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Everything posted by andrewajp002

  1. Hi all I don't get on here as much as I would like, general life and work has taken over and its starting to feel like home now (after 4 years), I have just started my citizenship application and embarrassingly as an IT worker I fell for a stupid non government website to start the process and later found out it was not a registered site and charged me $160 just to download the forms, doh. Word of warning, the only 2 ways to apply for citizenship is either through a registered agent or through the government website (immi account) for $285, i learnt the hard way. OK, now for my real reason for the post I do not have access to a birth certificate, can you still complete the citizen application without one? I more then cover the minimum 100 points requirement without it, I have a UK passport and drivers licence, bank account, rental lease, medicare card, car insurance / rego etc. It would be a pain to have to get a birth certificate from the UK and would make life sooo much easier if I didn't have to Thanks in advance Andrew
  2. Thanks for the reply, I thought it would be quick and easy if you have full PR and all the documents. Oh well.
  3. Hi All I have been in Oz 3.5 years and was looking to do my Citizenship this year. My full PR Visa was granted in March 2015 but I didn't arrive in Melbourne until Aug 2015. I have been here ever since with small trips to the UK and meet all other requirements to proceed except actually being in Oz for 3.5 not the full 4 years. It is my understand I cannot apply until Aug this year and the wait can be up to 2 years, to process. Has anyone had any recent experience with this process, can this be done any quicker? Thanks Andrew
  4. I have been in oz now nearly 2 years working for 1.3 years, the market is fine but many companies will not touch expats that do not have any Australian experience. It took me 7 months to find work, had plenty of interviews / phone calls but even though I was qualified and perfect match for the job I never got any call backs. Good luck in everyone's search.
  5. It took me 7 months and close to running out of cash before I finally got a job in Melbourne, nice little company and no stress, pay could be better but not bad. It is a good start and hopefully a platform to better things. Little or no Australian work experience def works against you.
  6. I think the No Oz experience is a typical response from recruiters, I have applied for numerous positions very close to a good fit but in 6 months have yet to secure anything to note and even basic work there is a very high candidate to position ratio so anyone with experience isnt going to get the basic roles either. Im bordering on returning due to no work, however I had a second interview for an IT admin role in Melbourne but this was the first interview I was able to secure, and the recruiters wont touch you until you are in OZ, meaning my first month or 2 were wasted. Good luck hunting everyone, hopefully you will be lucky.
  7. Hi All, Ive been in Melbourne 7 weeks now and not even had a sniff of an interview, how long do you give it before you take temp work or work outside your specialised field just to stop spending your savings? (hypo question, I know each persons situation if different) BTW Im an IT Systems Analyst, SharePoint Developer (unfortunately in very low demand and they are requiring a very precise skillset), IT Business Analyst if anyone knows of anything going in the Melbourne are or inner suburbs
  8. Hi Kev I will also be in Melbourne if you know of any Service Management roles going
  9. I now have a set landing date of 15th Aug in Melbourne, hopefully the agencies are not as bad as outlined above. If anyone knows of any good IT agencies that deal with ITIL, Service delivery, BA type roles it would be appreciated
  10. Chortlepuss, this could be said about most major cities, however if you are good then you will find work. There may be many BA's out there but are all that good? Most cities inc Sydney and Melbourne will have reasonable paid work if you are actually good and not that you just have a good Resume. Im not 100% confident of finding great paid work when I arrive, but I am good at what I do and I am fully expecting to find something decent within the first few months, or at least a reasonable one to start and then progress up.
  11. Hi Michael I think I have contacted you on LinkedIn previously, I now have my 189 Grant and looking to move out within the next few months or late this year at latest. If I emailed you my current CV can you advise if you know of any agencies in IT that could assist me in finding a position? Many thanks Andrew
  12. Thanks Chortlepuss, hopefully I should be able to get something good prior to going out, we will see. I have friends with contacts and found out las t night that another friend has contacts at Melbourne Uni which might be a good starting point if I can get something there.
  13. Hi All I'm a MS SharePoint developer / administrator, also very clued up in IT service management and ITIL, anyone know what the job market for either is like? I currently work as an IT systems analyst for a FTSE 250 bank in the city, hoping to move to Melbourne or Sydney.
  14. Hi Frozen I'm based in London atm and currently applying for my 189. I work in the financial services sector in IT Service Management and SharePoint developments / administration, by the time my application is reviewed by ACS I will have 10 years experience (5 in Financial Services) with an ICT Major degree. You are correct that the market is more buoyant than a few years ago and salaries and getting close to that of pre crash. My move is more personal driven, if I'm there for a few years and it doesn't work then I will head back to London, if it does great. Does anyone know what the industry is like for ITIL / IT Service Management positions or SharePoint developers? Many Thanks Andrew
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