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Everything posted by Blewyn

  1. Hey AJ, that's not how it was sold to me, and it was only after I got here that I realised how restrictive the 457 really is ! I guess I was just far too trusting.... What I really want to get across (to save people from ending up in the same situation) is that once you try to look for work in Australia on a 457....you're severely handicapped by the visa itself. Yes you are allowed to work as a spouse on a 457, and allowed to change employers as a primary 457 applicant - but you are still at the bottom of the list for job applications. I'm not sure that many 457 workers have quite grasped this.... Had my employer said "we're offering you a temporary visa that ties you to us and we only need you for a limited time"....the negotiation would have been different.
  2. Beware ! The 457 visa is a big black mark on your CV.....yes I know 457s 'can' work just like everyone else, and that you 'can' switch employers while on a 457, but be warned - employers ask for your nationality and residency status on their application forms, and if you're a 457 you automatically go to the bottom of the list. They MUST demonstrate that they are unable to find your skill set in a suitable Australian in order to hire you. It also means that if your company loses contracts etc or sees a downturn - guess who's nearest the door ? We came here on a 457 because my ex-employer said they were expecting rapid expansion in the market. it didn't happen. My wife paid $20k for a course of study - which took her 9 months of hard yakka - to qualify herself for an Australian public sector job, then Queensland sacked 5000 people, flooding the market with Australians. On a 457, she cannot compete. Now we find ourselves on the countdown to departure. My wife's qualification, naturally, does not qualify her to work in the UK.....without another $$$$$ course of study ker-ching thanks very much. If you're in a stable situation and happy with your work, and you're offered a position in Oz on a 457.....beware. Insist on a company-sponsored PR visa, and if refused ask them why - does it smell like a good reason, or were they trying to bring you over for the short term ? If they will only offer a 457, demand that they commit in writing to sponsoring you for PR after 2 years if you are still with them - no quibble. If they refuse, it's a stitch-up. If it doesn't work out, you're at the back of the jobs queue, and on a 90-day clock, at the end of which it's "thanks for all your work now **** off"........
  3. More exercise, more (or better) friends, a healthier diet. The UK is in long-term decline (has been since WWII) while Australia is a growing country. The choice for your child's future is obvious.
  4. Thanks ! If they make a redundancy offer, how long can I take to consider it ? Can they demand that I accept or decline there and then ? My situation is that I work for a company that is looking at a downturn in activity for a while, and they have some Australian new hires that are a lot cheaper than me. I haven't been given notice yet.....
  5. If a company offers you an alternative position but you turn it down, can they take that as your resignation, which means no redundancy ? If so, does the alternative position have to be in Australia, or can it be in another country ?
  6. Not sure why you're taking this tone, maybe I'll get a more helpful answer elsewhere.
  7. Any company making a person redundant in Australia must first search for a suitable alternative position within the organisation, in consultation with the employee. My question was whether an overseas position could be offered as evidence of having conducted a search as per requirement under Australian law. Interesting point about the flight - so the company can decide it wants to fly you out on the first day after termination, and refuse to pay for a flight on the day you visa expires ?
  8. Hey guys help me out here, I need this advice
  9. If you're a secondary applicant on a 457 and you get a job, can you transfer your 457 to the new employer as a primary applicant (assuming you satisfy all the criteria as a primary) ?
  10. If you're on a 457 and you're made redundant, as part of the process you employer (as for any employee) must consult with you and try to find another role within the organisation. If it's a multinational, are they allowed to offer overseas positions ? Or does it have to be in Australia ? When made redundant, does the 457 expire 1 month after termination, or 1 month after notice is given ? If your 457 expires and you still have a lease on a house/flat, what options are open to you with regard to staying in Australia to make use of it ? Can you fly out then back in again on a tourist visa and stay at your rented apartment until the lease expires ? (assuming tourist visa lasts longer)
  11. Does anyone know a good Jeep mechanic in Brissie ? The old jalopy needs a service but the main dealer prices are a bit steep...
  12. Day 1. Walked out of hotel. Took 2 left turns. Entered Pancake Manor. Ate a GLUTEN FREE pancake with bacon and syrup !! :-) :-) PRIORITIES MATE PRIORITIES. Pah ! bank, licence, job - what are you people like ?
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