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Posts posted by geordiegirl68

  1. Hi everybody,

    This is for those of you who have been assessed by ANMAC, or are already in Oz, suffering by not being able to work. It appears that only healthcare professionals have to prove themselves 3 times over, ANMAC, AHPRA and NMBA. In other professions the skills assessment is enough. I think for those of us who have gone through.visa process, we need to take another course of action, and talk to immigration? There is an MP for immigration, Scott Morrison, and I'm sure he won't be too happy at the thought of immigrants given visas because of their profession, moving to Oz then being refused the right to work! Especially as nurses remain on the SOL list for ALL states! But we need strength in numbers. Those of you at the moment suffering real personal hardship,and many have posted on here, you need to share your plight with him! But he's not going to pay attention to one or two emails! He needs to walk into loads to understand the scale of this! As I've said before, the disparity between ANMACs assessment of us at AQF7 (which reading it, is correct) and AHPRA's assessment of us at AQF5 or 6, is the huge problem, we as UK nurses have one of the toughest training courses in the world, and the NMCs commitment to ongoing professional development, means we are more than able to work as nurses anywhere, AHPRA have taken it down to the piece of paper we leave Uni with, probably as they see it, to bring it line with the UK, but the UK haven't stopped all the diploma nurses from working, so why should Oz? We need to make someone higher up listen! Maybe mention PIO forum, he'd just need to read this thread to understand the situation!

    Good luck to all.

  2. I won't resign, I doubt I can keep my own council! I keep telling myself not to press send, then do! and I think until they answer the question, which let's face it, they can't, I'll keep asking, because if they were using the AQF correctly, as ANMAC do, we'd all be AQF7 and they couldn't refuse us, and this whole sorry mess would never have started, as it's the only thing that we are being refused for! Our experience, and NMC histories are all impeccable. I just wish they could understand it takes more than a bit of paper you walk out of uni with to make you a nurse!

  3. And on that note, I must resign from my Twitter campaign! My OH thinks I am becoming a little too vocal! Please please please, all DipHE nurses, read the AQF 6 and 7 specifications. ANMAC assess us as AQF7, but AHPRA have decided we are no more than AQF6! You all need to compare what you have done, (quals and experience) to the criteria listed! And add your voice to the twitter campaign! If lots of us draw attention to this, they will take notice. Notices have appeared on their website, that can be linked to issues raised on twitter!

  4. Well in a way, it does, this is our argument on twitter! Our diploma has long been considered a bachelor equivalent, (as the Oz diploma takes 18 months) until the recent changes, as we do the same 3 year course as the degree nurses, they have to do more academic modules, but that does not make them any more able to be a practising registered nurse than us! NO consideration is given for post reg experience! And that's the sad thing, AHPRA are turning away lots of nurses with many years of experience! purely on the basis that their initial qualification was not degree! Although, as you'll see on Twitter, I'm awaiting a reply on why the UK Dip HE is now considered an AQF6, when it fulfils ALL THE AQF7 specifications!

  5. morning guys, just a quick update for you.I woke up to an email from APHRA....i have received notice of in principal APPROVAL registration subject to proof of identity (being passport and proofof Aus address) to present in person by the 4th July 2015.


    though hopefully it provides you some hope they are finally doing registrations, unfortunately i was Bsc with Hons trained not diploma. it is exactly 4 months to the day i originally applied.


    Hopefully this is a sign that many more of us will be receiving some good news............good luck everyonexx


    That's great news for you, but sadly not for all of us Diploma nurses who have been waiting a lot longer than 4 months, just highlights how our qualifications are being viewed.

    Good luck in Oz

  6. Thank you for listening! I just feel so stupid for putting my family through this upheaval so soon honestly when i sent my application away I was so naive thinking my qualification was the equivalent to an Australian Bachelor degree why? Because of ANMAC!!! My worry was criteria 8 - which wasnt really a concern as I found out when I contacted my uni!! Hindsight would have been such a blessing, if only!!


    Are you following twitter?

  7. If anyone is entitled to have a rant it's everyone on this thread! I've become obsessed too with checking for updates! One day I'll hit thec refresh button to someone with the diploma saying they got their registration through! If only!!


    I hope so Bouncy, we've all got so much experience that can only benefit the Australian people, and we're being turned away! Very sad!

  8. The course last 12 weeks, but some with diploma are not even being offered this, and being refused outright! That's the most worrying thing! But it is an insult to say our 3 year university course compares to the 18 month Australian equivalent! I am living with a constant feeling of sickness, house sold, PR visas in hand, flights booked, and the very real possibility I won't be able to work a nurse, which is the very reason they gave me a visa!

  9. This is the mad thing I'm trying to point out, AHPRA are assessing our diplomas as AQF6 at best, if you visit the AQF website, and look at the criteria, we are being unfairly compared to a course that takes 18 months! ANMAC assess us using the same framework, they may be independent of AHPRA, but they are using the same tools, so how can the results be so different. If you read the website you will see UK diploma fulfils ALL the AQF7 criteria, and as it's this we are being refused on, we need to know why?

  10. I think the biggest problem with the assessment of our diplomas is that we are assessed at AQF6, this is the only reason they have to refuse us, but their reasoning is fundamentally flawed! They are not using the AQF as it is intended, to compare our qualifications as ANMAC does, but just looking at the title of our qualification and saying it's the same as Australia, quite clearly it isn't, if anyone hasn't done it already please go to AQF framework website and read up on the levels. And we need more people giving them a bit of stick on Twitter! They've put themselves on a social media sight, and we need to use that to make our voice heard! It took them 10 days to respond to my last question, about why ANMAC and AHPRA are not linked, even then it sounds like a long winded way of saying 'we are but we're not! Wonder how long it'll take to answer why we are assessed as equivalent to AQF6, when our 'university based' course takes twice as long as it's Australian equivalent! And it'll be interesting to see how they justify it! My emails gone to MP, strength in numbers! Sitting back, hoping things will change, quite clearly isn't working!

  11. I have sent them all kinds of information in regards to my course content. they had proof that I had done over 600 hours on placement, proof that I was competent in medication management, they had a transcript and a letter from my uni confirming everything they requested and I still got knocked back.


    Just letting you all know that I have been in touch with the health minister for south Australia and they have said they cant help me with it because AHPRA are an independent body. So I got in touch with the Federal MP's office in Canberra (Peter Dutton) and spoke to a woman there about my situation. At first she said that there was nothing they could do to change the assessment process but when I explained that AHPRA received my form in October and that the new assessment process was not introduced until February she immediately changed her tune and told me to write an email explaining my situation and she would get someone to look into it for me. I've contacted the local MP in my area and they have said to send the email to them as well and they will look into it for me too. Oh and I've sent an email to Adelaide's local TV channel (Adelaide tonight channel 7) explaining how we're all being treated so badly by AHPRA!! I don't know if any of this is going to help the situation were all in at the minute but I feel like I need to do something so I know that I have tried. Hopefully the people who handed their forms in before the new assessment process was introduced will have this reviewed.....I doubt it but I'm going to try anyway!


    I suggest that if you are in a similar situation to me that you contact the Federal MP, if they receive a few emails they may feel like they have to investigate it further. The federal MP's email address is minister.dutton@health.gov.au his name is Peter Dutton.


    I'll keep you all posted!


    Is he an MP country wide or just for SA?

  12. That's what we're all wondering about now! Criteria 4 is about assessing our quals against Aus quals. We are being refused registration on the basis our diploma is being assessed as, at best AQF 6, the equivalent of an 18 month course in Oz! And as no one is asked for further info on criteria 4, we can assume, us Diploma nurses are seen as AQF 5, (Australian diploma) with no consideration forvthe length of course, or course content!! And theatre nurses are in such high demand!! It's mad!!!

  13. Hi Danielle


    That's very interesting!! Considering that AHPRA website directs you to AQF framework. I think I will contact them via email, hopefully I will get the same answer as you ( hopefully they will be more consistant than AHPRA). Then there will be two of us with evidence from AQF.


    Thanks for the link, I will also contact them and let you know how I get on.


    Thanks again.


    Hi Danielle and Squirrel, I've just sent email to AQF too, maybe if a few of us do, it might become apparent, that it doesn't appear to have been applied correctly in our case, even their advanced diploma is only 1.5-2 years in length, and that is AQF 6, at the very least. And when you read it, ANMAC have used it correctly, which is why our 3 year course was compared to batchelors, as our training covered all that is required for AQF 7 specification.

    AQF state they enable 'comparability of Aus and international qualifications' and as many of us are having our 3 year course assessed as equivalent to a 1.5 year course, and being refused, seems that AQF need to address how their framework is being implemented!

  14. Hi. I have a diploma only as I qualified back in 1993. I came out on a parent visa and assumed, as told by AMNAC, that my qualification would be approved here. I applied in January and have now been told by AHPRA it is only equivalent to a level 5 and I need to retrain as an EN for 18mths! The TAFE colleges will take into account prior learning and because I have been here for under a year I can get reduced costs. from $22500 down to £10500. You can only do a bridging course if assessed at level 6. It is a joke. I trained for 3 years. The ENs here for only 18months. how is this equivalent? I was expecting to be told I needed some kind of a training programme to make sure I knew about Australian legislation etc. but not this. Working as an AIN for an agency and may have to do that for the next 10 years unless something or someone can change their minds.

    That's dreadful, and think many of us heading that way too I'm afraid! Did you do any further courses or modules once you qualified? And if so, did they ask for evidence about them?

  15. I'm 1 of them, living here on a 190 visa since March! Application received 21/10/14, currently in Sydney office being 'finalised'. Would be home except hubby got a great job and is supporting our family.

    It's gonna end up going down the legal and/or press route!! The employers, agencies etc are not aware of any of this! Nightmare....


    I'll be joining you in November Kim! I'm not going to let AHPRA ruin the dream I've been working towards for more than 3 years!

    I really do hope the press pick up on it. At expos and recruitment drives, it's all about how Oz have enough newly qualified nurses, and wanted to recruit more experienced nurses! It's just madness!

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