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Everything posted by Bouncy

  1. I thought that too xlornax, unfortunately I'm in Newcastle upon Tyne so a bit to far to travel, although at these prices a trip to Exeter probably wouldn't be much more!! I'm sure I have a file at work with years worth of certificates from training days, would I send the lot, or just recent ones, like the last year or two?
  2. Hi there, thanks for those replies regarding the reference! Was also wondering about cpd. What do we need exactly, is it just dates when courses and things like that were completed and signed by ward sister, or actual certificates? Might as well start getting that stuff together so I'm prepared for AHPRA when the time comes! Been looking for someone to sign my documents so they will be acceptable to both AHPRA and ANMAC. Notary costs £190 per hour and local magistrate £25 per copy!!!!! I'm in the wrong business!!! Xx
  3. Hi kellyv, thanks for that!! I'll get this thing done if it's the last thing I do!! (Bit melodramatic I know) xx
  4. Guys it's me again, more questions about this professional reference!! I've taken advice and I'm writing it myself and will get my old boss to sign it ASAP!! Just wondering about the dates of employment, I know the month and the year but I can't remember the exact date I started and finished! Will the month be acceptable? It was 10 years ago, my memory isn't that good and my hr dept are ignoring me!!! also, this reference is covering a job I had for about 14 months 10 years ago, what I've written so far all seems too brief! It's only really to cover my years of experience as I had 2 years maternity leave over the last 10 so need this to give me 8 years for the extra points!! God, why is this all so tricky!! thank you for any wise words, I appreciate it massively!! Xx
  5. Fraborg01, this must be so frustrating for you! It's so unfair of them to do this with no warning! I'm about to send off the stuff for my skills assessment but I'll not be going any further until there is some clarification! A 3 month bridging course isn't do bad but if the expect to charge up to 16000 dollars that will be a non starter for a lot of people, it's not feasible! An anxious wait for alit if people! Hope the answers come in time for you jetting off to oz! It's another stress you don't need!!!!
  6. Hi practicenurse, its madness isn't it!! Hope your getting in well out there!! Hi Toodolou, I spoke to an agent about a month ago to check I could claim more points for diploma, that's when they said it was equivelant for immigration. If they have a shortage of nurses why would they make it so difficult, so frustrating! Hi Fraborg01, 3 months is not as bad but still madness and expensive I bet. I wonder if it's this difficult to register as an overseas nurse in the uk!
  7. Hi all! Just reading through all of your posts regarding the new APHRA confusion. First I've heard of it all, but have to say if it turns out diploma nurses have to do 3 year bridging programme this will be a massive stumbling block for me. Can't afford a 3 year course til I start to earn as a registered nurse! I qualified 10 years ago doing the diploma but I've since done a post grad degree in child health (im a childrens nurse) through work as they want us all to have our degree. Would this degree give me the correct level of qualification to register straight away as a nurse or not? A registered migration agent who looked at my qualifications said that immigration look upon the nursing diploma from the uk the same as a degree, so it seems ridiculous that APHRA wouldn't!! Arghhhhhhhhh!
  8. Alcrock I totally feel your pain , my uni told me they didn't have mine as it was too long ago so I got nmc to send their equivelant to anmac, then randomly I got an email a month later from uni apologising for the delay, and it turned up in the post 2 days later ! Got there in the end!! Hope you get yours soon! X
  9. Thanks guys, this is music to my ears!! No more hanging around waiting something I don't need! Never expected gathering this paperwork would take sooooo long! Thanks again alcrock and bigmac, I really appreciate it!! X
  10. Hi guys, hope someone can help. I've been waiting to send off my paperwork to ANMAC for skills assessment after waiting what seemed like a decade for my professional reference! It's been mentioned that I should send a letter from HR detailing my employment history. Do you think I could get away without this? My professional reference outlines how many years I've worked there as a registered nurse so would that be enough? Has anyone successfully done theirs without needing this from HR? I've been asking them to do it for a month now and still nothing! I'm getting a bit impatient!!! Obviously if I do need it I'll just continue to badger them til it turns up! Thanks for any advice!! Bouncy x
  11. Hi there, I'm planning to do the stuff on the ielts website but having 2 young boys I've not got alot of spare time! I'm rubbish at exams and I'm dreading it. I've got a couple of books from amazon too, just need to open them now! Think I'm going to try and do an hour or 2 every couple of nights for a couple of weeks before the test, my head will explode if I cram loads in. Yikes, not looking forward to it! Good luck with yours!
  12. Thanks so much for your reply, really appreciate it.
  13. Hi all, hoping you nurses out there can help with what are some probably obvious questions. I've got my ielts booked for July,(not looking forward to it). I'm confused as to where I need to get the results Sent to, is it ANMAC or AHPRA? Im guessing ANMAC as they will be the ones assessing my skills? Also if I request to have the result sent to the appropriate place will I also get a copy? If I do get a copy, can I send a certified copy to DIAC for visa application? As I said I appreciate that the answers to these question are probably totally obvious but after too much research, reading and more reading, I've become totally confused! God help me when it comes to the visa application if I'm already confused! Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!
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