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Everything posted by tina0101

  1. For Queensland have a look at Smart Jobs for teaching jobs in the public sector (you can filter it down so you don't end up with every job in QLD!). https://smartjobs.qld.gov.au/ Also Tracer is good if you want supply work initially. http://education.qld.gov.au/hr/recruitment/teaching/tracer/ Lots of Private Schools advertise on Seek.com. If you have any contacts at schools in the area you want to teach in, it's always worth seeing if they can help - building a rapport can sometimes go a long way when looking for jobs! Good luck
  2. From a personal point of view, I wouldn't touch Sheldon. They are way too strict and I know some really good kids who are being told off for having the wrong coat, being sent home for not having one of the correct haircuts (local hairdressers are aware what is required if a kid is at Sheldon). I find it very sterile and lacking warmth. I know a few people with kids there and it works for them. I also know a number of people whose kids have hated it - it takes conformity to a whole new level. I have heard very good things about Ormiston for the Juniors. Still fairly strict but more about the individual, rather than the image it needs to portray. They do put the pressure on when they get to Senior though, which is what put us off sending our son there (he would've been in the top years). There are many great state and religious schools (Lutheran, Catholic) in the area too. If you have a kid that is going to work hard, dome of these really look at the whole person, not just grades. Ormiston State is great, along with Bayview. Kimberley College has a more holistic approach too. JPC is also a good school, but is a fair way from the other two, which are in the area I live.
  3. Obviously you don't. It's a weather thing.
  4. Apart from the fact that every mozzie in the world seems to want a piece of me, we are all generally healthier. In the UK you had to pay min of £20 a month to go to the gym. Here, we walk and swim and it's all free.
  5. If you're coming back and planning on staying in the UK for any length of time, your son should do his GCSE's.
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