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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. I think it's more that his visa application rode on the coat tails of the nomination.
  2. Looks like some sort of formatting error. I've rolled the spreadsheet back to when it was last correct, which was early on 8/1 I'm afraid, but there were only 8 revisions between then and now, so if anyone has amended the spreadsheet since then, can you please redo your amendments?
  3. GRANTED!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness! Received a phone call about 15 mins ago saying they couldn't open my husband's AFP clearance, could I send it again - I said yes, that'll take me ooh, 30 seconds, don't go away. Sent it, 10 mins later. the most anticipated emails EVER arrived in my inbox. Awesome!!
  4. No idea, it's very frustrating... I presume, as per Maggie's analogy a few pages back, I'm allocated, and in the queue for processing, but behind someone who's lost crucial documents and the dog has gently chewed their passport, so they're taking ages to process in front of me.
  5. Oh good grief, do I really have to wait until after Xmas for any news? I was so sure it would be a quick grant, just the visa, nomination already in, so October, well, early November then, yay - November 25th, allocating end June early July, that's us, it'll be anytime now, hmmm, how about end of November, gosh it's December already, it must be soon, still allocating July / mid July / early July, surely everything allocated must be dealt with before Xmas, surely, surely???? <Sits in a corner and rocks, sobbing quietly...>
  6. This is weird. You are from transition stream. Why did CO ask for degree certificate... This should have been assessed while applying for visa 457 and shouldn't be required for visa 186. That's what I was thinking, I thought I'd missed something. I've just been looking at my immi account and wondering what category it would be in, we don't need skills assessment.
  7. Great news! Where in Australia are you? Are NSW working until 6:15pm their time? Can't they just make grants all through the day, not at the beginning and end as it usually seems?
  8. And this tells us? That there is no coherent service standard which COs abide by, it's purely the luck of the draw. Or the bad luck. Bitter? Me? Bah humbug...
  9. I think they're only supposed to be off on the 25th and the 1st,although it will probably be a skeleton staff between Xmas and New Year.
  10. Look, July checks for August visa application should be fine. All I'm saying is that the previous poster was talking about lodging nomination in January. I did nomination separately from visa, as my company are useless record keepers and I didn't want to waste the visa money if the nomination failed. My nomination went in in November 2014, was granted May 2015, and I have no doubt that any health check from October/November 2014 would be (quite understandably) kicked out quite quickly if I tried to use it for my application now and it's a lot of money to throw away.
  11. I think the important word there is usually. There's no benefit in doing the medicals much before lodging your application, and they give you a specific route to apply for them once your visa application is submitted, visa the HAP system, so don't tempt fate to get a picky CO who wants it redone if visa processing is delayed - the 6 months it's currently taking is stressful enough as it is.
  12. You should wait until you lodge your visa application to do the health checks, otherwise they risk being out of date. Common sense would dictate that police checks remain valid if you haven't gone back to the UK since, but I wouldn't bet on it, COs are being rather picky nowadays. Maybe shoot them an email once your application is lodged?
  13. The common sense answer would be that it's valid if you haven't left Australia since you got the clearance, therefore you couldn't have done anything else... However, common sense doesn't necessarily apply with Immi it seems sometimes... Try emailing the address on your application acknowledgement or bridging visa letter, they should respond within a week.
  14. No one can say, have a look at the spreadsheet and at this thread. Some people get both at the same time, some a few days apart, some a month later. There's no way to predict it, I'm sorry.
  15. 9 What? Surely this is beyond their remit? The criteria for a 186 transition visa is 2+ years on a 457 in that job. There is no requirement to check skills. That's ridiculous, and a complete waste of CO time and ours.
  16. Have a look at the Google document in my signature, and add your details on the October tab. That way we can all see the makeup of this forum group.
  17. Check with your MA that Immi will not keep the old application and check it against new ones for inconsistencies. Surely it's a complete waste of money (and of the CO's time so far) to start all over again? Can your MA not correspond with the CO, if you can show from group certs that you worked there, then state that you cannot explain the inconsistency with your employer's statement, but in any event the the work experience is not relevant and just detach it from your application?
  18. Surely your MA should advise you on that? But as above, can you find your payslips, contract or bank statements showing money going in, and submit them with a document stating when you worked there, what you did, and that you included that out of completeness even though it was not directly relevant to your present application. But seriously get your MA to do something worthwhile, you're paying them...
  19. The phone number should be on the Bridging Visa and Acknowledgement of Application which you'd have got automatically on receipt of your application.
  20. I feel for you Rishikesri, but I can only say, from reading this forum for the last 5 months, there is no-one who can tell you when you will get your approval. There are so many variables, I suspect even the PESE teams across the country have little clue of what the others are doing, and no matter how reassuring people can try to be, saying "You will get it this week" is not within anyone's knowledge or control. I wish someone could wave a magic wand and give us some transparency in this process, but it is not possible. After all, why did they change the automatic response to "Currently allocating July" on 25th November and since then appear to have processed about 3 applications, and those were from June!??! We just all have to wait, and carry on as normal - refreshing Gmail, clicking on Spam, refreshing again, just checking other folders, clicking on Spam again, logging onto My Immi in case the auto reminder hasn't been triggered, checking the correspondence tab for invisible emails which may have been sent, check the forum for news, refresh Gmail, check Spam... That's all normal, right???:eek:
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