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Everything posted by AmandaJB

  1. Did you ensure the reference and any other info they have mentioned previously were included in the subject line of the e-mail? I had to be quite specific but I think it was mostly already there from the request e-mail I received so I used that to reply to. Also, the main applicants name must be in the e-mail so when I write the actual body of the e-mail I again include a reference including what is in the subject line and both mine and my husbands name. This is the only thing I can think of that you may want to check. Good luck! Amanda
  2. Hi Zeyad i received the auto response and then another reply from the case officer conforming receipt and advising the documents are acceptable. Amanda
  3. Hi Zeyad, I am also with PCV Team 1. I submitted my documents yesterday (Form 80 and police checks) and have today received an e-mail confirming receipt. I would it follow up now if I were you to put your mind at rest. All the best Amanda
  4. Thanks Julie, I think I've managed it now (I'll find out once I post this - me in the middle of Aus!). My son has lodged all his AoS documents at Centrelink and has been told he will be contacted with details of arranging payment next - that they don't have an assessment appointment, only lodgement of the application. Confused alright, but it's done. Yesterday I e-mailed Form 80 (with about 11 contacts info - family and close friends), and our police checks and have received confirmation today from PVC that they've received them and all is well. Just AoS to finalise. Hope you hear soon!!! Amanda
  5. Yep, touché, I can see mine on my profile but not here. Odd! Going back to your earlier post "because I didn't want people I knew very casually being pestered by immigration" - did immigration phone them all or any of them? Mine won't mind (I hope) but it'd be good to know. Cheers Amanda
  6. Can anyone give advice as to how you get a profile picture on? - Alan and Julie, you've both figured it out. I have actually added it and can see it in my profile, but not on here.. Wishing I was savvier! The fact I got it on my own profile page is quite miraculous in itself mind... Amanda
  7. Thanks very much! It's a hard one, I have one person who doesn't want to give their date of birth and is worried about others being able to hack onto facebook/e-mail accounts etc and find out everything about them which I understand! Especially with i.d. theft... Amanda
  8. Hi Julie, don't worry, I am probably overstressing, but hope a lovely agent might be able to answer :-) Amanda
  9. Hi all, not sure if anyone on here can answer this, so I can send Form 80 tomo - I posed the question in the "Ask an Agent" section and although viewed many times, nobody has replied :-( As there are some with experience of Form 80 on here, I thought I would check what you added/were advised by your agent perhaps: "Hi I'm stuck on question 47 regarding listing personal contacts. Do we really need info of everyone we know there, friends, friends of friends, children of friends and ACTUALLY have to get details of their date and place of birth? Even my granddaughters maternal grandparents etc? Any advice would be appreciated because I know more than just my sons and their immediate family. Thank you! Looking forward to some sound advice while still sane with this form lol." Hoping that someone can advise me today, Cheers, Amanda
  10. Hi Alan, you were lucky to get that rate! :-) My son finally got Centrelink to accept that they do deal with the AOS lodgement - after another hour on the phone with no luck, then the visit to the local branch, paperwork in hand, and even then they took some convincing (what is the problem there with it). He now has to wait to get an appointment, then I'll let our CO know that date. I think (but may be wrong) that your agent had the AOS info for you before you had a CO? I had previously been advised by immi that they would let me have the details end of June then when I asked at that time, they said it was no longer possible due to the volumes they were already dealing with - would've been double processing which is understandable. I do think there was a big difference in the ease of the applications between those filed before and after 1 June 2014. Hopefully they will catch up again at some point to the old targets. Seems like all is going great for you there, hope you're enjoying your new job too! Amanda
  11. Thanks Julie, and everyone else too :-) Now, here's the issue (sigh) - my son has today phoned the number provided for Centerlink/Assurance of Support and has been told (during his 1 hour 20 min phone call from his mobile) that Centerlink does not deal with Assurance of Support assessments!!!???? You can imagine that this is now stressing us out - I have e-mailed immi to ask for any other number/department etc but really not sure what to do about this - we try to get it up and running so fast. I'll update once we know more/get through to someone else perhaps. You are nearly there.... :-) Amanda
  12. Good (early) morning/afternoon fellow parents waiting oh so patiently. So, I'm happy to report that I've now heard from our case officer! Hurrah!! For those I know who are wanting to hear of other docs (Hi Julie :-) yep Form 80 has been requested. I believe they ask as a matter of course now. We have no convictions, have funds to take (as specified on application), live in just about the lowest risk place anywhere and in good health (they've had our medicals already). But right now I'm just so happy it's moving forward! We have 28 days to get everything back including AoS finalised. Hopefully not long now before all other 'Junes' will be hearing from them too. Skipping my skip o'joy today :-) Amanda
  13. Hiya, good to know you were able to have a BBQ! We sure have to make the most of these gorgeous sunny days (while also getting distracted with thoughts of a move I see :-) Those first couple of years waiting are not so bad, it's the end stretch that's the worst, edging closer to your date while feeling it's actually not going to reach you. Every week you think it must be this week and then Friday passes again. Luckily I still work full time as does my hubby so that's a distraction too. Regarding the GBP account in Aus and whether they pay interest, it's quite the same situation as here. HSBC have various accounts and they range from 0% to 0.45% - various factors determine rates, whether multi-currency, instant access savings, fixed term, and value. Of course it's always worth shopping around just as it is here, but for us we feel it's worth considering. We live offshore and often have to prove we are still resident here or have the threat of account closure if we don't provide proof within a limited time so it would make our lives easier in that respect. I'm not sure if it's the same for mainland residents. That's our reasoning, together with the exchange rate the major factor. I will do sums at some point to see what the AUD interest rate would be and compare which is our better option just before we move. Enjoy the long weekend! :-) Amanda
  14. Cheers Julie I can see how frustrating it must be for you waiting it out there! I think your tourist visa expires October? You may be okay if that's the case. This part is no fun though. Our bank interest rates for savings are being cut too. We are still looking at a GBP account over there, haven't cancelled that idea just yet. The exchange rate has improved slightly this week. Not a great deal but better than the way it was going. It's a bank holiday here on Monday so perhaps that's the day I'll be skipping with a smile at hearing from a CO!!
  15. Hi all, I've kept silent as there is still no news, sorry about that (and haven't slept much this week expecting to hear each morning!). I see its moved on one day :-( This is tougher than the 26 months so far. I'll certainly update on here when I hear from a CO. I have so much I need to plan and at work too. My notice period will be taking me towards December at this rate when flights will be extortionate. That, and the dollar rate and the wait....not to mention finding a job and home at that time of year. Telling myself every day that today will be the day. We can't change anything. I'm wondering if it's slowed due to applicants replying from early June 2014 now. We can only hang in there. Last week was moving along so well. Hopefully I'll be back on here with a big smile soon!!
  16. Hiya Barneygrew, you are very close to getting a case officer now. Yes, you do have to be offshore. I believe immigration will let you know when you have to leave to enable them to grant your visa. Amanda
  17. Amazing, thanks Julie!! Deep breaths alright, too excited here :-) PVC are pretty much full steam ahead now, excellent! Amanda
  18. Cheers Julie, I've been too scared to check, lol. Must have been a typo last week, we'll never know I guess. Let's hope this Friday has another update! Plod, plod... Amanda
  19. Thanks Julie, so near, so far ... :-) Won't be long for sure, let's hope there's an amendment on the date soon. Amanda
  20. I just sent the TEST e-mail and was pretty excited to get the auto response as it means there's been an update, but it says 11 June 2014 again?? "We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 11 June 2014. Please note that due to a very high number of 173 and 143 applications received in June 2014, the assessment date is expected to change at a much slower pace than usual. We appreciate your patience and your understanding." I am certain it was 13 June last week, I'm disappointed to see a backward step (??), we are used to the slow movement of dates, but this is new..... :-(
  21. Hi Dave, I am still waiting for a CO. I asked after receiving my HAP ID in early May whether we could have the AOS letter and was advised it was too early and to ask again end of June. I then contacted them end of June and received a reply advising that they were unable to provide it as it would then be double processing of applications for them and they also apologised. From what I understand, those who lodged before June 2014 were luckier in getting the info upfront. Hopefully I will have a CO very soon! When did you lodge? Amanda
  22. WOW!!!! Fantastic! That has cheered me up hugely because I checked (very early) this morning and it still said 6 June '14. Brilliant!! Smiling.... :-) Amanda
  23. Yes, I know what you meant about the loss of Dollars, we feel it's too much to lose, but who knows what will happen :-) Once in Aus though, I am going to just live and try not to play the waiting game for anything after these past 26 months (so far). It's been too much already. I tried the immi e-mail but I didn't get a reply, I'm not sure what's happened this time. Have a great evening! Amanda
  24. I only saw this post today, sorry. I'm sure you will be fine with the 2 October date. With the exchange rate being what it is, we have been discussing whether to rent for a couple of years, to give us a). the opportunity to check everywhere before deciding where to settle more permanently, and b). so the exchange rate will have time to improve. Remember, if you are worried about the rate and you are happy to wait, it is possible to open a GBP account in Australia so your money is with you there and then exchange when you are happy with the rate, just as it is possible to open an AUD account over here (UK). Amanda
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