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Posts posted by maisiedaisy

  1. Hi Val


    I haven't submitted the 600 application as we're not planning to go until December. I will complete it confirming we do intend returning home which will be correct if for any reason the visa is not approved, I will however note we are waiting for a 143 to be assessed.




    Joe, I've got the form in front of me and I can't find anywhere to put that we are waiting for a 143! They ask if we have a 103 in progress but no mention of a 143! Would you put it on the back pages somewhere do you think or as a covering letter?


    a confused maisie :confused:

  2. Hi Maisie,


    We were hoping to have the medicals completed before travelling just in case anything showed up, just being paranoid.




    I can understand that Joe, we felt just the same, what if this? what if that? It just goes on and on doesn't it!

    Maybe now they've caught up with the acknowledgements they will start to make inroads into the rest of us waiting, hopefully they will start to reduce the waiting time



  3. Steve


    I sent an email to IMMI explaining we are planning to travel in December this year on a 600 tourist visa with the intention of staying in OZ until our 143 visa is ready to be granted. We were hoping to complete our medicals in the UK in November prior to traveling and would it be possible for them to provide a HAP number. To book these. Unfortunately they have replied saying as our application has not been assessed therefore it would not be possible to provide this and we will have to wait until assessment before a HAP number is provided.




    Hi Joe


    So they are not providing any HAP numbers now until assessment?!?! That's a choker isn't it and such a long time to wait, I think we must have been really lucky to have got ours! You can get your medicals done in Oz though Joe. I'm not even sure if someone said that it was cheaper.



  4. Thanks for the update Maisie. Good to know that I can still visit my daughter while the application is being looked at. Didn,t think it would take so long :(

    Good luck to you & everyone else with your applications



    I know, the waiting is painful!!:wacko: Lots of nice and very knowledgeable people on here though so you wont be on your own, you'll be joining the waiting room along with the rest of us -chin up, we'll all get there.



  5. Hi, new to the forum and checking out the posts. Noticed that Maisies applied for an on shore CPV and got it really quickly. Is it better to apply this way? devastated that it will take between 18/24 months to actually get to oz!!!! Will only be applying in June which means it will prob be 2017 before I get there, nightmare!! Also, if I apply for visa in the UK, can I visit my daughter this Christmas while application is ongoing? Had thought that maybe it would be quicker to apply while I'm there in Dec? Grateful for feedback.



    Welcome Saz

    We've have had our application on the go since April last year and we've been out on holiday to our daughters. Lots of people still go out for a visit whilst their application is pending.

    I think you can only apply for the CPV143 off shore I'm afraid.

    Best of luck


  6. Hi Oldun,


    We have been playing the waiting game quite calmly but, like you, as it gets closer, we are getting a bit frustrated. So close now.... just a bit longer then we need to pay the final instalment. Got another viewing tomorrow..... Time for a coffee, me thinks!




    I have my eyes glued to your posts Petina - got to be imminent hasn't it?


    maisie x

  7. Hi Julie


    I went through the budget document and there is nothing on there other than what you already mentioned around the fee changes. Also had a look in other areas via Google and can't find anything around the spaces available in 2015/16


    Good luck with the house sale, I know what you mean about it being daunting about putting the house on the market before hearing from IMMI, having sold ours shortly after lodging our application and now living in a rental.




    Same here, we've just sold ours too, I refuse to stress about the fact that we've not got our visa yet - if it all goes wotsit up then we'll have the money in the bank to buy somewhere else! (she said really bravely hiding the grey hair and the nails bitten down to the knuckles :yes:)



  8. Hi all


    Just tried the "Test" email again and guess what - the 143/173 is showing again now.


    It says:-


    "OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (subclass 143/173)

    We are currently assessing for finalization applications lodged on 23 August 2013"


    So we exist again!!




    Have a good weekend.




    Fantastic news Steve, nice to know we haven't been forgotten



  9. Hi Julie


    Yes I got that one.


    The auto reply ignoring our 143 applications is getting tiresome!!




    At least as far as I know our application charges are fixed at the rate set when we lodged.


    Bored waiting




    Yes I think you're right on the charges Steve - I'm thinking IMMI have given up on the 'test' email - leaves us totally in the dark at how things are progressing. All eyes on the next person due a CO!



  10. Gosh how many visas are on their list? We have normally had a three month visa (651 evisitor) at no cost. I have also had the 600 visa which is for 6 months but you have to pay for this. I don't think there was a lot of paperwork with this. I believe that the 601 you cannot apply for from UK. It all sounds complicated doesn't it? Good luck with whichever one you go for.


    Will let you know when we get the case officer - whenever that may be!!!!!




    Take care




    Hi Petina, you're quite right - I meant the e-visitor 651. I'm getting boggled eyed looking at these visa's!! Would you know if there's a time scale for being out of the country before we go back again to Oz?


    I hope you get your CO soon, it's a bit brain numbing all this migrating isn't it!



  11. We are waiting for our 143 but does anyone know about the ETA subclass 601 visa! We were hoping to get one, stay in Oz for 3 months, fly to NZ for a couple of weeks and then fly back to Oz for a further 3 months - is that possible. I know you can stay for 3 month blocks up to a year. What is the timescale you have to be out of the country before re-entry back into Oz. I was also thinking about the 600 tourist visa but hadn't realised you have to supply no end of paperwork - has anyone used the 600 before please?




  12. Hi Steve,


    All is good, how's the house sale coming along ?


    Thanks for the info, I know I had read it recently but couldn't think where. Given the amount of money they receive from this stream of visa you would like to think it will be increasing the quota, I did the test email today and again the reply had no information relating to the 143.




    Hi Joe


    Had a hunt for it but couldn't locate it - does anyone have a link for it please? I couldn't even get a reply from the test email on Friday, I wonder why they've changed it?



  13. Hi Parents

    it looks like the decision on the annual immigration figures for 2015/16 is due on Tuesday 12th May 15 - maybe then we might get an indication of some progress. At least we will know how many Parents visas will be granted in the year. Hopefully it's the same or a higher level.




    Thanks Julie - definitely hope it's a higher level. When does it run from, is it from July?


    best wishes


  14. Yup


    Hi Sadge


    If you mean for the form 80 then I believe they do require as much information as you are able to give.


    The general consensus on here is that if you put on the form that you have completed it to the best of your knowledge it should be accepted.


    I'm sure if anyone has a different experience of this then they will post accordingly.


    Good luck with it.






    We filled in everything we could and some of the places we have worked are now no longer trading. We had to do a search on the net for some of them to see what has happened and if they're still up and running. Took a while but we did manage to sort it.



  15. Hi everyone!

    Have now paid the AOS (at least our son has paid it), so yet another box ticked. Now waiting for a CO which hopefully should be within two weeks (according to the timeline).

    Only one viewing for the house but early days yet. Now doing serious de-cluttering and have done three car boot sales. As has been mentioned - amazing how much stuff one accumulates.

    Hope everyone is well?




    That's great news Petina - let us know when you're allocated with your CO we're all watching like hawks :-)


    Looks like you could be on your way soon, hopefully you'll sell really quickly


    best wishes


  16. Come on girls, you don't realise how attached we become to our rusty saws and drills. I've come to an arrangement with the current Mrs K, I get to ship an item from my tool collection for every pair of shoes she packs, so that's at least two thirds of my collection heading to Oz.


    Cracked up laughing, so funny Joe :-)


  17. Hi Maisie


    Great news about the house sale one massive tick in the box, best of luck with the de-cluttering. I know what you mean by the pens and birthday cards, I keep finding boxes and boxes of unused Chritmas cards, we should never need to buy another one but I'm sure Mrs K will still continue to buy more.




    Thanks Joe. Hub keeps trying to 'declutter' my vases and the odd ornaments I want to take and I keep having to resurrect them :ssign2:I might feel the need to 'declutter' his workshop before long!! :ssign7:



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