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Everything posted by Amigo1

  1. CollegeGirl - The above is what happened...very confusing. So I have now been told directly, as our case officer has emailed and stressed that this is the only outstanding thing left, and can they please make it their upmost priority to process asap, that our child's medical is now with a doctor. I was advised that if a case officer stresses urgency, via email (I was given a direct email address to pass on) then it really does make a difference. Of course our medicals were carried out in February, so this should have been done.
  2. No I mean it's actually with a doc right now, complicated story. Our medicals were done in February. I have been advised that it is with a doctor now being looked at.
  3. Can some please help me out with this, I've been told my child's referred medical is now with a MOC being assessed (has been since Monday) how long do they usually take to come to a conclusion roughly? Anyone have any idea? Thanks
  4. Can anyone help with this please? We did our medicals back in Feb, we only ended up lodging (186 decision ready) our visa in June due to unforeseen circumstances. We knew our sons medical would be referred, and it was graded B. We assumed it would be put in the queue to be assessed by MOC straight away. We now have a case officer, who has contacted to say information is missing on our sons medical basically so a decision can't be made and can we make another appointment with the medical clinic. I called Medibank and they said because we wasn't lodging our visa back in Feb they 'filed' his medical?! They've advised that all the CO needs to so is email them and they will release his medical. They were not all that clear on whether it had been already assessed by MOC or not. Has anyone got any experience of this? I am hoping to god it was assessed, as it seems absolutely ridiculous to me that they would file away his medical knowing it needed referring for assessment (knowing there was such a backlog too). Even our MA is at a loss, and hasn't heard of this before. (We are on a 457 visa so we are on Australia). Hoping someone can shed some light here, as I am just flummoxed by it all. I was so excited that we finally got a CO and now this clanger has been dropped, meaning we could have weeks more of waiting.
  5. This scenario of your visa being granted so quickly (as a few others too lately in a similar circumstance) give no end of hope to people lodging visas themselves I'm sure, but to people paying agents to lodge decision ready applications this is frustrating to hear. I'm sure that they just throw applications in the air and process the ones that fall first haha. There really does seem to be no point at all to DR at the moment. :arghh:
  6. No idea on the case officer question...no one else ever seems to say either. I'm not even sure how useful logging in to check the status is either to be honest. It seems to be that once people get their visas approved they disappear, and we are left with our unanswered questions haha. My timeline... nomination approved already (did it separately) Application submitted decision ready by MA 17/6/13 CO?? grant?? Mine says in progress too, has done for weeks. I don't think that means anything.
  7. Wow that's crazy! Have you submitted a DR application tomabbie? We submitted our DR 186 in June. Going insane waiting already though. :arghh:
  8. Does anyone know if this link/form does need filling in? Or is it all covered by the forms filled out when we did the medicals? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the reply, yes we did everything first, we are going for a 186 visa.
  10. Just wondering if once medicals are completed (they were done a few weeks ago), obviously an electronic copy is sent to DIAC. How does all this work? Once a CO is assigned do they have to request the medical results? When I log into e-visa and click into the organise medical examination link it takes me to a questionnaire and declaration, This looks the same as the medical form 26? I'm guessing this doesn't need filling in again? It's all very confusing. Also is there anyway of knowing by logging into e-visa when a CO has been assigned? Thanks all!
  11. I have tried to log into e-visa today and have received a error message, anyone else getting this? Wondering if we are finally getting somewhere and living in hope we may finally have a CO,or if there are simply technical issues again with the site. Thanks
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