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Posts posted by maisiedaisy

  1. Hello Everyone. I'm knocking on the door of the waiting room! My visa application 173 has been sent to my agent in Sydney. I have waited an agonising 2 weeks to hear if the paperwork arrived. (which it did today). In hindsight, for those that are sending important documents, I would use a courier. My daughter lives in Sydney and is sponsoring us and is meeting with the agent on Friday, so I hope to hear that forms will be duly completed and sent to the authorities before the prices go up on the 1st of July.

    Thanks for all your informative posts.


    Welcome Aquamarine, pull up a chair and join us and good luck with your application



  2. I lodged my 143 in December 2013 - not through an agent I did it myself - has anyone else lodged theirs at the same time and heard anything since re form 80, medical and police check, which I have completed. many thanks Sylvia


    Hi Sylvia


    At the moment IMMI are assessing applications lodged on 29 August 2013 and things are moving quite slowly at the moment so you have a little way to go but the you might just be able to see a little chink of light at the end of the tunnel


    Good luck



  3. Thanks Joe! Done it! I'm heading to Sydney to start with.. I have one daughter living in Bondi Beach, then Melbourne, South Yarra, where my other daughter lives. Not sure where I'll settle.How about you?


    Welcome Karen, take a seat and join us in the waiting room - lots of nice people all living in the land of limbo :wacko:


    maisie x

  4. Sounds great Karen, we are moving to Perth to join our son and daughter. I know the young ladies who regularly post on here are planning an East Coast get together which is to involve several large bottles of wine and I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms.


    Loving the referral to the 'young' ladies :wink:

  5. Hi Petina


    brilliant news, considering IMMI are on industrial action until 26 June. Looks like you will be getting your grant in this years allocation. The exit door of the waiting room will soon open for you! Keep us all posted of your progress of life in Oz!

    many congratulations.





    OMG Julie, does that mean we've another 10 days of nothing being processed? We're nearly up to 22 months as it is, I was hoping they would be catching back up and reducing the wait time?? :swoon:



  6. Hi Lisa Lou


    That was quick, you're making us all jealous as a number of us had to wait months due to the large number of applicants this time last year. It sounds like they're getting their act together in the immi dept. now if we can get them to move those in the queue to a CO in a similar timeframe we will be all happy people.




    Wouldn't that be an absolute dream Joe



  7. Hi everyone .

    I am new to this forum and reading through all the posts has been a great help in submitting our application for our 143 visa.

    It was received in Perth today and already the payment has been requested for and authorisation given by our credit card company which will go through in a couple of days.

    Feeling excited but also petrified at the same time.

    The long wait begins here !!!!


    Welcome Lisa Lou - Lots of interesting information on here so keep looking in


    Good luck



  8. Hi All in the waiting room

    today's Test email still showing 28 Aug for 143 offshore applications, however, they have added a few words.........this was a particularly busy month so the date will move slowly! Thank you IMMI for explaining! Hopefully September was a quiet month and they will sprint through to October!




    I'm with you on that one Julie, definitely need the timeline to be reduced!



  9. Hi all,


    Has anyone contacted the parent centre in perth to check on status of their visa and if so how long before they reply? We sent one today to chase up out 143 lodged in Nov 2013. Still not been asked to do our AOS and its so frustrating!!




    Hi Perthpops


    As I understand it, at the moment they are assessing applications lodged 28 August 2013 so you're not quite there yet. Hopefully they will ask you in the next couple of months


    Best of luck


  10. quote_icon.png Originally Posted by fluffy viewpost-right.png

    Hi Maisiedaisy


    yes that's correct, they have paid the application fee and have now been asked to make payment however they want to now just apply for the 143, they understand they will have to pay an application fee again however as they were not planning on moving here until they had paid for the 143 they are now concerned that should something happen to either of them they have paid all that money for nothing where as if they withdraw from the 173 and apply for the 143 they will move over as soon as the visa is granted.

    I don't know what it was like for others but they are so undecided about which visa is the right one and should they pay all that money or just use it to visit every year.

    If they withdraw does it have an affect on them applying for another visa?





    Best regards.


    Hi fluffy.


    I'm in the UK at the moment. If your parents would like to discuss their visa strategy with me they can call me at the Go Matilda office in Southampton on 023 80 30 25 25 - I'm happy to have 10 minutes on the phone with them as a freebie.


    Best regards.


    Hi Fluffy


    It's all a minefield isn't it and I know how hard it is to make the right decision .... so if it were me, I would take Alan Collett up on his offer and get some good advice - it worked for me anyway.


    Lots of luck


  11. Hi maisiedaisy,


    My mum's lodgement date is around yours (30th April) and we've also got the acknowledgement letter asking us to do the medical, AOS and PCC after certain dates.

    My main concern is with AOS. I lodged the AOS a week ago ( not knowing about the change of wait from 18 months to 22 months and thinking it would take them very long to get back to me!) and have been contacted by the Department of Human Services telling me that I will be sent a letter to lodge the bank guarantee in 14 days!

    Looking at the dates ( today processing 28th of August 2013) does not seem our case will be finialised until Januray 2016.

    What did you do ? Are you holding off AOS for now?





    Hi Nassim


    We are holding off from doing the AOS till a bit nearer the time because as I understand it, they will take the money as soon as you lodge it.


    From watching how others on here are faring, at the moment it does look like it's running at 21 months which will as you say be around January for our assessments to begin. All of us sitting in the waiting room are hoping against hope that they manage to pull back on the dates and we don't have to wait that long but who can say! They did manage to catch up with the acknowledgements and so now maybe they'll tackle the backlog waiting for assessment.


    Very best of luck to you



  12. Hi,

    Nice area - near Manly? Been there a few times. Our son lives in Brisbane, daughter in Helensvale so we will be staying with them initially, then hope to buy in Ballina (north NSW) which is only 2 hours south of Brisbane. Would love to join you and Maisiedaisy for a very large bottle of something - it's a date and look forward to it. First one there reserves the table!




    Woohoo!! Looking forward to that :wink: xxxx

    • Like 1
  13. Hi all, I've not been in here in sometime but looking for any info about parent visas. My parents have put in for the contributory parent visa completing it in 2 stages. Currently they want to withdrawn and put in a new application for the full parent visa. Does anyone know if they are any consequences of with drawing an application and reapplying for another visa?


    Good of luck to those still waiting


    Hi fluffy


    Do you mean that your parents have initially applied for a 173 and want to change it to a 143?


    best wishes


  14. Hi All


    We have been informed by our agent that immi have asked for Form 80 but this was submitted as requested in Dec 2013. We await developments! They no longer assigned Case Officers and documents are assessed by a team, so we are getting there. Just hope that we don't have to complete Form 80 again as it is a different layout!


    Will let you know what happens.






    What a total pain Petina!! I hope they sort it out quickly for you!


    Best wishes

    maisie x

  15. this is it so far.......

    Applied for 173 visa 01/07/2013.

    Acknowledgement 18/11/2013.

    medicals done 14/11/2014.

    police checks done 15/01/2015.

    letter asking for police checks to be emailed 24/03/15

    emailed police checks 17/04/2015. ....waiting.

    emailed them asking whats happened 17/05/15.

    ....daughter phoned, they can't see received email with police checks..... arghhh!!! (they must have lost them)

    Finally 21/05/15 asking for payment of visa.....!!!!


    Great news, another one on the way - congratulations :-)


    best wishes


  16. That doesn't surprise me Maisie. Talking to people in banks, medibank, estate agents, as well as the general public - no-one had heard of a 143! When we mentioned how much it cost...... you should have seen their faces. Couldn't believe it!


    We were lucky to have been given an HAP, so did the medicals early.




    Same here Petina, I've seen a lot of jaws drop when I've told them how much we have to pay! We were lucky to get our HAP too, because 2 months after we got ours they appear to have stopped doing it


    maisie xx

  17. According to the Immi - WE ARE BEING ASSESSED! Whoooohoo (that's for Maisie!!)




    Petina - that's absolutely fantastic news, many congratulations and lots of whooohooo's, so very pleased for you xxxxx


    So it looks like were running at 21 months still - Keep us up to date Petina and let us know how it goes xxxxxxxxx


    maisie xx

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