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Everything posted by gunflame

  1. 1) I did General IELTS. I don't know if the academic is accepted. 2) After you have your ielts and skill assessment you will fill your Expression of Interest. You will have to wait from a few hours to a few months (depends on many things, mostly your points). They will issue an Invitation to apply and when they issue that invitation you will have to pay the visa fees (first installment) so they can process your documentation (some visas/people need to pay a second installment). 3) I really have no clue. If you are really troubled and can't figure it out on your own you might want to hire an immigration agent. 4) Yes. There's a booklet that explains everything. Basically if they deem that your education and experience is comparable to the ANZSCO code requested by you, then they will approve it. After it has been approved you will use this same ANZSCO code to apply for your visa 5) Can't help you there
  2. I have a special situation. I'm selling several items to my close friend before my move to Australia, he doesn't have cash at this moment but he told me could buy me an Australia Gift card or a Visa/mastercard prepaid card with his credit card. I also have a friend that lives in australia, so I can request the card to be sent to my australian's friend address. The amount he has to pay me is about $380 AUD Can anyone recommend me a gift card/credit card provider? I've heard about Westfield XS card can be used almost everywhere (with some notable restrictions like Target), I've also heard about the Australian Post Gift Card but in their website they are limited to 100 AUD.
  3. 12 months http://www.immi.gov.au/Help/Pages/character-police/requirements.aspx
  4. How did you get all these requests? by email? or just the checklist in the website? If it is the automated checklist don't worry about it. Just upload the relevant documents and your CO will clean the list and request you by email if you are missing anything. 1) I did PCC and medicals before getting a notification, you can do them at any time 2) no, you can ask for extensions just provide the proper justification and the CO should give you extra time. 3 ) they shouldn't ask for it. 4) no one under 16 should be requested language ability. 5) is he a non-migrating dependant? 6) email them and clarify
  5. Ok I feel like I have to pitch in about something... GETTING INVITED HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LUCK AND IT IS NOT RANDOM http://www.immi.gov.au/Work/Pages/SkillSelect/results/5-december-2014.aspx These reports explain who got invited. People with higher scores get invited first and when you have a bunch of people with the same score (say 60) they use chronological order from the moment you created your EOI or you last modified it. According to this everyone who had 60 points on Dec 5th got invited (the time stamp of the Visa date of effect is the same as the date when the invitation round started) and after that a few 489 visa invites were issued. [TABLE=class: table-50, width: 1] [TR] [TH]Visa subclass[/TH] [TH=class: text-align-right, align: right]Points score[/TH] [TH=class: text-align-right, align: right]Visa date of effect[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Skilled - Independent (subclass 189)[/TD] [TD=class: text-align-right, align: right]60[/TD] [TD=class: text-align-right, align: right]05/12/2014 12:02AM[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489)[/TD] [TD=class: text-align-right, align: right]65[/TD] [TD=class: text-align-right, align: right]21/03/2014 12:18AM[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  6. I really don't know. I would encourage to get some professional advice. You don't even have to hire a migration agent, you just have to find one that works in that area and pay for an hour of consultation. If the agent really specializes in that area you should be able to get your answers in a consultation. Obviously you have to do your own research first and be prepared.
  7. Yes, you are an Professional Engineer however you still need an ANSZCO CODE to back it up (your engineering Discipline). Engineers Australia classifies an engineer as one of 4 categories: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE ENGINEERING MANAGER We all know that an Engineer can be a researcher (Technologist), a Manager and many other things. Everyone has a different path. Still it is not the same to be a Researcher in Oil and Gas, than one in Materials or one in eletronics. This is given by your Discipline (Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Engineering). So you are an Professional Engineer in the discipline of Material Engineering. So you still need to fulfill your ANSZCO code tasks. What should you do: - REVIEW THE ACCORDS, Sydney Accord, Washington Accord and Dublin Accord. I graduated in the United States so I applied through the Washington accord. It was completely painless as I only had to mail 5 simple things to get my skill assessment (passport, degree, resume, application form and grades). - Your EXPERIENCE and your DEGREE are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. You can even choose to get an EXPERIENCE ASSESSMENT separate from your SKILLS ASSESSMENT. I did not pay for an experience assessment, as I believe my job duties were close enough to the tasks, DIBPS evaluated my experience by themselves and found it fitting to my anzsco code. Either way you should be fine. I did a quick match up and I found the following: YOUR JOB my job was also design(1), build the collection, select the supplier (2), test(3/4) and evaluate (3/4)materials and make specifications (3) etc) ANZSCO CODE TASKS (1) preparin​g designs for chemical process systems and planning control systems for processes such as those used to remove and separate components, effect chemical changes, test and evaluate fuels, transfer heat, and control the storing and handling of solids, liquids and gases (2) conferring with producers of materials, such as metals, ceramics, polymers, cements and elastomers, during the investigation and evaluation of materials suitable for specific product applications (3) ensuring correct materials and equipment are used and that they conform to specifications (4) Reviewing product failure data and implementing laboratory tests to establish or reject possible causes, and advising on ways to overcome any problems)
  8. 1) I don't know that much about 489, but I'm pretty sure you will have to provide medicals for both your children and wife regardless of were you put them in your application. Your child is your dependant, so is your wife because you two are the same entity (married adults are supposed to live together and SHARE EXPENSES AND RESPONSABILITIES). 2) I believe the case officer will tell you that you made a mistake if you place her in other family. I'm not sure though 3) I believe it will take longer because the Case officer will request you to make modifications 4) Read above. Basically I believe you are stuck with her doing medicals. At the very least your child WHICH IS YOUR DEPENDANT will have to have its medicals approved. To the best of my knowledge there's nothing you can do at this point and you will have a delay in your visa until everyone gets their medicals done. If you are in a really big hurry about getting your visa I suggest you look for a migration agent that speciliazes in cases like yours.
  9. Getting Engineers Australia to give you the thumbs up on skill assessment should not be hard. However getting points for experience depends on your specific job tasks. I'm a chemical engineer and we share a group in ANZSCO with Material Engineers Here's the list of tasks for our group.. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Product+Lookup/1220.0~First+Edition,+Revision+1~Chapter~UNIT+GROUP+2331+Chemical+and+Materials+Engineers Read them carefully, compare them to the tasks you did in your job. If they match you can get points for experience, otherwise you get zero points. You don't have to do ALL of them, but several of them should match your job duties (I had 5)
  10. I'm pretty sure you made a mistake here: Date from (dd/mm/yyyy) 28/06/2010 Date to (dd/mm/yyyy) 11/10/2012 Why? because you categorized it as "relevant experience" when according to the ACS it is NOT relevant (you clicked the relevant experience checkbox). How many points do you have in total? As far as I know you don't have to wait, you can just create a second EOI and ignore the first one. However I encourage you to search for an option to retire your current EOI just in case. DIBPS only looks at those EOI's that become Visa applications, the rest just expire and nothing is done to them. Nope cancelling EOI does nothing. It is like buying something online, they don't really care until you make the payment. Everything else just sits there and they don't pay attention to it.
  11. SORRY I MADE A MISTAKE. You are right, you don't have points for experience. You have to let the EOI lapse (2 months) or you can retire/delete it. Just make a new one, and you can do that today. You have to split your work experience in 3 periods: Dates: 06/10 - 06/12 (2yrs 0mths) - NOT RELEVANT Dates: 07/12 - 10/12 (0 yrs 4mths) - RELEVANT Dates: 10/12 - 09/13 (0yrs 11mths) - RELEVANT Or could be: Block 3: 10/12 - 12/14 (2yrs 2 mths) - RELEVANT (instead of the last one if you still have the same job). Another option is to put all your experience as NOT-RELEVANT. The Case Officer will not ask for any evidence of things that you don't need to justify. It may save you time, money and some hassles. Obviously you need to have enough points to be invited without work experience.
  12. Everything looks fine to me. Dates: 06/10 - 10/12 (2yrs 4mths) Position: Network Engineer Employer: XXXXXX Country: INDIA Dates: 10/12 - 09/13 (0yrs 11mths) Position: Senior Specialist Employer: XXXXXX Country: INDIA Total of 3 years+3 months So much stress over nothing. If you have between 3 to 5 years of experience (3.00 to 4.99 years) you get 5 points. ACS assessed your experience as RELEVANT during those periods so you get 5 points. Overseas skilled employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation, at time of invitation: At least three but less than five years (of past 10 years) 5 points At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) 10 points At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) 15 points
  13. Please post your ACS letter. Did you get an skill assessment from ACS? Did you get an skill assessment from somewhere else? I only need to see the exact wordings and dates, I don't need your personal information. Again DO NOT WORRY, everything can EASILY be fixed during the EOI. The real problems arise when or after you have made the visa payment, before that every mistake can be corrected with little or zero negative consecuences.
  14. I'm pretty sure you made a mistake. You have 2 threads with the same content... pick one or the other to keep talking about your problem and I'll try to assist you
  15. If you got invited you just have to let it lapse (it takes 2 month for the EOI to lapse). Just create a new EOI with the correct information and ignore the invitation you received from the old one. If you need advice about your experience please post the EXACT wording of your ACS letter. The letter tells you exactly what to do.
  16. Don't sweat it. Nothing to worry about. You can simply modify your EOI, or even create a new one and forget about the old one (or delete/retire the old one) Just make sure you entered the data correctly as I highly doubt it was a system error/problem. Maybe you filled it in saying it was "australian experience" instead of "offshore experience"? That would explain the 5 points. It would be a bigger issue if it was your visa lodging application, and even then you can correct it by filling some forms and there would be any problems. The important part is that both your EOI and visa application are consistant
  17. You need a sponsor as you do not qualify for the Skilled Worker (skillselect) program... If you get an sponsor you can get a subclass 457 visa. If your plan is to stay in australia for the rest of your life I suggest you hire an agent or pay at least pay for a hour or so of initial counseling so you can map your future in australia. The 457 is a temporary visa so once it expires you have to go back home, get sponsored again or apply for a different visa, and there are not that many of them that allows a 50+ y/o to be a permanent resident.
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