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Posts posted by geordiegirl68

  1. Hi all! Would like to ask some help.I have already lodged my application with AHPRA and they said that it is in the central office now. Would you suggest that I start processing for my visa now? I was hoping to move to melbourne on a 457 visa but it seems like there is no hospital offering sponsorship as of the moment. your thoughts please.


    Are you degree or diploma qualified? It makes a huge difference as to what you should do next!

  2. I have been lucky enough to get the golden email today with my letter of eligibility from AHPRA.

    My background is having a BA Nursing Studies & BSc Hons Specialist Community Public Health Nursing.


    However, after 20+ years of nursing alongside colleagues who's training ranged from the old modular training through to masters level I am deeply saddened that highly trained, highly experienced, dedicated & intuitive nurses are not perceived to be 'good enough'. I will continue to support everyone on here & it's from the bottom of my heart that I hope you are all successful in knocking down & destroying the large barrier AHPRA have erected on your path to Oz xx



    Well done, chuffed for you, and such nice words of encouragement for the rest of us! From your mouth to AHPRA's ears!

  3. Hi Maria, welcome, we have got a lot of support from each other on here, if only to know someone is listening! Where in Oz are you? Welshboy is looking for people in Perth in similar situation to his for newspaper article? And have you looked at twitter yet, AHPRA are on there too, many of us have posted there with our concerns, although nothing come of it yet, at least they know we're not going down without a fight.

  4. Sorry everyone second casualty. It was confirmed this morning that I am not getting registered as I do not satisfy criterion 7. However on the bright side it has now been passed to the board to see if I am eligible for the Bridging course. Eligible ??? They are hilarious! They did apologise for all the communication problems between us, so that's ok then all is forgiven. Yeah right! I will do the course as I am not going to let them ruin this move for the family but I won't be going down without a fight. Got the telegraph interview on Thursday, Nursing and Midwifery council called today for all correspondence to be forwards to them and the Labour leader for WA has been in contact through his staff for further info. They think this is the end of dealing with me but it's just the beginning.


    I agree with Kelly, refused on criteria 7? That's new, that ones about proving you did a course that qualifies you as a nurse? they can't get you on that surely? Even more reason to keep fighting! Keep us posted.

  5. Long time lurker so thought I'd post!


    Finally after 7 months I have AHPRA registration eligibility! Sent docs off in November 2013 so hopefully they're coming through now.


    Also I have a top up degree and didn't have much hassle as all AHPRA required was proof for criteria 2, 3 and 8.

    Very frustrating process.

    Good luck guys


    That's some good news at last! Do you have ANMAC assessment too? Well done, all the best in Oz.

  6. This is all madness! We are being refused on only one thing, as has been mentioned! I counted up, I have asked AHPRA 6 times now on twitter why our UK diploma is AQF6, not AQF7, we are being compared to an 18 month Oz course! AHPRA are still yet to answer this question, because they can't. The only reason for refusal is 'criterion 4' which relates to the AQF framework. Please all with any doubts, read the AQF if you haven't, and add your voice to twitter, with this, or all the other questions your asking, the more we raise issues there, the better!

  7. We'll be in Perth in November, but suppose that wouldn't count, but have now spent £11K without flights, have employers wanting to employ me, but even they are unaware of AHPRA situation. Employers more than happy to employ experienced UK DipHE nurses, situation is mad! Well done for your hard work, look forward to the article.

    And....... still no answer on Twitter!

  8. I feel for you guys but the whole reason aphra have done this is due to the job situation out here for nurses. There aren't even enough jobs for the Aussie nurses newly qualified and existing nurses so adding migrant nurses to the mix would just exacerbate the problem. There are Aussie nurses out here who are equivalent of diploma whom are registered also that's life, boards can change standards as they wish that's called progression same as in uk with project 2000 you could not wipe out all nurses who were registered under the old system. I think rather than wasting time and clutching at straws why not do the top up to degree or bridging program if you are really desperate to go to



    Hi Laura,

    I have read the DOH's report, as I clutch at my straw, it does say in some areas employment for graduate nurses is a problem, this is even explained to us at expos, however, what is made clear to us is that 'experienced' specialised nurses are very much in demand, in order to make the workforce more robust. To act as mentors etc, and probably why ANMAC require post reg experience when they assess you. However, if AHPRA have their way, you will have lots of newly qualified UK degree nurses, competing for jobs, as they don't require any experience as part of their assessment, so you tell me what you'd rather have??? And as nurses remain on SOL list, for each state, your argument really doesn't hold up!

  9. Well said jac2011, and remember. There is a huge loophole, which is why we are being refused, they assess us at AQF5 or 6. When we should be AQF7, they still can't explain their reasoning for doing this. And ANMAC, using the same framework put our DipHE at AQF7, which is correct!

  10. Just been looking at the Diploma in Enrolled Nursing programme and they only do 400 hours practice as opposed to the 2800 hours Diploma nurses do in the UK??? How can they compare these?


    Great research Jac, any chance you, or someone can raise this with AHPRA on twitter? They are paying attention, but we need some more voices, they'll be fed up of mine!

  11. Hi all AHPRA victims!


    Is it me, or does AHPRA appear to not understand the UK nursing education system in the slightest? I think they believe that when UK nurses top up from Dip HE to degree, we do a full time course not modules that are specialised in our field of nursing. Every day I am in utter disbelief, not sure whether to laugh or cry. I wonder how they would feel if they knew that a Dip HE nurse manager like myself has been a sign off mentor for years and has been responsible for signing off both degree and Dip HE students in their last placement as capable to practice, and even assessed newly qualified nurses in Oral and IV drug administration! Sorry Rant Over


    On a more proactive note I am currently reasearching international frameworks. I will keep everyone updated if I find anything that will help our cause.


    Just to reassure you, I have also sent my share of emails to health ministers in AUS outlining our concerns. (Especially regarding the AQF framework misinterpretation.) I am also wondering what people think about contacting the Australian College of Nursing?? Not sure if they would be Pro UK nurses or not.


    It's good to see that our voices are collectively getting louder on here. Keep up the good work everyone, shows that UK nurses work well as a team! Ha Ha:wink:


    I read on the Oz Department of health site, that there are concerns re posts for graduate nurses, but as I've explained on a few emails now, the reason we were accepted by ANMAC, is that post grad experience is necessary, Oz has plenty of new graduates, from expos etc is was made apparent that experience is what Oz needed not degrees!!

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