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Everything posted by AmandaJB

  1. Hi Steve, Hooray, at last!! I was wondering about the fact there are three of us from June 2014 onwards who have no additional info as to when further documents are required. I have come up with two scenarios (neither of which may be correct of course) - either it's because they have dealt with so many recently that they can't give a fair indication as to when the documents will be due, particularly with the 12 month validity of meds and police checks, OR (and this is my favourite one) they only give that information at acknowledgement stage when a Form 80 is also required because from what I can tell of other posts, most had the Form 80 included? Could we really be so lucky? Time will tell I guess :-) Amanda
  2. Hi Julie, YAY!!!! Excellent to hear you received yours now - although with no dates too (I wonder if this means no dreaded Form 80 as they seem to give a lot more notice for that - time will only tell). I think I read somewhere that we're given about 4 months to get the rest of the documents in order once a case officer contacts us, but don't hold me to that please - I've read so much, I'm not sure what I've remembered correctly anymore! I guess by being on here we'll have an idea of when to expect to hear more from others who lodged before us. At least we're on "step two" now as I call it. Thank goodness for this forum! Amanda Now I know where I read about the 4 months (above) - only just saw this again - it's still early morning/still waking up haha...
  3. Hi Julie, yes, you were one of the parents on here I thought of who'd be next :-) Strangely, I have not been given any dates, only advice to "not send any further documents until requested,.. as it won't speed up the process..." (?? I've not heard that on here before, a bit worried about it). I'll be interested to hear what you are told when you receive yours, very soon no doubt! Yes, good news on the exchange rate, I'm holding out for a little more - whether that's smart or stupid, I'm yet to find out, haha.... Amanda
  4. Hi Steve, they've moved forward a bit then from last weeks info which is good news, won't be long before you receive yours now. Oddly, they have not mentioned when further documents may be requested (and no mention of Form 80 either). It states not to send any further documents until requested, as it will not speed up the application process. I don't know if anyone else who has received theirs recently also states the same. We have a bank account at HSBC in Sydney, but will open an account with a more "local bank" once there. Cheers, Amanda
  5. Thanks Roberta :-) Sydney, Hills District is where we plan to head, both sons and their families are in that area. I think we're likely to have another 12 month wait or so, not sure, but at least it's moving forward. Amanda
  6. Hi everyone, just to let you know, I have finally received my formal acknowledgement of valid application 143 today :-) Lodgement date is 18 June 2014, so I know there are a few others who will be pleased to know, as the dates are close :-) Hope you all receive yours soon !! All the best, Amanda
  7. Thanks Carob, Great to hear it's working out well, and thanks for the info. We'll need a good six months clear to sell properties (they seem to sell okay where we are so fingers crossed on that matter), then a couple of months notice at work once we know the sales are okay etc., so hopefully that'll work out okay. Seems you're starting to see the light now! :-) All the best, Amanda
  8. Hi Maisie, Thanks for the date info re the medicals and police checks. I think I have read previously that it is best to wait for a case officer before providing those docs, in case of further delays in the process (and due to the 12 month validity mentioned earlier). It's a bit confusing if they give advice on the acknowledgement letter with dates so close, (assuming they mentioned Feb and April 2015) and others have said to wait for CO before applying for PC and medical. That's the main thing I'm confused about in the process to be honest, when to take those steps. Good luck with the house sale! Amanda
  9. Thanks Julie, another month perhaps for us then. Hopefully this won't lengthen the total time, but I'm not going to get my hopes up! Amanda
  10. Me too Steve, it's good to see progress! My original "receipt" e-mail from Perth mentioned the formal acknowledgement letter would take about 5 months, but my last TEST e-mail to them (1 Dec 2014) responded with advice that it is now approximately 6 months, I'm moving towards 7 months now though with our lodgement date of 18 June 2014. Perhaps the Christmas break has held things up further. Has anyone received their formal acknowledgement, and if so, what was your lodgement date please (CPV 143)? Cheers, Amanda
  11. Thanks Tony, yes, what a brilliant forum, goodness knows what we'd all do without it :-) I am guessing that perhaps there are different teams allocated then, and some are ahead of others. At least you know all is good :-) Amanda
  12. Fantastic!! Keep us updated for sure, how exciting :-) Out of interest, do you need to lodge Form 80? Amanda
  13. Hi Tony, thanks for the info. is that the first you have heard from them, or the second acknowledgement? Mine was only the first which tells me the lodgement date but I am hoping to receive a further e-mail, possibly next month. I don't know exactly what to expect with the second one though, maybe more info of what may be required, and when, and perhaps when we are likely to be allocated a CO. It's all new to me :-) Amanda
  14. Phew! Thanks Julie, seems it may be December for us to receive ours then. Mild panic over. Amanda
  15. Our 143 (offshore) was lodged 18 June 2014 and we've not received formal acknowledgement yet, only the initial e-mail with receipt, at end of August 2014. I hope ours comes through this week. I wonder how this works then, if not in order of lodgement date. Lucky you Tony :-)
  16. Excellent! I can't wait to get to that stage. hope it all goes smoothly. Out of interest, did you have to lodge the dreaded Form 80? or perhaps that comes next? Cheers, Amanda
  17. Hi Richard, No problem, copied from e-amail: Processing times for Contributory Parent Visas - subclass 143 where applicant does not hold a subclass 173 visa. Due to the high volume of applications received, it iscurrently taking approximately 18 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent visa application until the assessment stage. The current processing date is March 2013. When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing. Please note that we generally receive between 250 and 300 applications a month so if you lodged an application in that month but have not yet heard from us be assured we will get to you. If your application was lodged after this date, assessing will not have commenced. Prior to this stage the department will not be in contact and will not confirm receipt of individual documents. Processing times for Contributory Parent (Temporary to Permanent) Visa where the applicant holds a subclass 173 visa It iscurrently taking approximately 6 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent subclass 143 (temporary to permanent) visa until the assessment stage. The current processing date is 2 April 2014. When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing. If your application was lodged after this date processing will not have commenced. Prior to this stage the department will not be in contact and will not confirm receipt of individual documents. I hope this helps :-) Amanda
  18. Dear Piramida, I am so sorry to hear your news, it must be a terrible time for you both. I hope you both have a lot of support. I cannot offer advice I'm sorry, as I do not know what happens in these situations but hopefully someone on this site will be able to help you with your visa concerns. Take care. Best wishes, Amanda
  19. Good morning/afternoon, I have just e-mailed the Perth parent visa department and part of the auto reply states: We are currently receipting offshore applications lodged on 05 August 2014. We are currently receipting onshore applications lodged on 30 September 2014 As we have a 5 month backlog of applications waiting for acknowledgment letters, we now have a task force in place so this time will gradually reduce. Currently we are sending out letters for applications lodged on 10 April 2014. Your patience is appreciated. There is still quite a delay in formal acknowledgements, approximately 6 months it seems from their date advice (10 April 2014 lodgements). At least they're hopeful it should reduce!! Have a great Friday, Amanda
  20. Hi Steve, Perth's nice, but I guess you will know that already. We are going to Sydney. We love exploring Australia though, so will travel a lot over the years (although we will be working, I'll still be under 50 by grant). We have seen so much already, but not even the tip of the iceberg(?) really, and I lived there 20 years ago so am quite familiar with a few cities. We'll all be there before you know it, but the waiting seems it may take longer from this year. Amanda
  21. Hi Steve, good to know you've finally heard from them, it's a relief when you know all is in hand. I think because we still have the formal acknowledgement to wait for, it at least breaks up the huge gap before we are assigned a CO. Maybe by the end of the year us June/July applicants will have moved to the next stage (hope so!). Amanda
  22. Thanks Bridgeman, I thought I replied yesterday, but can't see my response. Apologies if this comes up twice. We only lodged our application in June this year and have not yet received the formal acknowledgement, so it will be end of next year before things start moving I guess. Always good to know this type of information though. Amanda
  23. Thanks Andalog, I appreciate your reply, that's good to know :-) You have been having a nice long holiday, very lucky!! Amanda
  24. Hi everyone, I hope your weekend is a sunny as ours in the channel islands :-) Just a quick question if I may. We have lodged our CPV 143 application, and are planning a trip to Sydney in the next few months. Has anyone encountered any problems when applying for a tourist visa (e-visitor)? I am not sure if the 143 application has to be declared. I know that many of you travel to Australia having already applied for the parent visa and so would be very grateful to hear if it was all straightforward to have the tourist visa granted. Many thanks in advance, Amanda
  25. Yes, sure Julie, I will let you know (lucky you, getting a trip in soon!). I saw today that GBP took a bit of a dive against AUD, not great news - hopefully it'll settle soon. Amanda
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