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Posts posted by geordiegirl68

  1. We're currently at the stage of starting out (no, we're not using a MARA agent)


    Wife is the primary applicant as she's an A&E Nurse with 14 years under her belt (minus mat leave for our 4 kids.. so at least the 10 years goes in our favour)


    I'm confused regarding the whole Degree / Diploma situation though, so hopefully one of you fine folks could help out here.


    OH qualified with an Advanced Diploma in Nursing, 3 year course (I bummed out after 2 years, lol.... decided it wasn't for me - LD Nursing basically meant working with Social Workers all the time back then and the ones in my Local Authority area needed humane treatment at the time :S )


    So would the Advanced Diploma be classified as Bachelors Degree level or not?


    Yes by ANMAC at the moment, but sadly no by AHPRA, my advice with whole AHPRA mess, would be to try to get registered with AHPRA first, then look to go for visa after that. Although at the moment there is little chance your OH will get registered, she may be better getting her quals topped up to degree, before starting anything.

    Good luck.

  2. Hi, I have been waiting since Oct 2013 for registration, I'm having a nightmare with AHPRA! The uni keep providing the wrong information for criteria 6 and 8. Do you know what was exactly sent for these criteria as the uni can't believe that it hasn't been sufficient evidence, I honestly believe they want blood!! They have all my transcripts (I was diploma trained 2000-2003) and all additional info and they sent information on pharmacology.


    Also for anyone else in the same predicament as me, today on the AHPRA website on the news release is an email address for anyone having trouble with registration who applied before the new changes in Feb 2104 to contact them, I have tried but with time difference and the weekend hopefully I will hear next week.


    On the 1st Aug I have been served a final notice date of the 30th Aug and say will withdraw my application if the appropriate information is not sent! 11 months in and still no registration, 12 years qualified and feel like I'm just starting out! Our house just sold and hubbie already give his job up, we should have moved in March then postponed to Sep due to this, now looks like we could never go! Had permanent residency for 2 years now! I just feel like I am living a nightmare not the dream we should be having.


    Hi, the notice on AHPRA, is for those who have had a positive ANMAC assessment for Skilled visa, prior to the February changes, just thought that should be clarified. So I think you should be fine Hayley, just send your details via the link on the website, we're not there yet, but it's a step in the right direction!

  3. Looks like ANMAC are now going to the same page as AHPRA according to website, new standards for assessing IQNM must be AQF 7.


    Sorry to disappoint you Ceridwyn, as I know you love to heap misery on us, that hasn't changed, they have always required AQF7, and that is the at the very root of our argument, any UK diploma nurse who has been through ANMAC, has been assessed as AQF7!

  4. You're welcome, you will find plenty of advise and support on this and other forums. Don't worry about the horror stories, that is only affecting us diploma nurses, regardless of our years of experience, and skills, we are being refused registration, newly qualified degree nurses however, can get registered, almost on graduation, so you will be absolutely fine.

  5. Every which way you look at it, it's not an easy process, Oz like to make you work for your dream. If you are only looking at a temp visa, then AHPRA will be all you need, so don't get hung up on ielts, that's just for PR visa applicants, can't help with cost of that one, as we have PR visa, which isn't cheap, but as you may have read despite positive ANMAC assessments, and PR visas, diploma nurses are being refused registration.

    Do a little more research and the fog will clear!

  6. Hi lads, sorry been reading the forums and can't find a straight answer, hoping posting here might work. Due to start my final year of BSC degree in general nursing [irish]. After I qualify I want to try gain 6 or 12 months experience before I head to OZ [just so I can get into more agencies/possibly better nursing job over there when the time comes]. Looking to head over first for a yeah on WHV. and mainly stick with Agency Nursing as a job [probably based mostly in QLD]. Looking into starting to get bits together for APHRA reg, and starting to save up fees now. But just wondering what parts I need to do. Will an ANMAC skills assessment need to be done, some threads lead me to believe it's only diploma grads that need this? Can't find online the criteria where this becomes necessary and it's a bit confusing so if someone could clear that up it'd be great. I've read the 8 criteria for application, but nothing there. Also I assume as I'm coming for Ireland I sidestep IELTS assessment. Also, what fees are necessary? Lots of different ones listed on the website, not exactly sure what the first time reg comes under.

    Sorry if I have this in the wrong place, if someone could give me a push in the direction of where I should post it either that'd be great

    Thanks (:


    ANMAC is needed by ALL nurses wanting PERMANENT visas, diploma or degree. And you don't 'side step ielts' unless you have AHPRA registration first, in which case you can do a modified ANMAC assessment. ANMAC treat degree and diploma nurses equally, it is only AHPRA that have recently had issues with 'diploma' nurses.

    Fees very much depend on what visa you are applying for.

    Best wishes.

  7. Yes, she can 'crack on' with everything, ielts was always the starting point, but I think AHPRA should be, before, like us, you spend thousands on your visa! Once AHPRA is done, she can apply for a modified ANMAC assessment, that can save a few hundred pounds, which in the grand scheme of things isn't that much! My advise, if you want PR visa, is to bite the bullet, and do AHPRA, and a full ANMAC assessment together before you apply for the visa, in case ANMAC change their criteria too. Then the DIBP will seem ok! The EOI and immigration, to be honest, although really thorough, and almost needing to know your inside leg measurement, was fine, as you have a named CO dealing with your case, they are efficient and responsive, and certainly in my case, approachable! Best wishes.

  8. hi. If my wife as the nurse is granted her 189 visa but myself and our daughter are also linked to it. Do we all have to go to Australia to validate it or can she as the skilled worker do it in her own. Just wanted to know in case we not ready because of selling the house


    Every visa applicant has to validate their visa within 12 months, she can go first, but you all have to go at some point prior to the 12 month expiry.

  9. My husband is about to qualify with a BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing and he is unsure that he will meet all the criteria Ahpra are asking for - particularly 8. Are all/any degree nurses getting registered by Ahpra? We aren't planning to go until he has at least 12 months experience so hadn't planned to apply until he had worked for 3 months but unsure whether he should apply to see if ,even with a degree , there is a problem :-(


    He'll be fine with a degree, it's only us diploma nurses having problems. Your only issue would be if you're looking to come on PR visa then he may need more experience.

    Good luck

  10. I managed to get hold of a senior registration officer at AHPRA yesterday. Only took 4 weeks! Apparently my application has been completed its assessment with AHPRA and now forwarded to NMBA for decision. I asked if that means my DipHe qualification was insufficient for registration with AHPRA and the NMBA would assess suitability for bridging "yes" I was then told that AHPRA don't provide a decision on registration, only a recommendation to NMBA based on their assessment, and that NMBA make the decision to register,refuse or refer for bridging. My application will be assessed on 7th Aug...hope they mean this year ....:rolleyes: and I will have a final decision two weeks later (ish)


    It may go to the NMBA for final assessment, but if AHPRA have already 'wrongly' assessed us at AQF6, that's all the NMBA will see, and that's not enough to register! That's why they will look at post reg quals! Not that it seems to help! No one from AHPRA has yet been able to justify this AQF assessment of our diploma! As it's so wrong!

  11. I've unwittingly found my way to this page and I am now convinced that I will not get registration with ahpra. We are relocating to Oz in October as my husband has a transfer to the Australian defence force and we have residency visas with 90 days from arrival to complete citizenship. I qualified as a mental health nurse in 1996 therefore I have 18 years experience as a qualified nurse. However academic transcripts are not held for 18 years and I cannot prove the hours completed in my original studies. I have been asked for a statutory declaration which I have posted within the last week, but whenever I raise a question with ahpra regarding their process and the new guidelines a straight answer is never obtained... I have noticed that this is a recurrent theme.

    I'm concerned that if I do not obtain registration then I will be giving up a career I have pursued for 21 years and more than likely I will return to the uk. I will follow this thread with interest and await a decision from ahpra!


    Are you sure you can't get academic transcripts? I qualified 1995, and my uni were able to provide all sorts of info! Not that I'm any nearer to getting registered, as AHPRA is just an absolute nightmare! They seem to have brushed experience and skills under the carpet, in favour of the piece of paper you leave uni with! Newly qualified degree nurses are being allowed to register, but those of us with years of experience and diplomas are not!

    Try to stay positive!

  12. As I understand Hollie there are some nurses who have dip he with top up degree that have been given registration, however ahpra reiterate time and time again that all applications are viewed on an individual basis. There is another thread what's happening at aphra - yes spelt wrong, Lots of info on there, ahpra are also on twitter so you may want to read some of their recent tweets. Hope this helps and best of luck :))

    I think the moderators have corrected the spelling mistake! So it does now read AHPRA! [emoji12]

  13. I have it on good authority, ie not from a scammer or suspected scammer, or someone who calls somebody a scammer, that from October this year, Australian nurses, wishing to register with the UK NMC MUST:


    1. Pass IELTS at 7.5

    2. Undertake an exam in the UK before commencing the registration process.


    Looks like the UK NMC twigged what AHPRA were up to and reciprocated in kind.




    Well i think they should do the ielts, we had to for ANMAC (and wasn't a nice thing to do either)


    Well I've done the ielts, would be more than happy to sit an exam before leaving the UK to prove my credentials to Oz! better than all this stess! Would still be a lot less than we're going through for AHPRA!!

  14. No, we are not discussing what is required for Oz degree! We are discussing comparisons for both! We do the same training as our degree counterparts, theory and practice hours! Which is why on the above it is listed as one for the UK, unlike any other country! If AHPRA say UK diploma isn't enough to register, they may as well say degree isn't sufficient either!

  15. Not matching up 'solely' on time! Many of us have already looked at this!! Matches up, in fact exceeds Australian degree on many components, such as practice hours, take a look at this might explain it for you!! There is nothing 'airy fairy' about it!


  16. It's not about the 'names' of qualifications it's how our UK qualification is assessed against that framework! AQF6 typically 1.5-2 years in length, AQF7 3-4 years in length! In the UK diploma nurses and degree nurses train together, and do the SAME training!! So if you could highlight any part of the AQF7 specification that is not met by the UK DipHE I'd be more than happy to hear your argument.

  17. I am speaking for 100s of nurses, this isn't just my issue, as I'm sure you're now aware. If the UK were importing nurses only to refuse them the right to work, then having to pay them benefits, I'm sure the issue would be addressed! Instead after many have spent in excess of £15K, to get to Oz, we are refused registration, and asked (if we're lucky) to attend a bridging programme at a cost of a further $10-15K. And with regard to 'finding a way to get to Oz' I have my PR visa, and will be moving over! Whether I work as a nurse is a different matter!

  18. That's fine, myself and hundreds of others are waiting to hear the answer to why our 3 year uni courses are seen as equivalent to an 18 month Australian one, ANMAC use the same framework (correctly) as a comparison tool, but AHPRA have not, despite being asked countless times on Twitter, why they have done this!

    And with all due respect, I don't think you can truly understand our 'frustration' Pom Queen, to be assessed once, told Oz want you, invest 1000s of pounds on our visas, selling our homes, uprooting our families, then to arrive in a country that says, actually your not 'good enough' to work as an RN here despite having performed the role for 20 years in your own country!

  19. We've been asked by AHPRA if we could post the information below.




    Hi all, I work in the communications team at AHPRA and we thought we might answer a few of the questions and ongoing issues that seem to have cropped up throughout this thread.


    First of all, our apologies to those whose applications have been delayed as a result of the changes that have happened. We are working as hard as we can to process applications. However, due to the complexities of each individual application, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board) needs to review all documents with each application to make sure that our assessment is fair and consistent.


    We understand your frustration and hope you appreciate that the assessment process takes time.


    We’ve looked through the comments and discussions in this thread and would like to answer the ones that seem to be your core questions.


    For starters, the latest information is available on the National Board website. You may also want to visit this page about the stages of an application which gives a lot more information on the application process.


    The National Board’s website will always contain the latest information and our aim is to update the online information, particularly on the assessment process, with current information based on community feedback and any changes that happen.


    Much of the material below is directly from the National Board’s website, so do check it out. If you have any questions please feel free to contact AHPRA or your registration officer.


    Thanks to those sending in questions via our Twitter account – we’re working to reply as quickly as we can where possible. Keep in mind that, for privacy reasons, we can’t really discuss specific cases but we can talk to you about general stuff.


    As mentioned, the National Board website is the main source of information, so we’ll generally link you to the right page(s) on that website for more information.


    You will understand that the 140 character limit on Twitter makes it difficult to answer detailed or complex questions, or those about your specific circumstances. So if you have a question that needs a detailed answer it’s usually easier to either call us or make a web enquiry.



    Which criteria will my application be assessed under?


    The new criteria apply to all applications that were complete or received after 7 October 2013. If your application was fully complete before this date, the previous framework that existed at the time will apply.


    This means that if your application was not complete by 7 October, you will be assessed under the new model.


    Assessment of qualifications was put on hold while the new model was being implemented. The new model was finalised on 10 February 2014, and assessment of qualifications resumed at that time.


    More info on the new model is available here on the National Board website.


    Why is there a difference between ANMAC’s assessment and AHPRA’s?


    The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) is an independent organisation that assesses the skills of overseas nurses and midwives who want to migrate to Australia under a general skilled migration program – see International services on the ANMAC website.


    The National Board, in partnership with AHPRA, assesses eligibility for registration as a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or midwife in Australia in accordance with the National Law.


    Acceptance for skilled migration by ANMAC does not guarantee that you will be registered with the National Board.


    Read how applications are assessed on the National Board website.



    I have a DipHE (+/- experience as a nurse). Will my application for registration be approved?


    Your qualification must be assessed to be substantially equivalent to a Board-approved Australian qualification. For example, for registered nurses this must be equivalent to a bachelor degree as defined in the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 7.


    A Diploma of Higher Education alone is generally considered to be AQF level 6 (along with advanced diplomas and associate degrees), which is below the required level for general registration. You may be eligible for a bridging program, which you will be referred to if your qualifications are assessed as AQF level 6.


    For more information on the AQF and how it is used in assessment, visit this page on the National Board website.


    Where your qualification leading to registration does not meet all eight qualification assessment criteria, the National Board will take into account any relevant subsequent nursing qualifications that may allow you to meet all requirements.


    You can read about composite qualifications on the National Board website.



    How long will my application take?


    If you have already applied for registration and are wondering how long it will take to process your application, we regret that we are generally unable to give a reliable estimate of processing time. We will give clearer timeframes individually where they are available.


    This is because we assess and process each application on an individual basis. The unique circumstances of your application will determine how long we take to process it.


    Our goal is to resume our previous target of 4-6 weeks as soon as possible to assess and determine applications from internationally qualified nurses or midwives that are both complete and straight forward. Applications that are complex may take longer.


    More information on processing time is available on the National Board website.



    To enquire about the status of your application

    To find out details about the status of your application, contact AHPRA directly or speak to your registration officer.




    Cerberus, you still have not explained why our DipHE is assessed as AQF6, when it quite clearly meets all the specifications of AQF7? Please if you are going to communicate with us on this forum, explain why when using the same framework as ANMAC, you assess us so differently? And how you are justifying comparing our 3 year university course to an 18 month Australian one?? I see nothing on your post that explains this discrepancy! And as this is the reason MANY highly skilled nurses are being refused, we'd like an explanation! And we don't want to just be directed to 'another link' we want someone to clarify which specification has NOT been met? Because we are all reading the same AQF framework and the UK DipHE meets ALL specifications at AQF7, it is supposed to be used to compare! It would seem someone has just looked at the word 'diploma' and stopped there, rather than looking accurately at the course content of the UK DipHE, and seeing where it sits on the AQF!

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