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Everything posted by mhbmhd

  1. PR GRANTED! Yes, Today I am sure that god is listening to me rights now and I pray for all of 457 holders who are waiting for their visa, God please help them.
  2. Hi guys, Our nomination was approved two days ago, so far have not heard about visa approval(i know it is just two day but too long for us!). Do you guys have any idea how long usually takes to get visa after nomination approval? We applied visa the day after nomination was lodged.
  3. Nomination approved! Just got an email from MA advising that Nomination has been approved. Yayyyyy Waiting for visa grant... hopefully soon
  4. We submitted requested docs last week and waiting to hear from immi. When did you lodge the requested Docs?
  5. We finally submitted requested docs today, Waiting time has started again...... i feel so positive about the outcome :wink:
  6. Congrats, really happy to hear that. Good luck with your future life as a PR
  7. Thank you, the case officer has not asked this question directly; however requested the contract for the other employer in the same position, this question comes from MA before submitting the statement (requested doc by CO) to immi. employer already explained about experience and qualifications in the statement; however did not mention why they other one is getting less pay.
  8. Guys, need help! Does anyone have any idea about same positions? I mean when there is a same position as 457 holder in organization, whose salary should be higher? 457 holder or the other one who might be a permanent or citizen? We submitted a statement explaining my husband experience and qualifications and now our MA is questioning why the other person is getting less salary while she is casual and should be paid more!! We are so confused and don't know what does this mean and who should get paid more and why?! Does anyone face same issue?
  9. let your agent know that you are going to do your medical test and your agent will send you a referral letter from immi ( i am not sure if the referral is from immi or bupa!), then you can book your test online, when you want to book your medical test you will need a ID which is mentioned in your referral that you receive from your agent.
  10. This is exactly what immi requested in our case, There is a same position in my husband's company and immi requested the other person's contract and a statement about why my husband is working full time and the other is part time.
  11. waiting time has started again... We submitted the requested document today, Does anyone know how long would it take to finalize the case after submitting the requested docs?
  12. Who changed my grant date word to pending in the spreadsheet? I am so annoyed right now That was a word to give me hope whenever I check the spreadsheet. You guys are so mean (Cryyyyyyyyyyyyy)
  13. Managers are always busy and you can not push them She said that she would submit it by the end of this week hopefully....
  14. Hi Guys We are still waiting for employer to prepare the statement :dull:. We have lodged police check and also details of my new passport.
  15. We were confused and when asked clarification from MA, He advised to provide a statement about my husband (main applicant) experience and qualifications. Immi wants to know why they employed my husband and offered him current salary. Nothing serious just try to sell hubby to Immi LOL
  16. it seems they request further document from %80 of applications. We submitted perfect pack of document at first stage and now we are asked to submit a document which is not in checklist. Statement from employer regarding position
  17. 1.Husband is my husband (main applicant) 2.employer is my husband employer 3.sometimes male sometime female ( I and husband both use same account in this site) 4. I don't know Any other clarification required? )
  18. An update about my case! They also requested a statement from My husband employer stating that why they employed him full time while there is a Australian citizen at the same position working part time!!! Well he has got lots of skills that the other one does not. I thought because he finished 2 years working they would not care about these sort of thing. What do you guys think?
  19. They did not ask for international police check. They need an Australian police check. the one we submitted before has expired in June2015.
  20. His PC was issued June2014, so seems logical to request a new one as PC is usually valid for one year.
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