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Everything posted by AmandaJB

  1. Hi Julie, Great news they've moved forward another day. I believe the sponsor and the assurer can be two different people if necessary (and there can be more than one assurer too, if there's a problem for anyone). Can't wait for Friday's update now, or before perhaps :-) Not long for us now!!!! Yippee... Amanda
  2. Hi Julie, Hurrah, some movement :-) There are actually nine days between 5 June 14 and my date, taking out weekends. It's a shame that the June 2014 onwards applicants have been unable to get ALL ducks in a row before a CO is appointed. The only thing outstanding for us now is the AoS. I had asked at the end of June 2016 for the relevant information to get the ball rolling, as they had advised me to do that back in May 2016, however the reply I received was an apology with the advice that it is just not possible, as it would pretty much be a case of double processing - I understand what the mean, but it's such a pity that we didn't get the information up front, same as the applicants who lodged earlier (or so I believe). Have a great weekend, I'm getting so jealous of you all who have managed to get out their early - I may be looking at December before I can get there, with trying to finalise then 3 months notice :-( Still, it WILL happen, patience.... ! Amanda
  3. I thought you'd like that news :-) Whatever happens, our time will come soon. Don't worry, I sure will let you know as soon as we hear anything! Amanda
  4. How perfectly this has worked out for you both Alan, what superb timing!! :-) I think they stopped giving out the AOS info to any who lodged June 2014 onwards, and so that'll hold us next lot up somewhat. I realise some (like me) have been lucky enough to be able to do the medicals already but only because we asked. What a difference that few weeks made in getting it all up front or having to wait! I was thinking, it would be great if PVC just sent the requirement e-mails to everyone who lodged during June 2014 as there seem to be so many and then all of us applicants can start working on everything and lodge/be granted once everything is in place - just my wish, sigh.... (but an excellent idea nonetheless, lol). Enjoy Bali, what a great way to ease yourself into the next stage. When you leave the waiting room, please leave the door a tiny bit open.... Thanks! :wink:
  5. Hi Julie, you'll have seen that it's getting close now from Alan's update, you'll soon have the home and car you want :-) Amanda
  6. Fantastic news!! I am certain you will make it in time for your new job on 2 August. Plus I'm SO excited now that it's jumped to June - two updates in a week, how totally fab. I see 1 June 2014 was a Sunday mind, lol. Thirteen more June 2014 working days to reach mine, getting excited here now! :-)
  7. I'm counting on another update on Friday, I hope I'm not wrong! You have everything lined up ready, I think it's "just" the visa fee for you now? I can't wait until we hear yours is granted as it'll be closer to our turn then :-)
  8. Edit - not sure why this came up twice, sorry! Or maybe I thought it should be repeated ... Immi update today "We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 29 May 2014." @AlanSteel - SO close for you now!!! June soon too :-) Amanda
  9. Immi update today "We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 29 May 2014." @AlanSteel - SO close for you now!!! June soon too :-) Amanda
  10. Hi Alan, PVC may have read your post, thanks - I tested the e-mail again and it now reads: DUE TO THE 42% INCREASE IN APPLICATION LODGEMENTS IN JUNE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS MONTHS DO NOT CONTACT US TO CONFIRM IF YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED, IF YOU HAVE USED A COURIER, REGISTERED OR EXPRESS POST YOU CAN USE YOUR TRACKING NUMBER TO CONFIRM WITH THE COURIERS OR THE POST OFFICE THAT YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN DELIVERED. The processing date is still 27 May 2014 of course, but hopefully this will change by Friday! :-) They must have a huge amount of processing to do, with the May/June 2014 apparently being 40% of the usual annual applications. I really wish we'd lodged a month before but we were timing it with moving there just about now, hindsight.... Amanda
  11. Hiya, lucky you were going to reply to the last e-mail then! :-) It's probably not a bad thing, because so much was going on with your imminent move that your blood pressure may have been sky high for medicals! At least now, you're there, and no doubt more relaxed. Go for it :-) Hope it's all going great and it's fab that you're now having time with your family. Amanda
  12. I see the latest info, in addition to the 27 May 2014 date, still states the below, no info on the number of places for the 2016/2017 programme yet: - I think they should update it to say "processing times for these WILL exceed 24 months.", not is expected to - there are plenty of us beyond that now. There are 7175 places allocated to Contributory Parent visa category in the 2015-16 Migration Programme. Due to high numbers of Contributory Parent visa applications lodged in May and June 2014, processing times for these is expected to exceed 24 months. Those lodging now are likely to have an even longer wait than we are having, with the following: "DUE TO THE 42% INCREASE IN APPLICATION LODGEMENTS IN THE LAST FEW DAYS DO NOT CONTACT US TO CONFIRM IF YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED, IF YOU HAVE USED A COURIER, REGISTERED OR EXPRESS POST YOU CAN USE YOUR TRACKING NUMBER TO CONFIRM WITH THE COURIERS OR THE POST OFFICE THAT YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN DELIVERED." But hey, what can we do, but wait, enjoy each day, and look forward to what lies ahead.... and drink gin perhaps... :-) Amanda
  13. Hiya Julie, Thursday, eeeeek!! How exciting for you! Sounds like you did the wise thing with the visa transfer already. I'm holding out for a miracle in the next couple of months when ours will hopefully have to be paid. I'm sure you must be feeling pretty strange at the mo, with your trip so near now and all those goodbyes out the way. Good on you for taking a leap of faith, have a safe trip and enjoy every moment of your next adventure - it's been long enough coming! All the best Amanda
  14. You'll finalise soon, I'm sure. It's all gone right for you, I doubt you'll wait long now!
  15. Very true - something else that can be done while waiting is investment in Premium Bonds, up to £50k each - okay, no interest is paid but extremely high chances of winning a prize with 100,000 numbers each month for a couples maximum allowance, and funds can be withdrawn at any time - I think you have to be in the UK. There are 2 £1 million prizes every month now and tons of others in the £10,000's. Another way of spreading funds with "potential" of very high returns. Bank interest is now so very low, better to get something than nothing, but a big shame too. Amanda
  16. Congratulations Alan! You sure do make it all look easy :-) Amanda
  17. For those worried about the exchange rate, who are moving to Aus, remember it is possible to open a GBP account in Aus (HSBC in Aus confirmed we can) and wait for a better exchange rate if you are able to - using, of course, a foreign exchange company when the rate is better, not the bank transfer rate. We may do this if it doesn't improve, but we will surely be stung on the visa fee because I stupidly waited for better than the 2+ rate of recent times (which of course has plummeted) and will likely need it soon. Anyone with a house sale or other main finances, can lose tens of thousands in dollars (or more), it can be very stressful. If it comes to the worse for us, I would rather wait for the rates to improve, rent for a while, and leave the GBP in an Aus bank as the interest should be better there too. Then buy AUD at a better time. Just my thoughts, not sure if it'll help anyone. Have a great day/evening Amanda
  18. Yep we're on the same page for sure Julie, not long now and we'll hear a very good result I'm sure! Amanda
  19. Hi all, I just posted this in the money thread but thought it might be useful/scary/exciting on here too! "This mornings foreign exchange info on the website of a company I use - "We expect a range today in the GBP/AUD rate of 1.5652 to 2.1520" - it seems nobody can tell what may happen with either result. Two days ago it was "1.9580 to 1.9720". I know which way I need it to go!" We're moving to Aus whatever happens! Amanda
  20. Hiya Julie, hang in there! Sorry you are going through a teary time. I can understand you'd feel that way, so let the tears flow if you need to - and goodbyes can be so tough (and some people have a way of making it harder for us too). But also, focus on what's ahead, how much you've wanted this, the adventures around the corner, the dreams you have and why you are doing it. Cornwall will always be there if you need to return for any reason. I reckon a high percentage have the feelings you have now, and are probably usually surprised by them. We focus for so long on getting these visas, it almost becomes a way of life and then it's almost there and suddenly there is the concept of a life afterwards to get on with :-) Good luck with the packing (and the paperwork) - I'm a fair way behind you on the BIG move. A G&T may go down well soon.... All the best Amanda
  21. Hi Julie, London was great thanks :-) yep, June is not far away now! Well, June 2016 anyway! I think we'll see a bigger jump this week/living in that hope. We know we can't grant until after 1 July now but it'd be great to be able to get the ball rolling with a CO before then. Hope you're enjoying the long weekend! We've had sunshine here right through so enjoying that for now. Amanda
  22. Thanks Alan, I think we are okay then as they said if we don't hear anything all will be well. I might email the clinic anyway. One step closer at least and we had a nice trip to London for it. Can't wait for the next flight we have to take now, to Sydney :-) I'm sure time can't go fast enough for you now with your leaving date so close, how lucky!! Amanda
  23. Hi everyone, quick question if you don't mind. Once medicals are done, how do we check the results please? I think there is an "A" or "B" option (we should both be "A") but I can't find out where/how to check the results have been uploaded. My application does not show on my immiaccount, nor does it recognise it - I did panic but then read that the immi account is only for online applications and the parent visa is not one of those - so I hope I can stay calm about that bit. Can anyone advise as to where to find the medical bit please? Hope you're all having a great weekend! Cheers, Amanda
  24. Hiya, it sounds like you've made the right decision for your circumstances - I think we all feel in some sort of limbo. Our meds are booked for next week, 25th May, so we are flying to London on Sunday and having a few days to see the sights again, it'll be the last opportunity for some time that's for sure! Hope you get some joy from immi about yours in the not too distant. But for now, there's so much going on for you, enjoy any moments of peace!
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