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Everything posted by jack13

  1. We all have relationship problems that's life. But what I'm talking about is why should you bypass the hardship of years of experience and qualifications to get a visa!! Why should you come to Australia and be in my country, in my home whilst I am imprisoned somewhere else through no fault of my own. This is how that makes me feel. Its wrong and you know it. You probably don't even care about Australia, you are probably only there because you have to be. And if you did want it as badly as me then you'd understand. the pain I feel about being separated from the place I love for years on end is probably the same pain you'd feel if you were separated from your partner for years on end. Imagine it. Being alone not knowing what he's doing. Unable to speak. Drifting apart. You would probably only understand how this feels if one of you went to jail or something. Think what that would be like and then you'd realize how this feels for me. At least you have love/ someone who loves you you know how that feels. You have support and everything.
  2. Don't you see how ridiculous all of this is?! How can this be justified?!
  3. I hope your blonde, I like blondes. :wink:
  4. How is that offensive when its the truth?!
  5. You shouldn't have to work hard for your relationship, if Its true lol! Or if you care that much about each other! Are you joking your jjust making me even more angry now, I will have to leave my family behind, am i getting upset NO! How dare you compare your situation. I'm so sorry I didn't meet someone whilst I was over there thats ok I'll spend three years of my life in misery and have my life destroyed.
  6. Yes its wrong. Why should you? What is just about that? Why should you be here because you married the right person? I personally don't agree with that. And I feel I have every right to that opinion.
  7. Do you know what I was talking to my family today and they cans ee why I am so unhappy. They agree how unfair this all is. Back onto these defacto people, I met one girl in Perth. My age 22. She did nothing. Nothing. No job. Her partner had a job she was only in Australia because of him and she got her visa for doing nothing. So why the hell should I be lectured on working hard when cretin like that come in and do nothing. I dont agree with the defacto visas at all, why should someone come in just to keep their relationship together and be with their partner, why shouldn't they have to spend years gaining qualifications and experience to gain their visa, if they were that desperate to be with their partner they would do so. Why shouldn't they experience years and years away from their partner like I have to spend years and years away from Australia. They cant move forward with their lives together then, as I cant here. I can't have a partner and be happy and move on with my life so why should they. I will find a way and I'm not promising it will be a way people will like. But believe you me I will end up staying somehow. These people are making a joke out of me and my life.
  8. I feel I have been nothing but reasonable and adaptable here but now this is just taking the piss.
  9. Well why shouldn't I be upset?! Why wouldn't I be. My life is being destroyed by now fault of my own. I just wish there was some kind of retribution here, something happening to restore my faith in society. At the moment I feel destroyed.
  10. I dont want a four year plan. I want it now. I have two lads I know my age who came out aged 18 and 19 on defacto visas and got to stay. Why should these people get to be there whilst I spend four years rotting away in England being unhappy. In a country that I hate. It makes me so angry. Why should I study and work my arse off for years when these people have done nothing!!!!
  11. But I cant. I cant stay in England. i need the visa now not in 4 years this is the problem.
  12. But that is the problem, not being in Australia is the reason why I feel this way. Its proven because when I was back there I was happy again now I am not. So there you go.
  13. No there's nothign wrong with me. Its this situation thats the porblem. If I got my visa I would be fine.
  14. Tbh I'm devastated, I'm considering moving back to Greece where I was extremely unhappy for years. I just feel so unhappy and upset and disappointing. I just feel like I want to give up on everything. I cant be happy. No matter what I try. I just wish all of this could be over.
  15. It really is like trying to get blood from a stone.
  16. What a lot of people dont get is that I dont usually live in England. before my recent stint in Aus and that time I spent at uni i had been living in Greece for several years. i dont really have many freinds/ life in the UK. It certainly doesn't feel like home to me.
  17. Could you do six years part time as apposed to three years full time?
  18. No its not on the main sol. Its on the consolidated list. State sponsorship is the only way to go without a 457. Thanks for your help.
  19. http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/Offshore/Documents/OSAP%20Applicant%20Guidelines%20v4.3.pdf According to this then I need three years experience as a hairdresser to pass the skill assessment.
  20. Aha!! Lol the above link was for international graduates well I'm not going for that visa I am going to leave Australia when my visa runs out and go to new zealand for 2 years and then return to Australia once I have my experience.
  21. http://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/Programs/JobReady/Pages/Step-2---Job-Ready-Employment.aspx Does this mean if you want to stay beyond the student visa??!! I was planning to leave get the experience needed in New Zealand and then return to Australia on the state sponsorship once I had the two years experience. But what of the skill assesment?? Surly someone must know the answers?!
  22. (a minimum of 360 hours employment and/or vocational placement) in Australia relevant to their qualification and nominated occupation Well how is that even do-able????!!! Thats just silly.
  23. I knew you needed 2 years experience but how can you get 2 years experience in Australia, when there is no visa to work on in Australia!!!???
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