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Everything posted by LuciBV

  1. Done medicals on 17th of Dec, as they required, I didn't see anything about hepatitis mentioned though, but I really have no clue if they did it or not (the results are sealed, only the GP can open them and we were instructed not to open them - we brought the results to the GP; odd way to send the results though, as here they don't send the results electronically yet)
  2. LuciBV

    Fish keeping

    Hi all, I got rid of my fishes (donated to one pet shop) in the last summer, trying now to get rid of my tank (100L). From my experience, trying to create a balance in the microsystem of the aquarium is the key of a successful aquarium. Best not to clean the filter, at least not all of it, try to use ceramic filter, which it should be the host of bacterias which are decomposing nitrites (or nitrates, I always mess them up :rolleyes:). I modified the stock sponge filter by cutting half of it away, and replacing with ceramic cylinders, and cleaning now and then (i think it was once per month, or even rarer...) the sponge filter, and maybe once per year the ceramic cylinders. Then repopulating with fresh bacteria culture (sera bio nitrivec) and, of course, sera aquatan, including the times when I was partially changing the water, with the amount of water changed (usually it was 20-30L - 20L out, and refilling the rest up to the top minus 5cm - a lot of evaporation though). I had also some problems with the algae, of course, but that was due to the fact that I was using the built-in light too many hours, as soon as I stopped using the lamp, the problem solved by itself. A good advise is also to get some algae-eater fish, as the ones suggested here (usually they go along very well in the community tanks) http://aquariumalgaeeaters.blogspot.com/ (beware of black mollies, as they are viviparous fishes, as the guppies). As Diane suggested, the placing of the tank is very important, as it shouldn't get direct sunlight at all, but it needs indirect light to be ok. Regarding the Squarepants' tank, I would suggest getting rid of any of the two species, as the goldfish prefers cold water, and guppies a tropical climate. Putting them together is like trying to raise a snow leopard with lions.... Beside this, the temperament of golden fish makes him a lone or pair only fishes in aquarium, as they need a lot of volume of water for one fish. Generally speaking, a method of calculation of the maximum number of fishes/aquarium is 5 cm of fish (at maturity, be warned!!! they will grow :tongue:) per 10 L of water, as general guidelines for tropical fish. The temperature should be set accordingly to the type of fishes in the tank, so when you buy a fish, don't just go and tell to the guy at the pet shop "I want this one because I like the colours", ask that person on which climate he should be kept, and if it fits in yours at home, buy it, if not, you'll kill him soon, or you'lll get a discoloured and ill fish. Unfortunately, my experience is limited just to the tropical fishes excluding cyclids (I didn't like the idea of having a war in the tank, as most cyclids tend to have its own territory). If any other advice is needed, I will gladly share whatever I can help with.
  3. tdk, if you'll read on the link posted by me above, you'll see that under certain circumstances and conditions, you can bring one car in a period of five years as personal car, for which you are exempt from taxes, but you are not allowed to sell the car for the next 5 years. In your case, the import was regular, you have paid all the taxes, and you just did whatever any person from Australia can do, bring a car in and sell it for bigger bucks. That tax exemption is especially for immigrants; you may take advantage of it or not.
  4. IMHO, if you want your visa to be processed faster, you go with 190; the downside is that you will have to stay in that state for 2 years, no matter what. I didn't try to apply for 2 types of visa, so I can't advice there. The job advertisement format that I sent, and it was at their suggestion (after an email exchange), was printing/capturing the whole webpage, which must clearly state the date of advertising, the location of the job, and the type of job (it should NOT contain the clearance condition or "Australian Citizenship required", as they will accept for that job only Australian citizens, not PRs). Try to fit in as small as possible timeframe (recent announcements) . For each job, I described how good I will fit in that requirements, compared to my skills and knowledge, separate, in one doc (they said to write after each of them, but as long as they were images... I didn't wanted to write on top of an image :tongue:).
  5. Did you pay some import taxes? Because under personal import conditions, you are exempt from taxes. Dunno what's happening when you decide to sell it, but you may have to pay the taxes, eventually...
  6. If I remember right, it was mentioned somewhere that for personal car imported as new arrived in Australia you must keep the car for 5 years (you cannot sell it). But you are not paying any import tax on it. Edit: found the website - http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/vehicles/imports/import_options/pis.aspx
  7. Maggie, if the 263311 is not on SOL, but only on CSOL, he will need to apply for nomination. I didn't check the status of 263311 though... Edit: if he managed to apply for 189, then that one is a different story.
  8. Here you go: http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/workspace/uploads/documents/190-skilled-nominated-guidelines-18-sept-13.pdf For limited occupation, I followed the steps described in the specified section in guidelines, and I got approved (you'll have to receive a mail with acceptance). Yesterday I've submitted all the documentation requested... Waiting is gonna kill me...
  9. Thanks everyone for your quick answer, I will advise that person regarding the options and the possibilities, and if she will take the decision to apply I just hope she will get the 189 visa, without any problem.
  10. For this specific occupation, accountant, I checked on ICAA, work experience not required, DIAC as well, not mentioning anything about ANY of the occupations that needs as a must work experience, but you can get points by having it. So, I'm still in doubts... Though I am sure that is not required by DIAC.
  11. Hi everyone, pretty new around here, but I have a HUUUGE dilemma: i was arguing with one friend of mine today on this matter - Is it required as a must to have work experience, as long as you get over 60 points from the other criterias (for 189 or 190 class visa)? I read most of the info on Skill Select section , and nowhere is specified that work experience is an compulsory criteria for DIAC. I really appreciate any kind of help. Thanks, Luci.
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