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Everything posted by Matamanoa

  1. Hi Keighley! Just read all the info about it and it must be because I am pregnant and could not have the X-rays done.... Pretty straight forward!!!! Soo excited now!!!! Can't wait to go!!!!
  2. Finally got co allocated today requestin form 815..... Did anybody have to submit that? Finally things are moving!!!!
  3. Hi! Good news about the co Visa is valid one year from medicals or pcc, which ever is the earliest!
  4. Shelly is going to get her visa granted next week Shelly is going to get her visa granted next week Shelly is going to get her visa granted next week Shelly is going to get her visa granted next week If it's a group mantra it might work better!!!! Good luck
  5. Hi Govane! I'mafraid i can't help you with the Paybillpost answer as I have not paid the extra money, but if it is done via paypal it is definitely safe. I use paypal all the time and I never had a problem with it! hope you can get your visa soon! And now let's all enjoy the weekend :laugh:
  6. What's happened to the visa tracker???? My details have disappeared, colours and dates are all messed up...... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AkrdCphtU8u-dGJQSWROUlZ0bThIaUF2VW9zdUZmMlE&f=true&noheader=false&gid=0
  7. Congratulations!!!! That was a fast one you are right! Good luck with everything and hope to be following you soon
  8. Hi mss78! June casse now are been looked at. Quite a few direct grants and co allocations already! Hopefully it's going to be us soon!!!
  9. Hi lippylorna!!! we have the same timeline, although we have done medicals and pccs in July! I hope we will hear something very soon.... The visa tracker is showing storm movement and I can't wait to have this visa!!!!! Winter is approaching and it would be lovely to spend it in the sun good ode luck to all of us!!
  10. And I have noticed on the google visa tracker that 2 more visas have been granted today..... We are nearly there!!!!
  11. It is very exciting and encouraging to hear that things are now moving for nearly everyone..... Tellse, when did you lodge your application?
  12. Thank you amitm, great relief, as you said..... i went on other forums in the meantime and I was advised to access my emedical client account, print the referral letter where there should be written when the medicals have been uploaded.... And it was like that! All the various tests (X-Ray, HIV etc) show up as completed now and where I did them... Can't wait to hear something!!! thanks again
  13. The same thing here..... It feels so close but yet...... fingers crossed for everybody
  14. Hi Shelly! Not that we know of.... They said they would have called us if there were any issues.... The only thing is that I am pregnant but the doctor said it is not a problem I will call them today! This wait is killing me!!!
  15. Hello everyone.... about the medicals.... We have done ours on the 15th of August but nothing has changed on the immi account status, still recommended and not required or received..... On the emedical account there is only the questionnaire that we filled in to book the medicals, but the one that we did at the clinic in London with the photo etc is it normal? We have lodged on the 27th of June and I am dying for some movement!!!!! thanks for your help
  16. Hi Spratnat!!! Very good news about the co!!! When did you apply for the visa? Good luck to you!
  17. Hi rgp72! Direct grant is when you get the visa without having been allocated a co. Usually it happens in straight forward applications with all the documents frontloaded including pcc and medicals We hope to get one but you never know
  18. Hello guys! I have a question, but not sure if there is an answer a part from no!! My family and I have completed the medicals but I have not managed to write down the hap id numbers... I went back to my immi account and managed to find mine and hubby's but the children cannot be found as it is stated "this person does not require medical etc etc etc" any chance of retracing my children's hap id numbers??? thank for your help..... Still waiting for co
  19. Hello everybody! Maybe you all know about the form 80 but i have found this link on the immi website which might explain why some people are asked to fill it in and some are not..... Hope it helps! http://www.immi.gov.au/Help/Pages/character-police/requirements.aspx we finally have only the medicals to upload and then waiting game is on!!!!
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