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Everything posted by daffodilly

  1. Hi all, I have been reading quietly and checking my immi account regularly. Finally received our PR. Here are the details Occupation: Early Childhood Teacher STATE: NSW Country: LR (Singapore) Number of applicants: 4 ENS 186 (TRT)+ Nomination applied on18th June 2018 PR granted: 4th March 2019 - direct grant I can't imagine the pain of waiting longer than this. A big hug and heaps of good luck to those who are waiting. It would be great if someone updates my details on the spreadsheet under June. This site has helped me immensely both with my 457 and 186.
  2. Its only been 4 months since I applied and I already feel like screaming, imagine those of you waiting for a long time. Why on earth is the processing time increasing? Never thought it will be a painful process when we moved here. Thinking of everyone waiting for a long time with no news. Hope the situation changes soon and files move faster.
  3. Wow! This easy? But my 457 was granted for NSW and it wouldn't matter if I get transferred to another State? Where can I find information on this? I don't want to speak to my managers till I confirm that this will not cause any issues with my application. Thank you!
  4. I'm depressed reading the miserable waiting stories ? Praying the limbo ends for everyone. I have a question. I had made plans thinking I will get my PR by end of the year but now looks like its going to take time. May I know if getting transfer (same position/same ABN) to another state with the same company will affect my visa outcome in any way. I really have to move state by the end of the year. Please advice. Thank you in advance.
  5. Sorry you are frustrated. Hope you get the grant soon.
  6. Hi, I don't think that not being able to speak in full sentence and not being toilet trained at 3.5 years alone can be an issue. There are other factors a developmental specialist will look into before deciding if its an issue. For example, can the child follow simple direction, does he/she respond when others call spoken too etc (just to mention a few) .
  7. Congrats to all those who received their grants and hope those who have been waiting long will be granted soon. Quick question regarding the spread sheet. How do you all know which processing team and also does the waiting days get updated automatically or we update it? BTW, I was deleted from the spreadsheet twice so far. I am kinda preparing myself for a long long wait after reading all the posts here.
  8. Oh I see. I have never heard of that term. Thanks for that. My question is whether its best to stay where I am now or move.
  9. I have a question after reading some of the posts. My company has few branches and the branch I have been working for 2 years have had many years of difficulty finding locals to fill my position and thus they recruited me from overseas. However, we have managed to recruit many locals recently in my branch. Does anyone think that this will be of any problem with my nomination/visa? Our other branches are still suffering though and we generally have shortage of staff in my position. Should I stay with the same branch or it would be better to move to a nearby branch that is in need? Does the immigration look at the general need of the company or individual branches? Both could be done. Please advise. Thank you!
  10. Well I was just skimming through it and surely saw a couple showing less than 4 months. I could be wrong. Do check it out for yourself
  11. Thank you! I have not seen this spreadsheet. Looks like some have gotten in less than 4 months. It's okay to be wishful then ?
  12. Hi all, New to this side of the forum. Finally we can apply for the 186 TRT. We should be lodging soon. Any recent applicant in this stream here? Occupation: Early Childhood Teacher from LR country. Any idea how long will this take? When we first moved here, I estimated 4 to 6 months. I know that is wishful ? What is the fastest you have seen here for TRT recently? Thanks.
  13. Thank you! saw the spread sheet nothing much for May/June?
  14. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone interested to join here if you are under TRT stream. There seems to be lots of people in the ENS 186 thread both DE and TRT and I find it hard to search for processing trend in TRT alone. It would be easier if there is a group for TRT alone. We are submitting Nomination and application together through agent in a couple of days. Early childhood Teacher from LR country. Read that people are waiting for a year or more and its really scary :( thanks for joining
  15. Hi all, I will be eligible to apply for 186 TRT in June 2018. I need some advice on the application process and processing time. Can my employer apply the nomination and application at the same time or should I wait for the nomination to be approved first? How long is the processing time for nomination to be approved? How long is the current processing time for those who have been applying in 2017 July inwards? There are lots of post her on 186 DE stream but not exclusive for TRT (please correct me and guide me if there is a thread for TRT stream only). Is there any chance I could get grant before end of 2018? I have successful skills assessment and have 55 points. Will 190 path be faster than the TRT? It will be better if we get PR before my son goes to high school in 2019. Thank you for your time in advance.
  16. I have been searching and reading everything since the announcements. So far, no information saying that those completing 2 years after 18th March will be able to apply for TRT stream. Definitely possible after 3 years. According to the eNEWs on dibp webisite more details will be available in the next eNEWS. Fingers crossed that there will be some sort of transitional arrangement for all who are affected.
  17. Hi all, Hope someone can clarify I have worked for 7 employers in last 10 years and have employment statement for 3 of them. For the rest, I have the employment contract, tax and salary slips. I live and work in Australia now and I am unable to get the employment statement from those employers. I have tried emailing and calling but no response. My question is, can I submit statutory declaration for the 4 places I have worked? I am wondering if anyone in similar case managed to get visa granted without any problem. Thanks in advance!
  18. I have not fulfilled the 2 year requirement yet. I will read up on DIBP website, thanks!
  19. For 457 visa holders, the licence says evidence of permanent residence is not provided. You can definitely take your time to do it, I just found it useful with school registration and rentals as we live in a very popular area where rental is not that easy to get and the schools have strict catchment area.
  20. Hi all, I hope to get some clarification on the 187 visa. I have been thinking this visa is usually applied by employers and their MA but I see many of you doing it yourself (I only read some posts on random pages). I am on 457 but need PR badly as I have brought kids along and cost of living is really high. If I can find an employer willing to sponsor me for 187 how do I make the move with least disruption to my current visa? What documents do I need for 187 visa in addition to what I have submitted for the 457? Can I do this myself or I will need a MA? Do I pay for the MA or the company will do it? Sorry for so many silly questions, just trying to figure out my options Thank you in advance!
  21. Getting a NSW licence is pretty easy on 457 too if we have a recognised full licence. For us, life was a little easier with NSW licence as it served as the ID with home address. We are from Singapore and I do not know if it is easier with UK licence.
  22. From what I understand, we need to have some leadership role performed? Mine is some teaching and some managing.
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