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Everything posted by AmandaJB

  1. Hi Julie, Good luck with all your plans, WOW you'll be off soon, how exciting for you!! It must be strange to now have a travel date and arrange those farewells. Bet your family in Oz can't wait for you to get there :-) All the bestm Amanda
  2. Fantastic news!! Huge congrats - how EXCITING! :wink: Cheers, Amanda
  3. Oh no Julie, I'm really surprised, sorry to hear that :-( I sent my request in response to their e-mail a couple of weeks ago saying I was welcome to ask again mid-May so I guess they felt they had to? You're only 5 days behind me, so I really thought you'd get it too. Perhaps try again soon as you say - the worst they can do is say no again - although I would hope not. Hard to know what's going on when some can and some can't get the info. Hang on in there........ All the best Amanda
  4. Great Julie, you should have no problem next week. And as Alan says, at least while we have been waiting, the dollar rate has been improving! :-) Amanda
  5. Hi all, so my news today - I received the medical letter, yay!!! Third time lucky :-) I was advised "Please note that we are currently assessing applications lodged on 14 May 2014 and we had a very large amount of applications lodged in May and June 2014, so I cannot give you a precise timeframe for when your application commences assessment." So, June 2014'ers and any earlier still waiting, it should be fine to ask for your HAP ID now (go for it Julie). I did respond to their e-mail and asked about the AOS matter, if it's worth asking in a few weeks and was told "We don't encourage early lodgement of the AoS as it is a lot of money to be deposited when the application has not been assessed. By all means make your request at the end of June, as we will have a clearer picture of processing times then." End of June is 2 years and 2 weeks! Good luck to all who will be asking about the medicals at least. Now, to try to book it all. Have a great Friday :-) Amanda
  6. I'll be pacing when we are that close - and yet so far at the same time!! Seems you're likely ready with everything so that's positive! We haven't been able to book our medicals yet - hopefully I can get our HAP ID's tomorrow - they did say mid-May we are welcome to ask again, tomorrow seems close enough... Friday 13th ;-)
  7. Hiya, there was me thinking they'd moved at least 6 days - I had 6 May in my head as the last we'd heard but I think I must have forgotten about the last one then. Oops. They must surely pick up soon! I did think recently though, that with (I think) 7175 of 143's only per year, it's almost 600 files per month to deal with (I wonder if the same team deals with all other parent visas too) - rather them than me that's for sure! They surely cannot read every Form 80 either! Amanda
  8. Hiya, great news for you, not long now before you have that visa in your hand (or should that be "on your laptop" these days). Good to know immi have moved to at least 12 May 2014 too, and that means we don't have to wait another 24 hours for news of movement, fab! You must have been surprised/delighted to get that e-mail! And it's good to see they replied to your police check query so fast too. Good luck on finalising soon! Amanda
  9. Hiya, I'll let you know for sure if I get anywhere with the HAP ID (as long as I don't get told off again haha - they can't do that though, because I'll reply to their e-mail when they advised mid-May). I have no idea what to say about the exchange rate, but I am willing it to improve constantly, as we all are now. I don't get a vote on the referendum but will be keeping such a close eye on things! Good luck with the plans/timeline for you, I know you have a cut off date where you're living - it'll all work out great, you'll see! Amanda
  10. Hi Kim, This is such a long wait for us all, I'm sure time slows as we get closer! Out of interest, were you given the HAP ID and other info regarding when to book medicals, police checks etc, at the time you received your initial acknowledgement? I think it may only be those from June 2014 who missed out on the info upfront? One thing for sure though, we all waited a VERY long time to receive an acknowledgement compared to now! Your turn for a CO very soon! :-) All the best, Amanda
  11. Hi Julie, Yay for the bright side of things ;-) Just to remind, when I last asked immi for my HAP ID (the second begging e-mail I sent), they told me that I am welcome to ask mid-May - so I guess end of next week is close enough :-) I think I'll mention the AOS letter then too, and if that can be done, we should be all set once a CO is allocated. It may be worth all the "June-ies" giving it a go mid-May onwards. At least we will feel as though we are doing something more... we can't even count down sleeps after all, with no firm date for anything, yet... Also, the UK Forex site today mentioned a high of 1.97 to the £ so even though that's minimal difference to 1.96, for anyone transferring high amounts, it worth shopping around. At least this delay means we're on the up again on the finance side! Have a great weekend. Amanda
  12. Hi Julie, Yes, we thought we should just get them out of the way, and of course left the case officer blank. I don't see that it should be a problem, because for others who lodged before us, they received their info to get those, and medicals done, at a certain time - and they would not have case officers either at that time. Amanda
  13. Hi Julie, I'll let you know as soon as I get it - but perhaps try again end of the first week of May or so? I felt naughty too haha, and they don't sign off with a name either so it makes it harder to know if someone else. The AOS sounds a right pain to deal with too and not fast either by the sound of it - perhaps things have improved. Not long for you now then with your June date to leave your accommodation. We managed to secure a 6 month lease here which is quite unusual so we have until September there to get this all finalised. But I do remember that when I first applied (same time as you), we calculated we would be hearing about now that the visa has granted, and would have booked our one way tickets by now. That feels tough, can't wait to get there like you too! Sigh... All the best, Amanda
  14. Hi Julie, we are in the same boat it seems (lucky Moomin though :-) !!) I have asked twice, and explained that we are offshore, have to book a few days off work, flights, hotel etc and got the reply that they have already advised me that I am welcome to ask again mid-May, that they understand my situation but there were so many applications during May and June 2014 they are not issuing them this early because of the 12 month issue (errm, I am intending to go as soon as granted and have worked 3 months notice - long notice period I know!). They also said that they have travelled to my home island 3 times and so understand the logistics (but probably not how expensive it is going to be to book everything last minute plus two of us co-ordinating time off work at the same time.) I felt like I'd been told off haha! and now that's on my file, twice, I am not daring enough to ask again until mid-May! :-( I guess our hands are tied. If only they had not changed their system from June 2014. Still, we WILL all get there, it's a matter of time. All good things.... Take care, Amanda
  15. Hi Steve, Thanks for this info - I can't believe there is a $300 fee to open a bank account! It really doesn't end does it. I'm sounding a right moaning minnie today haha Cheers Amanda
  16. Fantastic! Congratulations!! When it's written down like that it all looks so straightforward! I think those for June 2014 onward are going to be less organised unfortunately and likely delayed for a couple of months compared too. Oh lucky, lucky you!! All the best, Amanda
  17. Hi Alan, well done!! I also tried, with my date being 18 June 2014, and explained our situation (flights, hotel, time off work together etc) - I also received a reply but they said that while they understand our need to organise it all, it is still too early for June 2014 lodgements and to try again mid-May - so, I was pleased to get a reply but a bit disheartened (we can only ask hey!) - I'll definitely contact them again, but probably earlier than suggested as I really hope we have a CO before mid-May! Hope all your plans go well :-) Amanda
  18. Hi, sorry, ignore my earlier request regarding e-mail address etc - doh! I see that info every time I get the TEST e-mail response :-) Amanda
  19. Hiya, Well done! That's great news!! I'd like to try this too - if not right now, maybe in a couple of weeks as we are a month behind you. We have to take time off work, and book flights/hotel for ours as we are offshore and so would much rather book them ahead a bit for less expensive flights than if a the last minute. Can I ask the e-mail address you used, and subject etc? Many thanks!! Feeling hopeful :-) Amanda
  20. Hi Julie, wow! A reply, that's excellent - it always feels better to know somebody is there. Here's hoping they stick to schedule or get ahead of it. I wonder if they have targets to beat like we set at work (and appraisals!). :-) Hope all is going well with you. All the best, Amanda
  21. I'm not such a happy bunny with the 4 April news now, more a mad March hare, haha. oh yes, and Easter weekend coming up too - sigh..... Still, I'm going to predict some bigger jumps this month.... (or maybe that's just the Easter bunny). I still hear my son's advice "no negatives, only positives" - going to stick with that to keep me going :-) Our time will come, for us all, at least we are all in this together!
  22. I'm glad I'm not alone then! Maybe it's just us, punishment for our rebellious streaks (police checks :-) I could see on the mail tracking today that our police check forms have now been delivered - hopefully we'll receive them within the 10 days (plus posting time of course!). Amanda
  23. Thanks, I tried a couple of times this week and when I saw others have had a reply I tried to see if it would work for me, but no joy - I will wait for news of a change tomorrow on here (hopefully!)
  24. Hi, I'm sure the most it has moved is one week since I've been on here :-( and sometimes it hasn't moved for a few weeks at all! Most frustrating. We are all hoping that it moves quickly through April, since there were more than usual lodged during March 2014. Your time will pass quite quickly I hope - it just seems to drag more the closer you get! Amanda
  25. I see others have had a response to the TEST e-mail, but it's not working for me (maybe they think that I'm rebelling in doing my police checks early if they read this and blacklisted me!). Did anyone else have a problem or is it just bad timing on my part when I send it I wonder? Amanda
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