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Everything posted by yasaima

  1. My waiting is finished today! I was doing OT at office....before i leave, i checked my immi account. It's finalized! and in mailbox, i got my visa grant notification! Too late for a party...... 2 days before reach my 6 months timeline, what a surprise! Good luck to you all~ you will get the PR soon~ btw, my occupation is Web Developer, PHP is the best programming language
  2. 9 years.....that hurts.... For me, 2 years, normal process from 457 -> 186 is already enough for me. I really don't like the feeling that I am constrained. I have seen great ppl, great opportunities however, i can't go for it...
  3. The auto replied email just generated automatically by the system, the code logic behind this might be current date minus 8months You can see, some applications lodged in Jan were granted recently~ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. ah.....thanks guys. I was wondering why i can't login to my immi account today......
  5. Hi, Im a web developer and still waiting~ I remember some web developer got his/her PR in exactly 6 months.
  6. Hi, i think it's depend on what you have agreed with your company. In my situation, in the past, company paid for the application fee. However they just changed the policy begin with me......guess that's because too many ppl just left after they got PR One more thing, the nomination fee should definitely be paid by the company. Your own application fee is negotiable...
  7. descent pay.....im wondering how many of you guys get at least market rate while you are holding a working visa......
  8. Congrats to the guys who got their PR recently...... My application lodged in March.....so wake me up when September ends....:wink:
  9. 3 months? I think I have seen that in the Google spreadsheet. However seems like someone made some typo:smile:
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