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Everything posted by Kooky

  1. Nick I didn't do the form 80 and was never asked to complete it either and I got my 189 without any problems ;-)
  2. hiya ya good luck with getting your grant. We both started the process of teacher registration from the uk then booked the training for as soon as he arrived. As it was coming up to summer (uk) holidays once he had completed the CP and First aid training he went to see them and explained it would be tricky to get references over the summer so the guy literally put his application through there and then (record of 17minutes!). He then literally got work as soon as he got his registration so I arrived Monday and he was working Tuesday! Good luck with it all ;-)
  3. My dh has been in Adelaide just 3 weeks. Managed to get teacher registration yesterday and today has regular supply in one school starting Tuesday!! Feel much more secure going out there now ;-) I fly on Sunday!!! Yipee!
  4. I didn't have to do the form 80. Don't think everyone has to.
  5. Hi fellow teachers! My husband arrived in Adelaide last Thursday and we are feeling pretty optimistic about work (supply at least). He has already got one school signing him up for work after their holiday (2 week holiday next week and the week after), he has an appointment at another school to have an interview with the DHT and has (when completing his mandatory training day) met a lady who was really impressed with him and she said they have assistant positions coming up pretty soon at her school and would put in a good word. (Not sure how influential she is in her school but you never know!). I join him in 2 1/2 weeks! I am soooo excited and I am now feeling pretty optimistic about us getting teaching jobs. I recon he will be supplying within the month and then hopefully some more permanent jobs may come up for him. I am not sure when I will look as we need to get our boys sorted out in school and kindy so I will probably have to sort that out first. So although my husband hasn't got a job yet it is certainly not looking too doom and gloom so fingers crossed and good luck to everyone!
  6. Have you tried getting advice from a migration agent - mine was brilliant and practically wrote the letters for me and I just them forwarded them on for people to fill in the blanks! Maybe it'd be worthy contacting one?
  7. Hi everyone. Hope the plans are all going well. I am starting to draft out my cv and remember reading about needing to use the 'australian style' cv. Does anyone know why this should look like/what information should be on it? If anyone has any info or perhaps an example of one I would be extremely grateful. Thanks. Kooky.
  8. Thanks sammy - it's good to know the reality (scary too!). I think anyone in their right mind needs to have alternative plans on the job front to ensure they are not in a nightmare situation once there. I am planning to try to get supply initially but if I can't i am pretty happy to do most things, I used to be a hairdresser so worst case scenario I guess I could do some mobile hairdressing :rolleyes:
  9. great you can stay with an auntie for a while. You planning on staying in Adelaide or will you move to a different state once you are in oz? My my husband is a teacher too and so the competition for jobs will be in our household too, we have been on many interviews together in the past and he always gets it so it'll probably be the same in oz :rolleyes: Though he has been in leadership for quite some time now so we probably won't apply for the same posts anyway! What at is your partners specialism? I am am pretty nervous too about the lack of job situation but I am not proud and will work anywhere to be honest so if there is no teaching work around I will just look elsewhere :wink: We have kids so really can't afford to be without jobs for too long! That's my biggest worry - the kids being ok but I am pretty optimistic and know that we will work it out one way or another (worst case scenario is we can't get jobs, run out of our equity and have to head back home and maybe live with my mum for a while - but I recon it won't come to that!). I have spent the whole day today trying to sort out the house - not even finished in the kids play room let alone the rest of the house! Can't wait to get there but feels like we have so much to do before then! (Exciting though isn't it!?)
  10. Hey coolbreeze. Yes we are heading to Adelaide. Sounds up our street and I have a friend there (in flagstaff hill) who has kids a similar age to ours so we decided it would be as goo a place as any to go initially - at least the kids will have ready made friends to help them settle in! (Plus my friend has a pool so may as well take advantage :biggrin: ha ha). We don't have a set time to go - I am going to see out the school year (so end of July) but my husband has now come off work to sort the house/packing/paperwork etc and will go as soon as we sell and try to get a job/rental etc. we are hoping we can sell pretty quickly but just don't know in this market! We have to go before march next year (to validate visa) but I really don't want to be going then - ideally it'd be good to be going as soon as work is finished then I will still have a wage (albeit a part time one) for the first 6 weeks of living there so it'll make things a little easier! going to SA is a bit of a nightmare for teachers isn't it - because of not being able to apply for jobs until after the RAN course and the registration. That's why if we can get sold soon DH will go over first then hopefully one of us will at least have a supply wage (if we are lucky enough!) to support us (wouldn't be quite as scary if it were just me and DH but we have 2 little boys!). We do have a good amount of equity to support us but obviously the less of it we can spend the better the house situation will be. So why Adelaide? (You been there before?) do you know whereabouts you want to live? Have you you sorted accommodation etc or are you just going to arrive there and see what you can get? (Is it just you or do you have a partner/wife/kids?). July 7th will be here before you know it - how exciting!!!
  11. Hey cool breeze you don't sound like a prat at all - I am applying for SA too and are as baffled as you are so really glad you asked the question! Can I ask you though - I thought you couldn't even think of applying until you have registration (which in my understanding you can't get until you are there). Is this not the case - do you know something I don't? Please share if you do! :wink:
  12. Thanks. maybe it varies state to state! I will have to try to apply from uk until October then. Then worst case scenario I will go and work at a supermarket or cafe or something until I can find work!
  13. I ment in the uk. Great oz don't have same restrictions!
  14. Yes schools all follow the same policy there I think - have to resign by certain dates. We decided once we know visa is granted we will resign for sept and supply until we leave that way no notice needs to be worked. We may be able to get supply in our current schools.
  15. We would love to come end of July but would have to fly back for sisters wedding in oct (none of our family know yet) which would cost around 8k for our family to do return flights hence why we are going to have to wait until October :-( we may not be able to sell the house on time yet - it really is a pretty uncertain time isn't it ! Can't wait to actually know if we have the visa - at least then we can plan a little better!
  16. Anyone know what month/time of year the most jobs are advertised? We are hoping to make the move quicker than origionallg planned and were going to go sept but my husbands sister is getting married in October so we are thinking we should wait until after the wedding. Is October going to be a stupid time to get jobs do you think?
  17. Hi nuttersuclan I believe it depends on occupation. I am a secondary teacher and took academic but didn't have to (made a mistake when booking then decided I may as well just sit that than wait for a new date!). So for teaching general is fine BUT I think some of the states teaching registration want you to have academic (but I am not 100% sure of that). Not sure if lecturing is different. Do you have an agent? If so they will advise. To be honest though there are only 2 parts of the test that are different and they were not too hard (sure a teacher and a lecturer should be able to do it no problem). I just went through the tips they gave on booking and didn't really 'study' and got 8.5 overall. I'd say go for the academic unless agent advises otherwise. :wink:
  18. I have been teaching for 13 years, I am a part time teacher at the moment but have been at various levels previously (teacher of, department head, faculty head) but unfortunately my subjects are Drama and Dance and I hardly ever see any jobs here let alone there. I am teaching Art at KS3 at the moment so maybe I could convince them I can teach art!!! I think I may struggle to get a job in my area to be honest but i am very up for supply and don't even care if i end up doing something different with less pay! I am hoping my husband (also a teacher) will have better luck than me! He is Assistant Head at the moment and also SENCO, has been teaching same amount of time as me and got lots of extra strings to his bow!! We don't really have a set place in mind (going to validate in the summer if visa comes through on time. Hiring a camper so we can visit lots of places). I am between Adelaide and Brisbane at the moment but open to anywhere we can get a job. Seen lots in NSW at the moment (assistant/deputy roles). Anyone got kids in tow? We have 2 boys (4&5). They don't know about our plans yet - going to wait until visa comes and we are a little more clear on time frame of move. Well done TeacherBen for starting this thread! Good luck everyone!
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