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Everything posted by Scottie

  1. Aye they last longer due to the fact they don't rust so much, so I hear. Divide by 1.6 to get the mileage. I can't understand what kilometres means, same with Aussie house sizes in meters, I need to go back to feet.
  2. I have just joined and may start something separate however, I'll put my situation down and see who knows what. I was going to make the move in my 20's with my wife, then my Mother died suddenly and we didn't go. I'm now 40 (Classic mid life crisis age) and my wife is 47. We have no children. We are in Scotland and I am a Head Teacher in a secondary school, my wife is a primary school class teacher. We know we'll get in through being teachers through General Skilled Migration, and financially we know we can afford to make the move. We don't seem to think the cost of living is that high in Australia and some things do seem cheaper. Also, we would go to Sydney region. My main question is, after reaching the position of Head Teacher (or Principal to the Aussie's) what would I have to do in Sydney, or more so, what would I have to do. As much as I'd love to walk into a Principal's position, I don't think I could, so does anyone know what would be the process for someone who is already where they want to be as Head Teacher in their career, but wants a new life in Sydney.
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