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Posts posted by bj27

  1. You are very correct bro. But i meant that i couldn't see any post regarding allocating of COs after 14/09/2011 in our thread "New Cat 4 July 1st 2011"................



    Try not to worry too much! We're getting close, and does it really make a big difference to have a CO this week or maybe four weeks from now? I really think we will have a CO in October or November at the latest. And even if we would have a visa grant today (which is impossible) we would still not be able to fly before May. We need to sell the house, the kids need a chance to get used to the idea and we need to arrange a lot of things.


    What I'm trying to say is: don't freak yourself out. If you don't get a CO today, you will have one within a reasonable time. No worries mate!

  2. A little tip for everyone, When I had my first medical for my onshore student visa in Oz. I went from work in Perth to the medical centre on Williams Street having drunk 3 cups of coffee and saving going to the loo because I knew I had to give a urine sample.


    When I gave the sample.....lets just say it was very dark from where Id been holding.


    When they tested the urine I unfortunately failed the first and second test. They advised I go and drink plenty of water have a walk and return in an hour.... which I did (5 pints of water, a KFC and large coke). The third test , the urine was clear as can be due to the amount Id drunk....I passed.


    Moral of this story..........


    Drink plenty of water prior to your medical and dont hold... :eek:



    :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:


    My apologies, it is a very good tip, seriously




  3. More to the point, is anyone doing any work today???


    The sun is shining here in London and I can only day dream about being down under and getting that Visa....


    I tried.... honestly, I tried.... just like yesterday... and the day before yesterday... and .... :wub:

  4. I know me too. It is disappointing especially when the DIAC seem to be moving so fast. I keep checking my online app but think I will leave it for a while as I keep getting my hopes up lol

    I know! I'm feeling sorry for my employer, because I have one eye on poi etc and only one eye left for work :laugh:.

  5. Hi all,


    For those of us awaiting CO's. Here is an update from my agent:


    Applications have not moved since December 2010 for your priority.


    They seem to be working on applications who were in priority 5 but have moved to priority 4 due to the new SOL (Skilled Occupations List) as of 1st July 2011.


    Some of these go back to 2008 so there are a few of them to assess.


    We will let you know when they start looking again at January 2011 processes to give you an indication of where they are.

    thanks for sharing.

    What a disappointment.

    Ok, I agree that 2008 and 2009 should go first. But hey, after the updates of last week, I was expecting some progress into 2011 :mad:.

  6. Tania TURN ME PINK, Got a case officer Team 4, Our Daughter is 18 and they have asked proof that she is still dependent, which she well and truly is.........Has anyone else had to send this info, if yes, what did you send?? Iam semding copies of her bank statement and her offer of a course at uni.


    Su x




    you know what? I'm actually loosing count with all these COs and grants :-D

  7. Hi

    We are hoping to move to Adelaide, hopefully if we get granted the visa we will go next year for a look around and see where that takes us!!:biggrin:

    Have you ever been before?


    we have.... for holidays. It was hot and dry and the restaurants were great and the market too :wink:

    That's different though from living there, I know.

    We plan to move somewhere in 2012, depending on the sale of our house...


    I cant stop shaking we have a CO :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:and I am at work but really shocked excited and all the rest I haven't been able to tell my husband as he is at work, we have been asigned team 4:biglaugh::wacko::biglaugh:



    congratulations!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

    I am so happy for you!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    This was a great week already, today is an even better day :jiggy:

  9. Wow! They have officially allocated CO'S up to 1 December 2010!!!




    YES!!!! This is the kind of news we were hoping for :biggrin: :biggrin: :jiggy:

    2 months in 2 weeks, that's more like it!

    Good start of the weekend :twitcy:

    Let's hope the oldcat4-ers will be processed at least as quickly, but yes, I do hope it will be our turn in a few weeks :hug:

  10. OMG I received an email this morning from a job I saw on seek, as it was direct through the company I did not apply for the position but sent a letter of interest. This is the response I have received back this morning.:shocked:



    Hello Anne,

    thank you for you resume and email.

    We were very impressed with your experience and would be more than happy to have you along for an interview once you have settled here in Australia.

    We are on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

    We have decided to go with an agency engineer until early next year, so will re open our full time position then. This may work in well with your situation.



    Here is a more detailed look at the position.

    So guys keep looking on seek and even though we don’t have the golden ticket yet there is no reason why we can’t send C.V’s out this letter has just blown me away I am gonna try and keep in touch with the company over the next few months and then if anything goes west with the visa process (i love U Diac) we might just be able to gain sponsorship. :jiggy::jiggy::hug::hug::notworthy:


    wow, that's great! Very happy for you :biggrin:

  11. Your doing a fine job, we need all the help and infomation we can get that is why we use this forum. if we only want fact then the address is www.immi.gov.au.

    come on lets get back to the point of the thread and that is to help each other through this hard, life changing experience.

    Heads up everyone we will get through this together.:wubclub::wubclub:

    my thoughts exactly. It is easy enough to get depressed or stressed out or both, so it is great to read these snippets of information that you wouldn't get otherwise. We're all grown ups here and know the difference between facts and rumor, and none of us is going to sell a house or something on rumor, are we? Facts is when you have a CO or a grant. This here is a way of staying on top of the emotional roller coaster.

    Tania, you're just great, you know how I feel about that.

  12. the end of November, that would be great for cat5ers too. ;-)


    I know I'm impatient, but with the results of last week and this week, I can't wait to see the allocation update on the diac site... Next Monday perhaps?

  13. Morning all,


    The first page is looking very colourful all the 885 have all now got a CO or Visa grant, I think this week is been a good week already we have had 3 with CO and 1 with visa grant. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:




    And we're only halfway with this week :biglaugh: If we can keep this rate going we'll end up with 6 COs and 2 grants... :cute:

  14. I have been granted 885 visa today. I received a grant letter from Adelaide team 8. There was not any request from CO.

    My application was paper based.

    My wife, children and I am so happy.

    Thanks all. Wish good luck to you all.


    congratulations! :biggrin: All the best to you too!

  15. Hi Tania,


    I've been following this and Connie's forum since we submitted our 175 in February of this year. Last Thursday morning I received a text message from a DIAC agent who was trying to email me. I was on holiday last week and therefore my inbox was full! I emailed him back a couple of hours later when I had cleared it but have only received a response this morning, having been on tenterhooks all weekend.


    We have a case officer from Team 2!




    Great news! Congratulations! Team 2 is really going fast :-).

  16. Has anyone sold or in the process of selling up prior to getting a CO?


    our house will be on sale as of tomorrow! We don't have a CO, hope to have one this year. We will have to have sold the house before we can move, so decided to start early. If the house sells too soon, we'll rent something. It's a lot easier to plan a move when you live in a rental.

    I have to add that we already wanted to leave this house, so even if the visa will be refused we want to sell.

  17. well, I think it is relatively safe to say that those who did receive the 18 March e-mail will be processed quicker than the ones who did not.

    So, logically, you should have a CO sooner than me, even though your application date is 4 days later :cool::wink:.

  18. response from my agent after i asked what the current processing status is.


    Hi Paula


    We have just received a medical request for a client lodged on the 16th December 2010


    Kind Regards



    that's good news!! thx for sharing

  19. Have not read the last few posts as ive just got in but





    :laugh: :biggrin: :laugh: congratulations!!! Great news!! I'm sure all the other new-cat4-ers will be following in no time :jiggy:

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