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  1. Hi ketpatel I sent an email myself (did not have an MA) to pse.nsw@immi.gov.au more or less in these lines : Dear Sir/Madam, In the meantime I have been informed that the department is already allocating applications lodged in October 2014. Given that my application was submitted in the first week of Oct is it correct to assume that, by now, my application has already been allocated to a case officer? .... They were kind enough to reply (in addition to the automatic reply one gets whenever emailing the dept)! Good luck further!
  2. Hi Thomas, I sent an email yesterday enquiring about the status of my application and got a reply confirming that my application had already been allocated to a CO (team 4)... and today the magic email arrived. Thanks and hope you do not have to wait too long (we have comparable timelines)
  3. Finally..visa granted! email received at mid-night...european time. So relieved...and excited at the same time. Wish that you do not have to wait too long! Thank you all for sharing your experiences in this thread...it really helped me to sustain the long wait without going (too) crazy. Best wishes
  4. Hi Sripat, Curious to know how fast team 4 will process your application. I have just been informed that my application has been allocated to the same team 4 and that a CO will contact me if needed. In the meantime waiting...at least my applications is already at someone's desk!
  5. Hi Joel, In their last automatic reply (last updated on Feb 25) they already changed to October applications
  6. Dear ENS 186 applicants: where are those grants? Nothing happening lately? The good news have not yet reach me but it is always nice to read when others receive their grants. Please share!
  7. Hi nkm, have you been able to clarify whether that change in the status of your submitted documents means that you have to submit those docs again? Just in case I came across such a thing...to be frank any change would be welcome at this stage, as it would mean they are looking at the application (not hearing anything is really not nice).
  8. Another week ending and no news...bah! 144 days waiting and counting...(with nomination already approved back in Aug 2014; DIBP has never established contact so far...)
  9. At the bottom of this thread I can read that right now 'there are currently 38 users browsing this thread'. No one with timelines to share? Always disappointing to see days passing by without visas being granted....
  10. This is 'funny'...some days ago I got a message from DIBP saying that they were currently allocating applications lodged in October
  11. Strange experience with DIBP Up until now I have dropped 3 messages at immi (calling is not an option given that I am offshore). Every time I had sent an email got an automatic reply...followed (a couple of days later) by a 'personalized' but short message basically just stating that my application had not yet been allocated to a case officer. Could not fail to notice the poor use of the English language - full of orthographic and grammatical errors (and I am not a native speaker...)...well so much for the IELTS tests we all have to undergo. In addition, the messages are simply signed by a name plus initial such as John X or Anna Y (these were not the real names used), which I find funny (definitely not used to see this form of identification in formal correspondence). The latest was very funny: after sending my email got the usual automatic reply, this time informing that they are currently allocating applications lodged in October; then got the 'personalized' email saying that my application had not yet been allocated to a CO because it was lodged on 7th Oct 2014. Thus, I have to conclude that they are allocating Oct applications but just not the ones from that date? Or only the ones that were lodged up to 6 Oct? Of course not, this would be too silly... Well, too surreal this experience of waiting without any clue of what is going on...
  12. Hi jay...I believe there is nobody here who really knows what happens at DIBP or how they operate...but, on the other hand, and in all fairness, every each of us surely have special own story/situation that may explain, at least in part, some of the time processing divergencies (vs. others), don't you think? Let's us just hope that they speed up the process for EVERYONE!
  13. Ok... I see there were 2 lucky persons yesterday (18 Feb); who will be the lucky ones today?
  14. I have to agree with you Megan... I have a comparable timeline to yours...with nomination approved long long ago...but it does not seem to matter at all; However, I could not see in the timeline that DIBP has requested to provide more info...was that the case?
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