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  1. Nope and I've done the whole calling their hotline, which was a waste of time, generic information at best its all i got from them.
  2. D-Day is finally here y'all! Im very glad, stoked, over the moon, excited, happy, proud to say that about an hour ago i received the grant letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry F-ing xmas to all ! fingers crossed for yall waiting out there. wooooo hooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Not me. Still waiting here. things are awful quiet, allthou i would imagine today was a weird day in general in sydney with the psychos in martin place. lots of people not at their desks etc....
  4. Hi Guys, Was meaning to ask: When Immi Requests for additional documents. Do you guys email them? or simply just upload em to your 'myimmi' portal?? do you reckon emailing them would be better given that they have to them put them unto our file? as suppose to when we upload em up ourselves it would perhaps allow for the case office to simply overlook them? what are your thoughts? the guys who just got their PR's approved and got requested to submit additional documents how did you find it?
  5. Awesome news belle!!!! So glad to see all the people that ive been chatting to throu posts this last few months finally getting their PRs. Best of luck y'all in your new life in Oz guys! fingers crossed that i'll be next!
  6. Massive congrats mate! Does that mean that both your nomination and Visa app got granted today? or did ur nom got approved prior? Just found out a couple of hours ago that my employer got asked to also submit additional documents. Submitted today 8th of december. Cant believe im going on 5+ months and nomination hasnt even been approved.
  7. Congrats mate! was it transition from 457 or direct entry? and where was it processed?
  8. No news mate. whats ur timelime? post it on your signature. Wait is killing me
  9. Congrats jayjay. Where was it processed???? wa nsw vic? They are chewing throu August quite quickly
  10. Hi mate, im from a low risk country my partner is from a "high risk one thou" (included in my application too). according to ur calculations what you think? i would say 3.5 to 4.5 months on average aye?
  11. Hey Harry, Thanks for your reply! are you certain that we count from the visa application date and not nomination date? Anyone else has any input on this matter? Really appreciate it guys
  12. Damm that sucks jay. Im sure u or ur employer could ask to be reassed? Does that mean you've lost your application fee?
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