documents which I did provided them the reason for refusal is the net profit of the sponsored company is low.

    My MA asking me to go for Appeal. Anybody have any idea on it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. Hi @jess6, what makes you think they'll accelerate now? Because the holidays are generally over? We had a few late 2015 ones that were active so it's a bit odd if they didn't update but who knows hey?


    Hope your prediction's right. Think I've used up all my IMMI-optimism right now.


    Has anyone here tried the skillselect path? Is it worthwhile if occupation is only on the CSOL (and not on any current state list as far as I know?)??



    @Izzielizzie I am sure things will accelerate now :) Now for the applications for late 2015, it could also be people not updating the spreadsheet.
  16. Hi @Zee14042016, I can empathise. Started this journey hopeful and excited, despite a few shut doors to other PR paths that never materialised. After such a long journey fraught with misses and unrealised plans, thought that perhaps the last lap would be smooth sailing given all early advice. Now feel sad, anxious and weary.

    @Gary1985, it's odd that there are still a number of pending cases (here and on the spreadsheet) from late 2015 to early 2016. It seems the delays have impacted us the most, particularly those up to April 2016. More recent months seem to be experiencing quicker resolution (on average). Hope you get your PR this week - well overdue!

    @jess6, @Richo and @leethompson, our 457 is expiring soon enough too.


    Good luck to us all. I will keep you guys posted too - hope it is soon for all of us, though personally, I am trying to condition my mind to not expecting anything until mid-FEB (hopefully by/before then??). So sad.


    PS. Congrats to all the new PRs - enjoy!


    Hi @Izzielizzie and @jess6, Thanks for the update. I agree that the entire process seems vague. Initially i thought, the delay was a result of us applying via DE and also dependent on occupation. However, increasingly it feels that trying to apply any sort of logic to the process of CO allocation and receiving approvals, is a waste of time and energy. It seems like a lucky draw wherein they simply pick a few applications and start processing them. Anyway, I did call the department last week and received a similar response wherein the guy told me that there is a backlog and he can't provide a timeline.


    When I did not receive an approval within 6 months, I had also spoken with my MA who informed me that she has seen a timeline of 8-10 months. We are all about to hit the 10 month mark soon and i can't explain in words how sad i feel that despite having a strong application in terms of documentation and sponsorship, we have to keep waiting. I hope that the Feb-March-April DE applications are looked at soon. Will keep you guys posted in case I hear anything. Good luck!

  17. Hi @jess6, I think it's the combination of our occupation and being DE. I have yet to see MS DE getting quick approval - at least not for the applications in our timeframe?


    Seems we also got unlucky timing-wise, in that the industrial action issues peaked around SEP-OCT. But I agree - ridiculous if DE were slower, particularly for onshore cases like ours with positive skills assessment and local experience.


    Hitting 9 years in Australia so all the experience assessed and submitted are Australian. Solid employer and frontloaded all requirements including checks, medicals, form 80. And here we are, about to hit 10months and still no CO allocated. Mind-boggling and painful wait.

  18. I hear ya - been working in Aus a long time (and with my employer well over two years) and thought ours was pretty straightforward given everything. Seems certain occupations get approved quicky, or perhaps it's just luck. The vagueness of it all is probably the biggest source of frustration. Hopefully it's not too long now..but I've been saying that since October ha ha!


    When did your friend lodge and was it via TRN or DE?


    By the way, take the CO allocation timeline I noted in my previous post with a grain of salt. Last December I was advised that there was a chance of a Dec or Jan allocation. Guess my head needs another vacation from all this - just getting harder!



    @Izzielizzie - No idea - I don't think people get notified when a CO is allocated to their case. They only get notified when the CO ask for something or just communicates the decision.


    A friend of mine got her PR granted yesterday while her MA told her she would not have it before March... And she just got the news without being told anything else before yesterday.


    This is utterly frustrating and feels like a very unfair process. It does not seem to even look at how long you have been working in the country. Which is very stupid because the longest you are here, the more integrated you are in the country.

  19. Hi everyone, I spoke to IMMI to ask - over 9 1/2 months wait for us now. The person I spoke to noted that I shouldn't worry as they have had delays due to volume and some staff have been on leave but are returning now.


    She mentioned that they are still working on March cases (I guess as far as cases similar to mine are concerned?? DE??) and that with the current load, a month is the minimum (with a disclaimer that it's just a guesstimate) for CO allocation for April files. Yet the spreadsheet shows grants up to June and beyond. Granted it's a small snapshot given the actual volume of applications, it's still perplexing. It's hard not to feel anxious. :cry:


    I'm also now wondering if she meant in a month as in roughly 4 more weeks for even a CO, or perhaps by February (we're nearly there!) - wish we had details on the spreadsheet indicating probable timelines from the time a case is allocated to a CO, ie. when documents are requested VS when none are, etc. - does anyone have any idea?


    @jess6 @Zee14042016



    Did you call the Immigration Department? They are still allocating Feb to June but once you have been waiting for more than 9 months, it looks like you can ring them to check.

    Below is the status of the spreadsheet, i.e. the percentage of finalised applications by month. Keep in mind it's only a small portion of the whole applications.




    [TD=bgcolor: #B2FF9F]February 2016[/TD]

    [TD=bgcolor: #b2ff9f, align: center]77.97%[/TD]



    [TD=bgcolor: #B2FF9F]March 2016[/TD]

    [TD=bgcolor: #b2ff9f, align: center]81.82%[/TD]



    [TD=bgcolor: #B2FF9F]April 2016[/TD]

    [TD=bgcolor: #b2ff9f, align: center]60.00%[/TD]



    [TD=bgcolor: #B2FF9F]May 2016[/TD]

    [TD=bgcolor: #b2ff9f, align: center]62.50%[/TD]



    [TD=bgcolor: #B2FF9F]June 2016[/TD]

    [TD=bgcolor: #b2ff9f, align: center]40.98%[/TD]




  20. Happy new year everyone! Hope they haven't forgotten all the April DE 186 applicants. This wait is killer. Just checked our spreadsheet and my heart bleeds for the applicants from earlier - noticed some Jan-March 2016 applicants still waiting?


    I read earlier in the thread that over 1000 staff were given redundancy(?) packages OCT/NOV? And that new COs started in their roles this year? Is this true? Hope the predictions that they are finishing off the 2015-16 FY is true. It's been way too long.


    The best of luck to us all!

  21. So happy for you, @Bluegrass! I cannot imagine the relief. Thank you for the well wishes. Enjoy a brighter, blessed life ahead!


    I've been waiting for this day for five years and here we are. Nearly 10 months to the day from submission - I am a permeant resident of Australia. My MA called, I crumpled into a ball with tears of of happiness and just thinking, what a ****ing relief.


    2 x LR

    Direct Entry

    14 March Nom & Visa, NSW

    Marketing Specialist

    No documents requested/queried


    Thank you to everyone who was so kind in sharing information - this forum was like a lifeline. Sending the best vibes into the universe for everyone still waiting. @Lizzie and @jess6 - hang in there!!! xoxoxo

  22. @jess6 and @syd2016, thanks for sharing. I agree that setting occupation celings shouldn't apply to employer-sponsored roles. Employers generally wouldn't bother with the hassle of sponsoring were it not for genuine need. The quota should only apply to other visa categories. Hope the processing speeds up soon.


    That makes a lot of sense to me.


    Regarding the CSOL approvals though, controlling the ceiling is not necessarily a positive move for the economy.

    186 applications are sponsored by employers. And companies are usually not willing to sponsor people if they have locals that fit what they need.

    A local can have the right occupation without having the needed specialised skills.

    That way of thinking could actually hurt the economy more than help it.

  23. Thanks @jess6 - yep, realise that..but also feeling frustrated. It's been a long time since the forecasted 4-6 months and the delay is really painful. And until the ink's dry, nothing is certain.


    Wish I'd agreed to be on my employer's 457 (already on another visa) then I'd have applied via TRN. But who knew IMMI was going to change their processing like this? Anyway, hope we get it soon. Most excruciating wait of our lives - think the anxiety would be more manageable if we knew what timelines to expect. Praying, praying for us all!



    @Izzielizzie - you will get it soon - I am sure April DE haven't been forgotten, keep in mind that you only see an extremely small sample of applications here.

    As much as the forum is useful, it can also create anxiety - so try to take everything with a grain of salt :-)

    That being said, I completely get how you feel ;-)

  24. Hi Bluegrass, wonderful news! Happy for you and relieved to see a DE Marketing Specialist application going through. Let us know when you get the final visa grant!


    There are times when it feels like the dream is slipping from our grasps. We're also onshore DE, timeline early April. April DE seems to have been forgotten, yet later months are getting processed. So odd. Praying we hear good news soon. We are on holidays but I cannot fully relax...waiting, waiting.


    AHHHHHHHH!!!! I just received a magical call from my MA that my Nomination was approved. Words can not express how amazing this feels after 10 months of anxious waiting.


    DE People - fingers crossed this means we haven't been forgotten.


    DE x 2 LR, Nom & Visa 14 March 2016 NSW

  25. Hi @jess6! Sorry, thought I'd replied. That's good to hear. I spoke to IMMI maybe early Dec and the guy I spoke to bothered to look at my file and clarified with his colleagues, and he said DE applications were a month behind..this was because he initially gave me processing times for TRN before correcting himself when he noticed we are via DE. Anyway, seeing DE grants for June, etc. maybe the April files just got allocated to very busy COs? Oh well, happy holidays to us all!:wink:

    @Izzielizzie I asked twice and she said that applications that are already lodged (Transition and Direct Entry) are very unlikely to be impacted.

    She does not seem to believe that Direct Entry applications are being processed differently than Transition applications by the way.

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