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Everything posted by Tony77

  1. At Centrelink they told me no...this is why I waited till the PR to make the claim
  2. This morning we received our PR after +7 months from application date, back in august the 11th! I was so scared as my wife is 3 months pregnant and I thought this would have impacted the decision. First thing this morning I went to Centrelink and applied for Childcare rebate...more than 2 years at 110 $ a day with no help from the Government it seems we are at the end of this financial tunnel All the best to the folks in the waiting list
  3. @ JAzzcrave..probably they have to ask something and if this is the case I don't want to say it...but the decision should be pretty quick.....uuhuhuuhuhuhuu
  4. @Jazzcrave..scrutiny is inappropriate word you are right ...I am crystal clean no problem with law so to me the original copy request sounded like a stupid bureaucratic request! ON the Nomination ...Quote from Immigration agent: MAil 1 : Hi xxxx Further to my email below, the Nomination application has just been approved. I will keep you updated on when we receive the Department's decision on the Visa. Best regards,xxxxx MAil 2 after 30 minutes :Hi xxxx The Department is now assessing the Visa component and has requested copies of the original Italian police clearance certificates for yourself and your wife (in Italian). We have already provided the attached translated copies. Please send me the copies in Italian, and I will provide them to the Department. Best regards, xxxx
  5. Quick update on my status: - 457-186 Transition - application submitted 11 August 2015 - 7 months of total black out - Nomination Approved today 2/3/2015 - Visa under scrutiny original police clearance requested and already submitted today to the ImmiAgent -waiting
  6. This morning I have been requested from the agent the "original non translated police clearance" my application was dated back 11th Aug 15. What's the point for such request when they ask to pay a proper registered authorized certified translator? Finger crossed....
  7. The application is a "screenshot" of your life at the time of application.With this never ending waiting time that situation may change.. for example say your wife gets pregnant or you have a health issue or a police issue. Now is the immigration decision based on the situation at the time of application or they start checking again how does it work?
  8. Hi All, PR lodged on Aug 11th with major agent in NSW under 186 sponsored scheme. Currently living in Perth under 457 same employer. From submission date still no news...agent gives standard reply saying immigration has a huge backlog...anyone on a similar timeline /issue?
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