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Everything posted by ahad12

  1. I understand putting so much time and money how you felt. But I am happy atlast you have achieved what you want in your life. Its worth you will have a good life . Good luck for your future.
  2. I was worried because work place phone will be busy all the time and I think mostly they call comes by private number. Mani do you have more than 1 employee on 457 may be they have enquired to compare yours and the other employee payG I think. I am the only employee who is sponsored . Mine is a decision ready application submitted everything don't know what they will ask. As I am seeing everyone is asked some or the other doc
  3. @Mani I am sure wait is about to finish Grant is on the way before the end of this week.
  4. Congratulations Soorma in the morning you gave best wishes to everyone and those wishes came back to you in the form of PR. Good Luck for your future
  5. Thanks soorma this was the thing which was bothering me a lot thanks for the best wishes and wish you the same
  6. But Soorma for the first year my employer did not get any idea but he covered 1st year and also 2nd year later is it ok for training benchmark I hope this doesn't affect my application. This is the first time he sponsored someone.
  7. @Mirza I have lodge my nom& visa just before 11 days of yours. Even I don't know which team I am with, I think we will if they contact us or we through their email.
  8. Even I haven't received any training but my employer has paid 2% of payroll to Sydney tafe . My employer was worried for the training because of me only the employee my MA asked him pay and submit the receipts. for training benchmark. Even I am a bit of worried because of this.
  9. Hi Mani, it has been 6 months now did you contact immi after submitting the monitoring document
  10. Congratulations!! @masudparves my goodness very long journey, best wishes for your bright future
  11. Did u receive a phone from case officer. Then you need to go for further check. We get protein only if we are on antibiotics during medicals. Not to worry drink lots of water before you go for the further test. Me and my husband were on medication because of viral when we went for medicals. She asked me before the test.
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