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Everything posted by AmandaJB

  1. At last something was quick in this long drawn out process :-). I didn't realise they could be done online, we had to send passport sized photos, did your scan yours in? At least if we had done that they would have arrived by now. Amanda
  2. Hi Steve, It would certainly be worth checking with NAB. Wow you were fast with those police checks, I only sent ours yesterday and from tracking I can see they've not been delivered yet. How long did yours take to come back? Amanda
  3. Hi Steve, I'm sure it would all be fine. We have an account with HSBC in Sydney already so perhaps that makes it easier to deal with. Mind you, anything regarding large amounts of money at the moment terrifies me haha! Amanda
  4. Hi Steve, I have heard from HSBC in Aus now. We have let them know our requirements (GBP account), and why, and our possible timeline and the advice is to wait until closer to the time that we will need the account (of course, if the rate improves we won't need it!) and then to e-mail our contact there one week before we plan to open the account, so we can discuss options and they can prepare the paperwork to set up the account. So far, so good.... although I think it may take more than one week. Cheers Amanda
  5. Hi Steve, My son sent me an email contact, a product specialist at the Sydney head office. I sent my initial email to her and heard back the next day, an introduction and questions about our plans so I let her know our requirements etc and am just waiting for her further reply now, hopefully this week. I'll keep you updated if/when i hear more. I had also thought there may be further backlog delays, I'm really hoping April 2014 was quieter with the influx in March that year! Cheers Amanda
  6. I am guessing the 20% extra volume was in the last week of March 2014 because they seemed to sail through the earlier weeks (quicker than any other time I think!). Was there a fee increase on 1 April 2014? I was really hoping it was going to be better news this week, same as all of us I'm sure! :-(
  7. Thanks Kathy, that's helpful - our problem is we're in the UK still, and not going to Aus now until our visa has granted. I will see what details they come back with soon. Amanda
  8. Hi Steve, I will let you know how I get on with the enquiry. It's rather to sit with GBP in the account and wait until a better rate is available than to transfer immediately (and we would use a forex company to transfer at better rates than direct bank transfer which is always quite low compared). All the best Amanda
  9. Hi Julie, it's such a shame it's changed for the worse like this - we can live in hope of it improving I guess! Life's a gamble (and especially for us brave souls selling up before visas are granted haha) Amanda
  10. Hi Fisher1, yes, it's amazing how much difference even a few cents drop in the rate makes - but it's more than a few now! Am kicking myself for not transferring funds for the 2nd VAC when it was 2.18 :-( I guess that's life - in the meantime, I'm living in fear of the June referendum now!
  11. Good morning/evening all, Here's something new to fret about :-) GBP has plummeted these past few days and we have been in a dilemma - what happens if it's just as bad or (please no) worse when the time comes to transfer our funds! I don't mean the 2nd VAC, but house sale etc. Thousands of dollars can be "lost" - I told my son in Sydney of my worries ("only positives, no negatives" is always his advice) and he said why not open a GBP account in Australia, then when the time comes we can transfer GBP funds from UK to a GBP account in Australia and wait for a better rate (if absolutely necessary) to then transfer to our AUD account - good plan I think. He spoke to the bank there today, and has sent me a contact name and so I will be making enquiries. We have an AUD HSBC account in Sydney already (fee free I might add) and so hopefully it can be easily done. I thought this "might" be handy to pass on, it all depends on circumstances of course!! I don't like to think I'm losing anything so will always try to find a way to keep more of that hard earned cash. Cheers, Amanda
  12. Thanks Phil, I think we will go for it! :-) Not long for you now!! Amanda
  13. Congratulations to you too!!! How exciting, hope all goes brilliantly for you!! Amanda
  14. Thanks for the congrats Steve! Your house sale must seem like a long distant memory now - I'm not hugely excited at the prospect of all there is to do, but it's better now than last minute for sure! Good to know that you're considering doing the police checks early too, it's nice not to feel alone in these types of decisions :-) Hopefully someone has done them before being asked so we can get advice as to whether that all worked out okay. Amanda
  15. Hi everyone! It's busy on here lately, I guess the movement of dates has got us all chomping at the bit - it has got us thinking more about what to do! We've just accepted an offer on our house, YAY!! One very large less thing to worry about (assuming the sale goes through of course!) - but lots still to do. I was wondering, does anyone know if it's possible to apply for the police check before being contacted by a CO? Presumably I'll hear news of our grant before the last quarter of this year (I better had anyway!) and so we would still be within the 12 months to move to Aus. Thanks in advance Amanda
  16. Hi Catlady2014, I'm guessing they wait until medicals and police checks are passed before asking? Hope so anyway as I can imagine what a nightmare it'd be to try to get it back if something came up in the medicals (not that anything should!). I'll try to find some timescales with that info, good tip! Amanda
  17. Hiya, yes cost after cost and that's before moving there, it'll be adding up once we can be on our way! It'll be worth it in the long run! We don't live on the mainland so have to factor in flights, time off work and hotel for the medicals too, all to be booked within 28 days which means pricey flights! Hopefully those won't be in school holidays! At least we have time to pace ourselves with two years of waiting but it is an expensive way to move there for sure. Still, can't wait to get there and put all this application stuff behind us :-) At least we're not alone in this journey, great to have this forum. Amanda
  18. Hi Fisher1, hopefully I can put your mind at ease if it's the Assurance of Support cost you are thinking of? It's $10,000 for the first applicant and $4,000 for the second applicant so that's likely where you got the $14k figure from. It all adds up to an awful lot though and especially as the rate is not on our side again! We are hoping that'll change soon for the better. I am not yet at the stage of having a CO and so am not entirely sure when it needs to be paid but am sure another of us on here can help with that info :-) I hope that helps a little! Amanda
  19. Hi Alan, Many thanks, I wonder how they use these forms to be honest, with so much info requested, but hey ho, if that's what they want, then that's what we must do. I'd also be interested to know if all applicants have been asked recently :-) All the best, Amanda
  20. Hi Alan, I have a question, if you don't mind (I see you are very knowledgeable/helpful, for which we are all grateful!). Are you aware if every parent visa applicant is now requested to fill out Form 80, or is it a "lucky draw" for want of a better description? Many thanks, Amanda
  21. Hi daughterK, some very good advice there, and relavant points. We are okay, we're selling so we don't have the stress of that at the last minute, not for the visa fee. We have a flat to sell too and have a buyer, so will be fine. Our pensions are not UK pensions, and are not frozen so we know we are very lucky on that point, plus a few private ones between us as well (I think I read something recently about possible changes to the UK ones, perhaps they will increase in future? That would be great for so many). I've not reached 50 yet, and my hubby is a just a few years over that mark, so many years of work ahead yet (we keep an eye on the job, house, and exchange rate situation constantly). I have a job contact already, but realise that may not come to anything. All pretty sensibly planned out, and I lived in Aus for 10 years, in the 80's and 90's, and we now visit annually (but I foolishly didn't apply for my citizenship!!). Of course, if it all falls through, we'll be more than devastated, but at least will be able to purchase again here. Fingers crossed it works out for all of us parents and we all get our visa's. I'm a rather boring realistic planner when it comes to these things, but hopefully the planning ahead we've done will pay off :-) All the best, Amanda
  22. Thanks Steve, I obviously am very excited about going over on Saturday, and January will come around quickly for you. "Transit lounge" - I like it :-) All the best, Amanda
  23. Hi Steve, thanks for today's update and congrats on the house sale! Wow! From where I'm sitting, that seemed pretty fast but I guess you've been crazily busy for a while. Ous is yet to go on the market although we have picked an agent and had the valuation. We're getting some painting done first, then I'm off to Sydney next weekend (YAY!!) for a couple of weeks, so a bit more of a delay. Hopefully we will be lucky too and find a buyer quite fast - yours was very quick! Busy times ahead across the English channel... All the best, Amanda
  24. Hi Steve, yes, all good with us, thanks :-) I hope you've been keeping well. You must have been very busy decluttering etc, we don't know where to start haha! Congrats on the sale, that must be such a relief! Apparently luck should be on our side, houses seem to be selling quite fast in Jersey but you just can never take it for granted. At least we are giving ourselves time so we don't have to panic sell at the last minute. Good luck with the move into the rental ! All the best, Amanda
  25. Hi Steve (I know, it's been a while) This is good news to see! Hopefully December 2013 was a bit quiet for lodgements. This would mean I could be looking at about 7 months or sooner, a couple more weeks for you I think. How are the house sale plans going? We are likely to put ours on the market soon so there is no last minute panic :-) Amanda
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