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Posts posted by bobby122

  1. You sound surprised...I trust you researched the West Coast weather before moving there? When it gets too much just lie back and think of the rainforests. Rainforests need rain. :wink:


    I hope your plans are progressing for the move to the brighter, drier side of the island? Although, having said that, this year since May has been the wettest and windiest weather I can remember here in the south east. It has to end soon....surely? :unsure:



    Unfortunately, no. I had never even been to Australia before I agreed to move here.


    I realise rainforests need rain. But when it rains constantly all day every day it gets a little tiresome. I even had the heater on yesterday. I could maybe deal with the weather (I am from UK after all) but it is so isolated here too. Everything is 2+ hours away. I came with my partner for his work (he is from here) and I had the promise of a job too (which never materialised). I am desperate to move to Hobart this year!

  2. Sorry this is not entirely relevant to this thread, but it's now time for me to start putting my 100 application together after being granted the 309 in Feb. Its been ages since I applied for 309, I need refreshing, is there a checklist for things I need to include for 100? Medicals/police checks etc? All done through immiaccount like before? If someone can point me in the right direction that'd be great.

  3. Hey all,

    Any advice on doing the whole 'leave the country in order for the offshore visa app to be granted' bit will be welcome about now! It's approaching the 6 month mark for us and so we want to start planning a trip overseas so that we can be prepared... Has anyone had the experience of being in Aus and having to leave to get the grant? Do they communicate far in advance of the grant being ready? Do they give you a certain time frame to be out of Aus by? How long does it generally take to come through once you leave? All that kind of stuff would be awesome to know!

    Thanks in advance :)


    I got an email ten months after I applied entitled 'depart for grant' (CO knew I was already in oz) In the email it said I had until mid Feb to leave the country for 3 days. And I had 28 days to reply to the email with my flight details. Then the day before I left I had to email CO to reconfirm/remind them I was leaving. On the 2nd day of my holiday in Fiji I got my grant notification via email.

  4. Thanks for the thought, but three years after applying for the Temp Spouse, to be told we probably still have over a year to go.......the word SOON is no longer in my vocabulary.


    Without me searching back lots of pages, what is all this about? I've just been granted 309, but applied December 2014. I was expecting 100 (so PR) by this coming December. Is this not the case?

  5. @bobby122, @unclejames and @Gazbad - I too am onshore and coming up for 6 months in waiting (only a couple of months now perhaps) can I just ask, how much time did you all get to 'depart for grant'? and do you have to book a flight within 28 days? This info will be really helpful for me and my overactive planning brain! :)


    Thanks in advance!


    Sorry for the very late reply, but yes, I got my depart for grant email which said I needed to reply within 28 days with my flight details, and then reconfirm them the day before I fly.

  6. Hey bobby122, the activation date is a really important one for me, can I just check... you said your activation date is 12 months from your last Police clearence? does that mean you did your Police clearence was dated 2/10/15, did you only just supply that just before the grant?


    I can see from your signature that you did your UK one in May 2015 and your USA one came through Otober 2015, so its 12 months from your USA one right? I wonder why its not from the UK one?


    Hey, yes the activation date is 12 months after the date on my USA fbi check (it took ages to get)


    So the activation date is actually about 18 months after my medicals and UK police check. I'm not sure why!


    I uploaded the fbi check to my immi account on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I got the grant email (interestingly it wasn't my CO who granted it!)

  7. Well its been a while now ( a week ) since we had news that someone got their Visa Granted, well Wango, Ip77, Bobby122 ,Nadin77 and Myself are with in reach of the 10 mth mark soon so hopefully we will be getting an answer very very soon..... The wait seems to get longer the closer you get ;-)


    But it s worth the wait ;-)


    Well I FINALLY got my FBI clearance yesterday after 7 months, so I'm hoping once I upload it and email my CO, I will get the go ahead to leave the country to get my grant. With work and stuff though I don't think I'll be able to get away until next month.


    We recently found out we are expecting a baby so I will glad to get off this Working Holiday Visa!

  8. What date did your CO want them by? If you don't have them back just send in the receipt or proof of requesting them so the CO can see yu have at least started the process.


    They never specified a date (except a birth certificate which I had 28 days to upload). I have emailed the CO telling him what the go is with the FBI check.


    Long time reader and lurker, but have followed you all religiously!!


    Wanted to share the good news that my husband has been awarded his 309 visa today, exactly nine months since application! Applied on 29th Dec 2014, had LC and have to enter by 31st July 2016 (one year after police check which was earlier than medicals).


    First grant I have seen for someone who applied after me! 9 months exactly is pretty decent.

  9. Hi guys, just a quick update, I was assigned my case officer yesterday (VF) which is almost 3 months since I applied so everything is starting to feel real now!

    However, I was wondering if anybody could help me with something. My CO asked that I complete my medical on or soon after 24/10/15 but I'll be on holiday in Melbourne at this time and I don't return home until the 5/11/15. I was wondering if anybody knows wether I would be able to do my medical while I'm over there or does it have to be undertaken in the UK? If not should I just let my CO know that I will be a bit late?


    And congrats to everybody who is getting their visa's granted. I would be extremely jealous if it wasn't for the fact I'm going over at the weekend :wink:


    You can do your medicals at any time, it doesn't have to be exactly at 6 months.

  10. WOO HOO! WOO HOO!!


    Hi everyone, just thought I'd share the fab news that my visa was granted two days ago (hangover only just gone for me to be able to post on here!!)

    Gone straight to the 100 too. I have been given until the 28 May 2016 to validate, which is 12 months from when I did my police check, which I did after my medical.


    For all those that worry about contact from CO's - apart from an initial letter of acknowledgement when I submitted my application, I never had any contact with my CO and trusted that if they needed anything they would let me know. So no news, is good news!


    Thank you to all those that post words of support and advice on this forum and help many of us through what is a stressful process. I wish everyone a happy ending to their journey.


    Congrats pookie, were you expecting the 100 or just 309? I'm assuming I'll just get 309 because we are just shy of 3 years but 100 would be a fantastic surprise!

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