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Selina Smith

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Everything posted by Selina Smith

  1. It does sound like the right form, and yes it very strange but AITSL only go on qualifications, not experience. For the 45 supervising teaching practice I had to get an official letter from the university that said how many days I did and they also had to include the age ranges of the children I worked with (I'm applying for early years teacher). I'm still waiting for a decision from them. If you go to the jobs and careers forum there is a really helpful thread called 'Teachers in Oz' it discusses the whole process and has information from people who have passed AITSL and registered with a state.
  2. Yep it's worth having a look, I've just checked Vic and WA as they would be our top pics if we are successful with our visa and they will accept the 4 years Uni education. Phewwww did not want to have to redo the IELTS!!! X
  3. We had a consultation with a migration agent and I asked specifically what test I needed to book. They told me general was fine to get the 20 points for immigration. I did ask about registration and they said because I'm a British citizen and have been educated in the UK I wouldn't have to prove English proficiency :-( hmmmmmm won't be happy if that info was wrong. This is is from the AITSL website though: English language proficiency assessment is not required for registration as a teacher where the full four years of required higher education study (or qualifications assessed as comparable) have been undertaken in English in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and the Republic of Ireland. (These are the countries accepted under Australian migration policy as not requiring English language proficiency assessment.)
  4. If you need IELTS for immigration points you only need to take the general. If you do not have a British, Irish, Canadian, USA or NZ passport and need to prove a English proficiency for AITSL you need to take the academic X
  5. I have just taken the IELTS general exam and luckily got speaking:9, reading:9, listening:9 and writing:8. I would suggest looking at you tube for lots of clips. There is a specific way they want you to answer the writing essay so this is what I revised the most. I found ieltsliz helpful on you tube and she has a website with lots of good revision questions. Ieltssimon is another good website. Good luck x
  6. If you are a British citizen as your transcripts are from a British university you don't need IELTS for AITSL assessment x
  7. Hi, this is thread has been so helpful, hoping that teachers who have been through skills assessment and registration can answer a quick question.... I am going to a solicitors tomorrow to get my documents certified for AITSL. I'm being charged a flat fee for all of my documents so wondered how many copies of my evidence I should get certified? I'll need one set for AITSL, then I assume the teaching board of whatever state I'm going to (looking like WA) will need copies, then as I want to register as an early years teacher I'll need copies for ACECQA?? Hoping to to get them all done in one big go Thank you, Selina
  8. Thanks everyone, I did ask the agent about the list of people authorised to do it as I had also seen it on AITSL but he said that they needed to be from Australia and as we were in the UK only a solicitor could do it. If you have all followed this list on AITSL though I will too. Thank you for the replies x
  9. Thank you!! Yes think I will have a look elsewhere and shop around for the solicitor. X
  10. Hi all, who did you get to verify all of your documents for AITSL? A migration agent told me it must be a solicitor but the £200 cost seems a bit excessive? Thanks
  11. Hi, Does anyone know if South Australia stipulate that your degree before PGCE has to be in Education when you apply for registration? I know this is the case for NSW and Queensland. thank you xx
  12. I have been looking into applying for AITSL assessment for Early Childhood teacher and I think your PGCE needs to specifically be in Early Years and it must state this on the certificate. It seems your best option will be to study an SEN specific qualification but like others have said double check with an agent. Good luck xx
  13. Thank you, yep have all the certificates ready to go so fingers crossed for me!!! Hope you hear about your visa soon xx
  14. Sorry Benji1980, did you do a 3 year degree in business and a PGCE with ICT specialism and you had a positive assessment from AITSL? I have a 3 year degree in Animal studies and a PGCE in Early years. I know when it comes to registration in certain states I'll struggle that my degree wasn't education related but right now I'm more concerned with being able to get a visa to go over. Thank you x
  15. Im glad to see you got a positive AITSL with a degree not directly related to your PGCE! Gives me hope with my Animal studies degree!! X
  16. thanks for the reply, when you say SA require at least one years experience is that to register to teach or if you want to apply for state sponsorship with them? X
  17. Hi everyone, I'm new to the thread too and wanted to say thanks for all of the information so far. I hoped someone will be able to help me with my query too as I don't think anyone has asked this question before (although I did post this question in the migration issues forum so sorry if you've already seen it or replied). I am currently an NQT working in an Early years unit with children aged 3-5. I previously lived in Oz for 2 years on a WHV, I came back to England to get qualified and hope to make a permanent move as my husband and I feel like Australia is definitely home for us. My concern is with applying with AITSL. I do have 5 years university education including a PGCE specifically in Early years (1 year) but my other qualifications are a HND in Animal care (3years) and a Top up BSc (Hons) in Applied Animal Studies. Very random I know!! I wondered if anyone has had a positive assessment with an obscure degree? On AITSL it does say that the degree subject does not have to be in education so as far as I can see I meet the requirements for having a minimum of 4 years university education including at least one year of ITT, I have an official letter from my university that states on my PGCE I did 110 supervised teaching days working with children aged 3-6 and my PGCE certificate states 'early years' as I heard this is needed if you wish to apply specifically for early years teacher which is on the SOL list. I know I may have trouble with my qualifications when registering with certain states to teach but for me at the moment it's about getting my family out there and would be willing to accept any type of work. Any help, advice or other words of wisdom would be much appreciated. Thank you xx
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