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Posts posted by Pertenhall

  1. Totally agree with all the above comments. We are now wishing we had applied for Aged Parent Visa back in 2015 as we would have got it by now! When we visited last Aug/Sept 16 for our son's first baby, we thought it would be our last trip out and would have our visa by this Xmas! Don't hold out much hope at the mo and have decided to go back this June/July when our third grandchild will be one year old. We also have two others, 7 and 4 , with our daughter out there.


    Us too - we would have certainly looked at other visas had we known. Our grandsons out there are 12 and 10 and growing so... quickly.

  2. Still nothing:sad:

    Oh my goodness, This is so depressing. Even when they were coping with the larger than average applications for May/Jun 2014 we never had such a long period with absolutely no movement whatsoever. Best case scenario is that they have forgotten to update the details, worse case is that they have already filled the quote for 2016/17 with the backlog from May/Jun 2014. I do so hope it is not the latter! Whatever, it would be far preferable to know. We feel our lives are on hold - if we knew it was going to take another year/15 months we could at least plan another visit out to see the family. As it is at the moment we just live in hope that things start moving again soon. Please IMMI let us know what is happening.

  3. With regards to lodgement date for 143 visas, have you noticed that the Contributory Aged Parent visa 864 is progressing much quicker i.e. they're up to May 16 and yet website gives processing time as the same as 143! There must be a lot of 65 year olds on a 143, why should the ones who have moved already over ahead of visa be given priority?

    Geoff & Gill

    We are certainly in that category Geoff & Gill. We just didn't feel confident enough to go over and apply for 864. Wish we had now! Zee.

  4. Hi Fisher 1. It is a long, long time since I logged into this site. However we found it of great use when we were going through the same process circa 2010. We are now living in the lower north shore of Sydney and are in fact up for our citizenship ceremony on 15 March! Your post caught my eye because of the "coal scuttle". I also grew up with a copper coal scuttle which was in my parents 16 century cottage in west sussex. It was left to me and I had it in our home(s) in Hampstead, London. I nearly got rid of it when we came out here but then a friend suggested I used it for magazines and newspapers - which we now do. It sits happily in our townhouse here in Cammeray. So you might want to rethink that one!! Good luck. Sue:smile::yes:


    Hello Mike and Sue - I'm sure all of us waiting will be looking at your timescale with envy! I'm sure we'll get there eventually but we are having to wait such a long time! Zee

  5. Hi Julie,


    Thank you so much for posting, also the tip about Christmas decorations - I'll be going through mine with a magnifying glass I think! Having had our visa since last April, we are now in a position to move, for the very sad reason that my mum died last month. Its been a time of very mixed feelings as you can imagine, but we are putting the house on the market and hoping it won't take too long to sell. I will be reading the posts on here even more carefully from now on ... Newyorksgrannie our charity shops are doing well out of us too - we are decluttering like mad.


    So sorry to hear your sad news Fisher. Do hope that everything now goes smoothly and you are able to move quickly. Zee

  6. I think it was a Case Officer, because my agent told me that "the Case Officer" had asked for more documents. When I questioned why they hadn't asked for the info before, she said that was because they hadn't previously assigned a Case Officer but had only just done so. She didn't mention the PVC Team 1.


    At least something is happening for you, at last. You must be feeling a lot better. Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long. Zee

  7. Hi all,

    I just started filling the 47PA application as I was busy with some stuff.

    Just have a question about filling the application and it says "Complete using a pen" but the PDF is an editable one where you can type and save. Do any of you know if this needs to be printed and filled with a pen or can we fill the PDF and take a print out of it?


    Thank you

    We did ours on the PDF and then just printed it off and signed it. It was accepted, so I guess it was OK. Also we notified them of change of circumstance via e-mail too and that has been accepted. I know the COS form says to submit by post but then the acknowledgement letter says they prefer correspondence by e-mail. Zee

  8. Thank you Sue for the update. I have been assured by my visa agent that Xmas just gone will have been the last in the UK. Fingers crossed. Good luck to you also hope yours comes through quickly.


    I do hope your agent is correct Lynn, although I'm not sure how they can be so positive. Things have only progressed one month since 2nd December last year. Hopefully things will pick up soon, but even if we keep pace month by month I'm thinking that our case won't even be looked at until the middle of August and then it will probably be at least another month after that before everything is done and dusted. I see that you are 4 months behind us. But hey - let's be positive, we will be there before Christmas!! Zee.

  9. Quick update on the Centrelink saga. My daughter finally spoke to someone who actually gave a dam and the upshot was she received the confirmation letter on Monday. The other good news is we finally received the 2nd vac request yesterday afternoon, so it's time to give them some money and book a little holiday to Bali.




    Excellent news. It is so good to hear something positive. Enjoy Bali. Zee

  10. Hi Everyone


    By my reckoning, once Geordiejoe has his visa - and we hope it won't be long now Joe - the only remaining 2014 lodgers that we know about on this site are:


    Catlady2014 1 Oct 2014

    Clerk85 10 Oct 2014 (143)

    Brenda M 5 Dec 2014


    If there are any more 2014 lodgers, would you please let us know when you lodged your visa, what visa type you applied for and where you are up to. It would be really helpful to help us track the procession in the waiting room, it still feels awfully crowded in here so it is difficult to believe that there are only a handful of 2014 lodgers to process before IMMI starts on 2015 lodgers. It would be great news if that was the case because it would mean that we will see the processing date start to zip along!!!

    It would be so very nice to think that we could get a move along, I do so hope we are about to get a bit of a boost. It would really brighten up the January blues days. Here's hoping!

  11. Hi everyone,

    thanks Catlady and Peternhall for the update on the processing dates., depressing though it was, it's better to know. With this in mind I have a question, should we ( husband and I) want to travel to Australia whilst our visa is being processed,;

    1. What is the process.

    2. Do we have to inform immigration/ parent visa centre

    3. Which visa do we apply for. Previously we have travelled on the basic electronic tourist visa, can we still apply for this visa as we don't plan on staying long.

    We have applied for the 143 in June 2016.

    Hang in there Fringe123 I'm sure you will find a way in the fog, there are some very helpful people in this forum. I have found that most of the answers are somewhere in the guidelines but you have to find them. As this is quite a difficult situation maybe asking a migration agent for peace of mind, is not a bad idea.




    Hello Nita. You will need to apply separately for a tourist visa and you will need to alert the case officer dealing with your tourist visa that you have applied for a 143 visa. Zee

  12. Unfortunately, no progress again this week - I think that's about 4 weeks running?


    OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 143/173)


    When your application is allocated to an assessing officer, you or your authorised contact may be asked to provide more documents, including but not limited to, Assurance of Support (subclass 143 only), police certificates and health clearances to finalise your application.


    We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 30 July 2014.


    That means there has only been an advance of 2 weeks in the last 6 weeks. It was 16 Jul 14 on 25 Nov 15. There we were hoping that things would speed up now that the May/June 2014 applications were done with. I know we have had Christmas and New Year to contend with, but 2 weeks in 6 is very depressing. Zee

  13. Im sure you were very glad that you used an agent, because the last few weeks are very stressful but although the process was a bit aargh at the end, I was glad I had done it by myself. Most of it was just waiting and the gathering of information police checks etc was not difficult, just time consuming. I checked and double checked my forms before I sent them in though, and I must say I wouldn't want to do it again! I spent the money I saved on an agent paying a tax expert (the excellent Alan Collet) to do a review of our tax situation which is going to be very useful. Each to his own, and good luck to all the newbies, whatever you decide!


    Thank you so much for your post Fisher1. I was beginning to get very worried that we hadn't used an agent. Hopefully we will have no problems - once things start moving again!! Zee

  14. Hey Peterhall,

    thanks for the reply, sorry to hear that you've not heard anything since April 2015. Let's hope you are top of their list. Encouraging news that so many visa grants have been processed so people can move on to the next part of the process of actually moving. We have decided not to tell anyone we have applied yet to avoid the eternal ' you still here' conversation.



    Very sensible Nita. We held off for about 6 months but then thought that things would be moving a lot quicker than they have done. As you say everyone's first question when they see you is "have you heard anything?" Everyone will know when we do hear something - we will be cheering so loudly!! Zee

  15. Hey all,

    Many congratulstions on the visa grants, amazing news just in time for the festive season.

    I have a question. I have just renewed my passport and my son, who is our sponsor has just moved, what is the best way to inform PVC? Your help is much appreciated.

    Also, is it normal not to hear from immi for six months? We applied just over six months ago and apart from the first acknowledgement, we have heard nothing since. However, sadly I think I know the answer to this one :((



    Definitely not unusual to hear nothing Nita - we haven't heard anything since April 2015 when our application was acknowledged. We long for the day when we hear something! Zee

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