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Everything posted by gafuk

  1. I thought I would post this link to the Immigration site, it is a list of the waiting times for the various visas. Don't know whether its been posted before. Sorry if it has ! http://www.border.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards/global-visa-citizenship-processing-times
  2. Thanks very much for this information. Great help with trying to plan our final months of the process. (What happens if you can't touch your toes ?)
  3. Hi Alan, Thanks. I have got something sorted but I hope to get the timing right and save the set up fees and minimum interest charges ( around £4.5 k)
  4. Well I will let you know if I hear anything and vice versa please, good luck
  5. Hi, My wife and I are in our 60's and hoping to emigrate to Oz this year on a parent visa. We like to think we don't look or feel 60+ and both have a young outlook and are healthy and want to work. As well as Brexit smashing our pot of money with the collapse of the pound it seems Australia and especially Perth are on a bit of a downturn at the moment so I am wondering how hard it might be to find good permanent jobs. My wife has a retail and admin background and I have many years running my own retail business and management for a large retailer. I will deliver pizzas or what ever if I have to and it's not just for the money as I think finding a job for myself and my wife will be crucial to how we settle in Australia and build a new network of friends etc. Should we be optimistic or pessimistic ?
  6. We are in Merseyside heading for Perth where our adult children live. The housing market is quite buoyant here at the moment but the upheaval and uncertainty created since Brexit is unbelievable as I am sure you know. So many things have worsened over the last 12 months but we still feel Australia is where we should be. We are trying to get our timing correct as we both intend to work if the job market doesn't worsen, but we are grafters and will find something I am sure. Do you think our visas applications should be processed around Sep/Oct ?
  7. Hi Everyone, First time posting and please don't take this the wrong way but great to find people in the same scary situation with the 143 CPV and the guesswork around the time span for the processing procedure. My wife and I lodged our application in December 2014 and are constantly getting updates on the auto email service ( if it had crashed it was probably down to us, sorry). Like others , I presume, we don't have the $100,000 visa and AOS fees in our petty cash and we are trying to get our timing spot on when to sell the house to raise the rest of the capital. A little dangerous because as you know the information we require just isn't made available such as how many applications are in front of us and how many Immi are processing each week/month. I reckon our time should be approaching within the next few months but as stated by others it has taken several weeks for the dates to proceed a few days. Anyway, we are in the same situation as many others I guess and reading the previous post I was hoping someone might be able to give a second opinion ( or 3rd or 4th) of whether you think my guestimate of September / October 2017 is around about right ?. What do you think ?, any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated as it is like playing bingo blindfolded ! I notice now it states you should have the funds available but realistically not everyone has I guess and selling too early and the upheaval of then renting etc : / , hate to be a whinging Pom before we hopefully get to Australia but respectfully, surely a little more information wouldn't hurt hey !
  8. Hi , Has anyone got ideas of where the 143 applications are up to date wise? We applied in December 2014 but wonder when to market our property to fund the visa fees? Any help appreciated
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