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Everything posted by RPM7

  1. We're planning on moving over in mid February. My wife has sold her business, but I'm holding off from handing in my notice at work until early January. We've got buyers sorted out for the cars, but we're still not 100% sorted out on the house. Will probably have to rent it out. With regards to work, I initially anticipated that I'd have many late nights doing skype interviews, but its been the complete opposite. I applied for a couple jobs that I felt I matched perfectly based on my experience (some of them were very specific roles), but unfortunately I either didn't receive a response, or the recruiter would tell me that they were only interested in people that were eligible or are currently living in Oz. Despite the fact that I have a 189 visa and I explained that I was able to work in Oz without restrictions, the recruiters never responded again. I believe the recruiters are only interested in filling positions asap so they can get their commission. They'd have to wait a couple months for payment if I were successful. So in the meantime I've been updating my skills further, and getting any relevant certifications that may be helpful when I do go job hunting. We'll probably go travelling around Thailand first, and then visit friends in Sydney who have offered to help us when we arrive. But based on my work experience, I imagine that I'll probably end up in Perth where the relevant work is for me.
  2. I got assigned a CO yesterday (applied on 16th of May). Just have to get the PCC and medicals and then the final wait.
  3. Sadly, I'm in the same boat as you Sasha777. I lodged mine a day before you, and still no word regarding a CO. I was told by my agent initially that the whole processing should take under 3 months. When I didn't hear anything back after a month and a half, I contacted my agent and was told it would now take at least 3 months just to get a CO :arghh:. I'm delighted to see people getting their visas, but its killing me how my application is dragging out. Plus it doesn't help that I've been told to wait until I receive word back from a CO before completing my medicals or PCC. I hope you get word back soon.
  4. I'm in the same boat. I applied on the 16th of may through a MARA registered agent, and still haven't heard anything back. I was originally told by my agent that the whole process should take approximately 3 months. But now they're saying, getting a CO could take that long. I think they're just fed up of me asking questions and want me to leave them alone.
  5. I contacted my agent a while back and she got annoyed with me for questioning her ability etc... She told me that it was common to wait up to 3 months for a CO appointment. (I'm still trying to digest that one) Because my agent has handled the processing, I don't have any details about my application no. I would have to request that from her to be able to contact IMMI and I don't know whether she would be compliant.
  6. Don't mean to worry anyone, but I'm still waiting from the 16th of May for a CO to be appointed. I've applied through a MARA registered agent too. There must be a pretty big back log this year.
  7. RPM7


    There's lots of good advice on youtube. There are also some good websites that allow you to practice the listening part. I can't remember the site I used to practice with, but a quick search on google should give you some free sites. Listening is probably the easiest and most important to study for. For the reading, you need to take your time as they can try to catch you out.
  8. Hi guys, I'm starting to become impatient with my application. I got 75 points after completing the IELTS, and was always under the impression that the more points would expedite the application (at least my agent told me so). Anyway, I submitted an EOI on 28/04/14 and received an invitation to apply on 12/05/14. My agent submitted the application on 16/05/14, but after contacting him last week he said it could take 3 months to get a case officer assigned. Am I been paranoid? Is anyone else waiting the same length of time as me?
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