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Posts posted by geordiegirl68

  1. That's dreadful news Claire, don't think you're bursting anyone's bubble, it's what we've suspected for some time. I thought the bridging programme was a 3 month course? Are you sure you're looking at the right one? It is run by a few Aussie universities, and is called the IRON bridging programme?

    Also take a look at twitter, as there is someone on there bringing legal action against AHPRA because of these changes.

    Best wishes,

  2. I agree with Kelly flipflop, you can get angry, and upset, as we all are, and you're right, it doesn't make sense, but there are some of us (me included) that as well as successful ANMAC assessment, have our PR visas, which have cost us thousands! Some now in Oz working as care assistants because AHPRA hasn't registered them yet! Who applied as far back as last September. You needn't keep asking have diploma nurses achieved registration, as I said, the simple answer is no, as soon as one does, I'm sure it'll be on here, and we will all feel a lot calmer! If you take a look at twitter, AHPRA are on there, and many questions have been asked about diplomas, sadly the responds are not promising!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm totally new to all this so sorry if I'm not doing this in the right context! Saw the mention of APHRA and it's so relieving to see it's not just me having trouble with them! I applied around April for my nursing registration, recieved an email about 2 weeks ago asking for completely random information with a threatening deadline of 1st July - I cried when I read it after struggling to even get a transcript through my university! It's a horrible feeling putting your future in the hands of people who don't really care on a personal level. How long has it been taking people to get their pin? Like I say, I applied in April, am hoping the required documents arrive by 1st July, am lucky enough to be degree trained, and now have a PR visa.

    Thanks for reading,



    Hi Laura,

    Welcome to the frustrated nurses forum, some people have been waiting as far back as Sept/Oct last year. But as you're degree trained, you have nothing to worry about, it's us diploma nurses who are worried, as the new selection criteria no longer seems to allow us to register as nurses! Keep us posted, as with your qualification you may get through quicker than many of us!

    Best wishes.

  4. I think the refusal letters posted on here mentioned a bridging visa. But that is apparently $10k and needs to be done in Australia? I could be wrong. That's what I am reading, but again very early days. From my interpretation of the letters then post grad courses will be considered but at this stage who knows. Fingers crossed its positive news and they start accepting individuals post grad training. Such a shame they done recognise experience, as a 'soon to be' newly qualified I can clearly state I wouldn't employ me over someone with vast amounts of experience. I know what position I would rather be in, and that would be experienced rather than a degree under my belt.


    Let's hope our postgrad qualifications count, as I've been researching, and from what I can gather, WA no longer have any bridging courses located there! And that's the state that's sponsored me. Meaning leaving my family while I do the course, or relocating to a part of Oz that does it! The stress is unbelievable!!

  5. I think there has been nothing 'official' and it is still early days but we have reports now of a few members being refused, I suppose if replies are now being sent it is currently a waiting game till any of us have any 'official' news or advice from AHPRA, everything else is just speculation. If I was waiting to apply with a Diploma right now, I would be holding off for more news.


    Have you heard of any total refusals? Or are they with referral to bridging programme? Have accepted that might be the case for me, but outright refusal would be horrendous! House sold, flights booked! This is just awful!

  6. It's totally mad, so much experience going to waste! read on another forum, of a nurse who has AHPRA reg, but clearly states he/she has NO experience as a nurse! From the post, it is apparent he/she is not from the UK! Starting to think it's just us UK nurses they're treating this way!

  7. What modules have you done & how many credits were they? They don't even take into account your experience! Surely they would be interested in the fact that you have safely administered safe nursing care, medication for 15 years & kept up to date in your field so that you are giving best practice! Nursing evolves all the time that what you covered in your course is probably old hat now anyway!!!


    Check your inbox x

  8. I'm hoping so!! On AHPRAs twitter page it states the NMBA see our diploma as equivalent to an AQF6, and we need AQF7 to register, but that post reg qualifications may be taken into account! I hope so I too have done 4 NMC modules post reg!! Look at Twitter, AHPRA is responding to concerns on there!! Although can't say it helps us too much!!

  9. Abbilouiseslatter, so gutted for you, this is the news we've all been dreading. Had you been skills assessed by ANMAC and Did you have a letter from stating that you're diploma was equivalent to a degree? Nat


    This is what makes a mockery of the whole thing!! ANMAC assess us as degree equivalent, so we apply for and get (at considerable expense) our PR visas, then AHPRA say they don't recognise ANMAC's assessment, so they send us on a bridging course, accredited by who else?? But ANMAC!!! It's so wrong!

  10. So sorry for you, as you may have read, many of us diploma nurses have seen this coming, and for us, this is confirmation that we will have to undertake the bridging program. Did you have your skills assessed with ANMAC prior to your AHPRA assessment? Have you done any post reg courses at all? As AHPRA state these will be taken into account. I really can't offer any answers, as I think this is the way it is going for many of us, all I would say, is that, if it's your dream, this is just a hiccup! And I think the bridging course would be cheaper than converting in the UK. But I'm no expert, and hopefully someone will be along soon with more helpful advise!

    Try to stay positive, it doesn't mean the end, just another hurdle to jump!

    Best wishes

  11. I am hoping to hear something this week/early next week. They set a deadline of 19th Jun to make a decision on my case, (they chose to extend the assessment period). They haven't contacted me to extend it again....yet! but as it is tomorrow, I am hoping this will be result time.


    I am hoping for a yes, expecting a no and a suggestion of bridging :wacko:


    Fingers crossed for you! I have heard nothing, keep reading about extensions and deadlines, but that's never been mentioned to me. All so frustrating, would be great to hear of someone finally getting a decision!

    Good luck.

  12. Hi Tracey,


    We stayed in Rockingham when we went over to activate, but think we are going to move north, but I'm happy to go where the work is, whether I'm a nurse or a florist/hairdresser/etc haha. Let me know how you get on : )


    I'm thinking of kennel maid! As I absolutely love dogs! How sad that we get our visa on the basis we're nurses, but then can move and do what we like,

    Silly in't it!

  13. Thanks, I know iv lookied into the bridging course, it just make you laugh when you have been qualified for so long doesn't it! We are off to Perth too think we finally decided on north of Perth as been in contact with Joondaloop health campus, but been looking at Fiona Stanley but it stated their is a job freeze until June 30th. What about you?


    Hi again Hayley,

    We're starting off in Rockingham, but as a district nurse, it'll depend where I can get a post, IF I can get my registration! Otherwise I'll look at a change in career, although what I'll do after 23 years nursing, I really don't know! Let's stay positive.

    Best wishes


  14. Try and stay positive Hayley, I hope the worst that can happen is they send us on a bridging course! And although it's not cheap, if it has to be done, so be it! We're in Wirral, not far from you! And moving to Perth in November.

    All the best.

  15. Hi Hayley, welcome to the frustrated nurses thread, We too have PR visas, and have sold our house, now in rental, but no sign of AHPRA yet, as Kelly said, sadly, there are many of us in this boat. My uni have been great too, and I qualified in 1995! So really, they should be able to help! I hope it is some comfort that you are not alone, you might like to check out twitter, as AHPRA are on there, and many queries have been put to them.

    Keep smiling, and keep the faith, I hope we'll all get there in the end.

  16. I think they have lost some of my stuff -probably between Melbourne and Sydney. They have already had what they are re requesting. Why not just tell all International applicants to post direct to NSW. Things are bound to go missing in transit! Grrrr!!


    I think they'll wish that fact hadn't been highlighted on twitter, as most will now send it there! [emoji15]

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