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Everything posted by thelaurakate

  1. I did not know I could get demerit points on my UK licence! I thought it was just the fine. I was wrong! I have just transferred my license to a NSW one and had a shock! I have to drive for work so its a good job I know about them now. Don't make the same mistake guys!
  2. JUST GOT PR!!!! so happy 6 months and 2 days with no word. ENS applied 18.2.15 Approved 22.7.15 Visa applied 8.8.15 Approved 10.2.16 !!!! Best of luck to all the wait has been horrendous but totally worth it! cant believe today was my day
  3. Originally arrived on a WHV Oct 2010. Got to travel this amazing country in a campervan for 6 months- one of the best experiences of my life. Its amazing how free you feel not knowing were you will park up each night and how happy you can be with only the most basic simple things washing up and showering at beach showers! After that I joined hostel life- which was a crazy time as you can imagine. I was fortunate to get sponsored in my first year and put my application for PR in last year( still waiting mind!) I live in beautiful Manly NSW and absolutely make the most of the beautiful beaches. Yes oz is expensive and yes its a long way from family in England but I have had the opportunity to do things I only dreamed of. I swam with whale sharks on the Ningaloo reef, I drove across the Nulaboor Plane from Adelaide to Perth. I did a sky dive. I because a qualified scuba diver off Rottness Island WA. Ive done Tough mudder, Ran the City to Surf, Competed and placed in a fitness modelling competition and found my passion for fitness. I wondered if I would have come across that if I stayed in the UK? . Although it has been hard to get used to saying goodbye to friends over the years as they move on. I now have friends that have the same passions/ interests as me. We have learnt of a greater world that what we grew up in. I often get homesick for my family and wonder if im doing the right thing and don't get me wrong I have had my challenges to and many times wanting to just go back but this experience has made me a stronger person. I must say its rather nice to reminisce on just how many amazing things this country has brought into my life. My best friend from Uk visited for my bday last year and she brought me a locket with a map of Manly in one side and London in the other. Pretty much sums it up, I have 2 homes!! x
  4. Same reply not yet allocated a Case Officer. Nom 18.2.15 Approved 22.7.15 ENS visa applied 8.8.15 Status Application received PR.......... waiting
  5. Received this today after me emailing requesting an update: 6 months on the 8.2.15 and not even allocated a case officer ! Thank you for your email. Your application is not yet allocated to case officer. Please refer to the auto reply email you have received when you send below email for the current processing time. Applications are allocated in order of the date of lodgement and in line with Ministerial directions. Please note, once your application has been allocated a case officer will assess the documents and advise you if any further documents are required.
  6. Advice please.... cant believe it but my uk police check expires tomorrow.. started this whole process on feb 18th 2015 so its expiring! still only got application received. Shall I pay for and organise a new one and just submit it? will my current one be no good... its only coz its taken them so long to get to it that its expired what would you do? thanks
  7. Hi Guys needing some positive vibes: Work nomination applied 18.2.15 Approved 22.7.15 ENS Visa applied 8.8 still 5 months later says application received! One of my police checks runs out on 26.1 !!! this wait is killing me! any suggestions theres no way to get an update or response is there? Thanks
  8. My application still says Received work nomination applied 20.2 more docs req 29.5 nomination approved 22.7 submitted application 8.8 waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know i didn't use MA but i started this in Feb the wait is killing me! looks like wont be until 2016 now aswell.... trying to stay positive
  9. Got my work nomination approved today!! anybody know how to add my timeline to my footer? Applied ENS 186 on 20.2.15 More docs req 29.5.15 - but i was away and my work missed this! requested again on 7.7.15 Nomination approved 22.7.15 Medical - booked 24.7.15 Visa- to be submitted straight after medical. Half way there!!!!
  10. Hi do you think I should submit my application prior to my nomination being approved? ive been waiting forever !!! im not using an immigration agent tho ( had to get all work docs together myself!) Nomination lodged- 18.2.15 More docs req -7.7.15 Nomination approved - waiting!! Thanks
  11. My timeline: employers nomination submitted 20.2.15 ( after 2 years on 457 completed) More docs requested 29.5.15 more docs submitted 7.7.15- my employer didn't see the email requesting more docs so I had a panic when I got bk from a 4 week visit to the uk to get them in asap! Luckily immi still accepted them! I will submit my part once the nomination has been approved. As of yet am holding off doing medical etc , but I have my uk and oz police checks ready. Doing the whole thing myself- including the employers part! stress!!!
  12. Hi Little bit of help please... does anyone have a simple email address to contact the dept? I have tried calling so many times and been on hold forever. My ENS 186 Nomination went in over a month ago and I just tried filling out my part and it came up with this error: The associated nomination details provided cannot be verified. The applicant will not be able to continue until the employer nomination has been submitted. Check the nomination details with the employer and amend if necessary. If the associated nomination has been submitted and this error is still displaying, contact the department for further advice Im worried they haven't even got my employers nomination yet and its already been over 1 month. But on my act it says received and submitted? How do I check they have everything ? Thank you!!
  13. hi congrats on the nomination approval, why did you decide to put in your application aswell? don't you have to wait until the nomination is approved then you apply? just submitted my nomination yesterday sure I have months of waiting to come!
  14. Huge congrats AdyG - can i ask how did you lodge your nomination and application at the same time, arent we meant to wait until the nomination has been approved? thank you
  15. Hi since your all pros at this can I get a quick bit of help please?? apply myself from oz. 2 years with employer will be 18th feb, have filled it all out online but shall I not submit it until the 2 years? I have got my uk police check back, have sent off for my oz one and ive got my HDMI no. so will be booking medical soon ( just wanted to have everything ready so I can upload it soon as they ask for it) Doing the ENS myself no MA. Also will I only have to pay the 3500 after the nomination has been approved and I then apply? so far on the nomination it hasn't asked me to upload any docs or pay the $500 fee??? please help thank u! [h=2][/h]
  16. congrats josh! can I ask why you waited a month between approval and then applying? im getting all my police checks medicals done now so as soon as it approved I can apply
  17. im doing my ENS on my own not through a MA. Am I right in thinking I submit the employer nomination first and once that's approved then I apply for the visa ? im getting all my medicals and police checks done now so they are ready. can apply after 2 years with current employer on 18th feb. Hope it doesn't take too long! thanks
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