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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Immi doesn't show Co assigned, no, just Application Received, Assessment in Progress, Documents Requested and Finalized, as far as I know. And it could go straight from Application Received to Finalized.
  2. There are a maximum of 9 more business days this year so hopefully they'll just keep working. They said they were allocating July files 2.5 weeks ago, so we ought to see a bit of movement.
  3. A friend told me today that most govt departments work until 24th, then return after New Year. So another 9 processing days potentially.
  4. If your 457 visa is still valid then you can travel as normal, there is no need to get a bridging visa with permission to travel, that's only for use if your 457 expires and you still haven't been processed.
  5. Yes, I found that this evening, but the website definitely said that colour scans were sufficient when we applied back in July, we checked and double checked. They've obviously tightened things up. Current position (as at 10/12/2015 - http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/186-/Employer-Nomination-Scheme-(subclass-186)-applicant-document-checklist
  6. So what's the standard now then for Transfer Stream, certified copies of birth cert, marriage cert, passport ID page? I might go and get those done anyway, I will be distraught to be delayed any further at this stage, and I expect arguing the toss with a CO that colour scans were stipulated as sufficient at the time of lodging (which they were...) won't get me far except deported, which is a bit too far!
  7. Well there goes that hypothesis... Then again we're trying to look for consistency here, has the last 5 months [sob!] on this forum taught us nothing??
  8. I sure I read that colour scans were an acceptable alternative to certified copies. Cheaper too...
  9. @Sampa Did you copy and paste the info from here : http://www.australianimmigrationvisas.com.au/employer-nomination-scheme-ensregional-sponsored-migration-scheme-rsms-decision-ready-application-processing-frequently-asked-questions/ Because the rest of that article refers to decision ready processing, which ended in Dec 2013, so that info is hardly current.
  10. Yeah, no way was I risking that, the training benchmark was a huge problem for my disorganised firm (they even missed the grant of nomination, I had to chase it up with Immi two months later) which is why we're STILL waiting...
  11. I thought everyone had to be nominated by their sponsor company first, then their personal visa application is made, either at the same time or once nomination is approved. That's the way it has been for me anyway, I'm transition stream.
  12. All but two had lodged their nominations a few weeks before their visas, so were really in the June application pile I guess. You would hope that applications without supporting documents just get kicked back with a request for a whole checklist of documents, then it's on to the next (hopefully better prepared) application. Some more visibility in the system would reduce the stress I think, a change of status to Allocated, then to Processing, then to Woo Hoo, PR granted, Yay! (They can change the labels, it's just a suggestion) because it's the silence that is so frustrating. But the system's not focused on our feelings, so as long as they pull their fingers out and start processing again at normal pace, we'll all be happy in the end...
  13. And finally, the latest (June 15) document here http://www.border.gov.au/about/reports-publications/research-statistics/statistics/live-in-australia/state-and-territory On page 20 it looks to me (it's late and I'm on my fiddly tablet!) that there were 34,000 individual ENS visas granted in the year to June 2015, with a total of 16,000 applications (which included secondary family members). So that's better, but still too huge for comfort.
  14. Sources are here : http://www.border.gov.au/about/reports-publications/research-statistics/statistics/work-in-australia
  15. According to some statistics I've just found on DIBP website, over 50,000 457 visas transitioned to PR in the year to June 2015. So there are a LOT of applications we're not seeing in this forum. I'm trying to keep the faith, I truly hope that they won't let allocated cases sit on desks while COs are on leave over Xmas, as that would blow out their internal KPIs which they're bound to have. So, let's have some positive thinking for end June/July allocated files guys!
  16. @tuckersgirl - once you have lodged your visa application you will see that there is a link on the Immi dashboard to get your health check authorisation code, at which time you can go ahead and book your health checks. The immi dashboard has changed since I lodged my docs so I'm not sure how exactly it will look. Has your employer lodged their nomination application yet? In my experience that was by far the most complicated part, making sure the training benchmark was all satisfied. Also, are you planning a trip back to the UK any time soon? I would imagine that the UK police checks would have to be redone after that, so keep that in mind, as you're looking at up to 6 months from lodging your visa application for it to be decided.
  17. Yup, looks like it's down. The whole of border.gov.au is down according to a checker - ouch... Maybe they'll have to lighten the load on the system by approving all outstanding visa applications!
  18. Is it worth trying an email as per the above while your application is still in the queue? All you'll lose is the time to write an email, and you might get the authorisation back so you can get it sorted before you come to the top of the pile. Although speaking as a July 1st visa-only (nomination already approved) applicant who hasn't been contacted yet despite the automated email messages for the last 2 weeks, the top of the pile still seems a loooooong way away...
  19. Does this help? https://www.border.gov.au/Lega/Lega/Form/Immi-FAQs/where-do-i-go-to-get-my-photograph-and-fingerprints-taken Ah, that'll be a no then... https://www.border.gov.au/FAQs/Pages/Does-the-Department-provide-fingerprinting-services-for-police-clearances.aspx
  20. Hey, September people! It looks like someone (@natzsilver) has been a little overexcited in editing the spreadsheet - you might want to pop back in and restore your names in the correct places!
  21. Who is sponsoring your visa application? The company which has nominated you has confirmed in its application that it is prepared to offer you permanent employment, so unless I've got this very wrong, it would not look good to Immi if you flag up that you are now a contractor and not a full time employee. Do you know if your sponsoring company have been contacted for further information about their nomination of you? Mine did, and no-one noticed, for a couple of weeks...:mad: If you just want to "check on progress of your visa" however, you should have received an auto response email when you submitted your visa application, mine is from NSW PSE and titled IMMI Acknowledgement of Application Received. At the bottom of each page of the letter attached to that email should be a direct telephone number. I'm NOT saying you should call it, as I know there's been a lot of complaints about people calling direct and delaying things generally, but if you have heard nothing and you know that people have been granted visas from end-June applications, then if I were you I'd give them a call, although do not give them any reason to doubt you're no longer a full time employee and that you're looking for another job. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  22. There is no legal obligation for you to stay with your employer (nor for them to keep you on), your visa is permanent, but I'd be wary about making a move too quickly if you don't have to.
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